June 29, 1999 VNN4190 Comment on this story
Fixing The Situation At Malati's Asrama
EDITORIAL, Jun 29 (VNN) My dear prabhu and respected vaisnavas . We are hearing so much about the situation at Malati's 'asrama' lately (see VNN story# 4148), that gradually it is becoming clear that the situation there must be counter productive to anyone developing Krsna consciousness. One cