EDITORIAL, Sep 20 (VNN) — The headlines on VNN and Chakra, the popular source for daily news for the followers of AC Bhaktivedanta Swami, have been headlining the suspected poisoning of our Acharya.
Recent headlines on VNN and Chakra have again been featuring the suspected poisoning of our ever-well wisher, His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Srila Prabhupada. My name has surfaced in many recent articles due to my role in heading-up the Independent Vaisnava Council (IVC). I will explain how I came to assume this responsibility. On November 6, 1997, VNN announced that an Independent Vaishnava Council was forming, headed by Balavanta das, for the purpose of investigating circumstances surrounding Srila Prabhupada's health care in 1977. Isa das, who had recently come forward with tapes of Srila Prabhupada's final days, was joined on the Council by Naveen Krsna das, Bir Krsna Swami, Jagajivan das, Citrakara das, and Madhava Ashraya das, who also volunteered as participants. The objectives of the Independent Vaishnava Council were reported to be as follows:
- completely translate and analyze the audio tapes
- interview all devotees involved in the care of Srila Prabhupada in 1977
- interview all kavirajas involved in the treatment of Srila Prabhupada in 1977
- analyze the content of the medications given to Srila Prabhupada in 1977
- determine if there was ill intent or negligence on any party involved in Srila Prabhupada's care in 1977
On November 11, 1997, Balavanta dasa released a letter stating that he had been appointed by the GBC Executive Committee as special independent investigator into charges that Srila Prabhupada was allegedly poisoned.
When confronted with requests that ongoing results of the investigation be made public, Balavanta dasa announced that he was unable to publicly discuss the investigation, and therefore could not represent the Independent Vaishnava Council. The Council, by that time, was comprised of a loosely knit group of devotees who were communicating concerns, comparing personal investigations of the tapes, and assisting with the gathering of information.
Some VNN staff members and Isa dasa then requested that I take responsibility for ensuring the organization of the Independent Vaisnava Council. I agreed to begin the process of developing a more formalized structure for the Council by coordinating interested participants, creating an on-line venue to house the Council's documents, and posting preliminary documents the Council could begin working with. The IVC site is located at www.harekrsna.com/council/council.htm.
During this time I had been actively developing my preaching website, www.harekrsna.com. The philosophical theme I was focused upon was the necessity of freedom of expression and press within society. I feel that this "constitutional guarantee" is a most important pillar for the well being and protection of the citizens. Basically, this is a Brahminical designation. Brahmins are obliged to stay aloof from any political or economic situation within society so they can freely search out the truth and speak their mind without fear of retribution. This being Kaliyuga, with no established Varna Asrama institution, we have to consider principles such as freedom of information and expression as a practical alternative. Power is control of information. ISKCON history has proven this statement to be true.
Why is it that the poisoning issue, child abuses and many other grievances have only recently been brought out in the open? There are undoubtedly a multitude of factors, but the most prominent are:
- the advent and prominent use of the Internet as a news source, resulting in a large number of Vaisnavas freeing themselves from the intimidating influence of the institution, and
- individuals growing up not only physically, as in the case of the children, but also emotionally, intellectually and philosophically, and basically thinking for themselves.
My motivation for volunteering to organize a "virtual committee" was in line with this principle of getting the known information out into the open. Law enforcement agencies also utilize the mass media in an attempt to motivate citizens to come forward with needed information. The popular TV program, "America's Most Wanted", has contributed to the apprehension of many criminals. The IVC members felt that there were many persons who did not have Internet access, who would benefit by a presentation of the emerging facts, evidence and indications. We felt that some might be in possession of valuable information, and would be motivated to come forward if the emerging evidence could be shared with them on a CD.
After all, the public knowledge that Srila Prabhupada clearly and repeatedly stated in his last manifested days, "I have been poisoned", was the catalyst that led to the IVC's formation. Srila Prabhupada's statements are what motivated Isa dasa to dust off the forgotten tapes and listen carefully, while others discovered disturbing "whispers" which seemed to verify Srila Prabhupada's declaration. It also was brought to the the attention of Mahabuddhi dasa; Naveen Krsna dasa and then Balavanta dasa. I was willing to participate in the IVC process because highly respected devotees were making the request.
As word of the IVC's formation circulated others stepped forward, most notably Nityananda, Dhanesvara, and Jagannatha prabhus. Dhanesvara agreed to compose a CD presentation of the investigation's findings, and along came Jagannatha, unsolicited, expressing his willingness to assist.
Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 20:22:11 -0500
To: rocana@harekrsna.com (Rocana dasa)
Subject: Re: Poison
Dear Rocana Dasa
Please accept my humble pranams, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada.
My phone number is 716-438-5580 and Fax is 716-438-5483. Our second email address is vrnda@webtv.net
Letting ISKCON investigate this matter is like letting the foxes run the chicken house. No information should be given to them. I fear this Balavanta Investigation is simply a rubber stamp event.
I own a recording studio with all digital computerized equipment worth about $250,000.
I can even record CD's. Two of my karmi associates David St. Onge and Fred Betchen would do the work. The money is for them. I would advise having a devotee fly in to witness the examination.
Please let me know what would like to do. By the way lets have a North American Mela here at SRI.
Jagannatha Dasa
Based on this offer of assistance, I recommended that the IVC send a member to take a look at Jagannatha's asrama. My experience with him in Eastern Canada in the 1980's left me concerned. While I wondered if the leopard had changed his spots, I joined the Council members in feeling that we were not in a position to dismiss offers of assistance out of hand. Resources were far too short, and the task before us seemed enormous. Arrangements were made for Dhanesvara to visit Jagannatha's scene, and Nityananda said he would capitalize the journey. Upon arriving there, however, Dhanesvara was suddenly advised that his host was leaving for India imminently, and if his studio resources were to be made available, work had to commence immediately… which also translated into "money has to be exchanged now". As the sole funding source, Nityananda dasa made the decision to proceed quickly, and the IVC member's concerns about Jagannatha's stability were sidelined in deference to the call for quick action.
This affair began as a cooperative effort in search of truth. Jagannatha, the professional clown, has not surprisingly turned it into a circus. Still, despite all the melodrama, an informative CD was created. Upon hearing the first draft of the CD, the IVC members voted to delay distribution until the introduction was re-recorded, replacing Jagannath's overly theatrical soliloquy with a more sober version. Perhaps it was his desire for an audience that motivated Jagannath to steal the CD master. Whatever the motivation, thanks to his theft and unauthorized distribution of the master copy, the CD was well circulated and produced some interesting results. Now, Jagannatha is again giving the CD revived attention in the community of devotees, this time from the other side of the fence. For all his faults, Sri Jagannath Puripada is a marvelous marketer. On behalf of the IVC, many thanks. He has even exposed Chakra and the GBC as opportunist buffoons willing to associate in the public arena with the likes of "Jagannatha the jokester", when they think it serves them -- a fickle audience, at best. Keep up the good work, Puripada. More and more of the curious public want to know what all the ranting and raving is about. Let's listen to the CD and read that book!
Dhanavira, another humorous character, has recently entered the circus ring. The GBC must be wondering why they have spent so much time and money engaging a professional lawyer like Balavanta dasa when all they had to do was get the Kansas City phone number for His Holiness. For the absolute answer to all controversial questions, he is waiting.
And, the biochemist, Deva Gaura Hari, writes an impressive, very scientific (sounding) paper. Let us keep in mind that all his testimonial evidence is coming from a personality arbitrarily declaring himself a "nurse". Abhirama's only qualification for this position is that he happens to be the personal, long time friend of the chief suspect. Both Abhirama and Hari Sauri renounced their personal service weeks before Srila Prabhupada declared he was being poisoned. Perhaps if they had been present they'd have taken Srila Prabhupada's poison statements seriously. In the movement at that time there were a number of genuine medical professionals who would have gladly taken up this service. There was also no shortage of money for qualified attendants or laboratory tests -- whatever was needed could have been made available. New Delhi, India's Capital City, was a few hours drive away. Facility and experts abounded.
As the last twenty years of ISKCON history have it, Srila Prabhupada was amazingly conscious up until the time of his departure, commenting on Srimad Bhagavatam, engaging in lucid conversation, all despite his obviously deteriorated physical condition. How is it therefore "offensive" to question the lack of decisive action after repeatedly hearing Srila Prabhupada's clearly articulated statements of his suspected poisoning? Not only were these declarations made by the Founder-Acarya and spiritual master of all those present, but by a personality who in his professional family life was an expert medical chemist! The only common sense conclusion is that most of those present, particularly those in charge, had to have either thought Srila Prabhupada was delirious or joking, or they had some other reason to ignore his concerns. The undeniable fact remains that nothing was done. No professionals called in, no tests, no examination! The aurvedic kaviraj was initially concerned, then strangely silenced. By whom?
Just set aside for a moment the CD, book, whispers, hair analysis, poison symptoms, etc., and focus on Srila Prabhupada's statements. We have already heard the unconvincing explanations from the pens of those fearful of losing institutional power. While their illogical position papers will keep the minds of many of their followers from questioning further, those ranks are gradually dwindling. Despite all the accumulating evidence, it still simply boils down to whether you believe Srila Prabhupada was seriously lucid -- or not. If you don't, then what do you believe?
Rocana dasa
September 18, 1999
Due to recently unfolding events, I am offering to reproduce either CD or cassette copies of the "The Poison CD", at no cost. Feel free to request a copy by email: rocana@harekrsna.com. Contact Nityananda dasa at rivervillage@pop.mindspring.com to order a copy of the book, "Someone Has Poisoned Me".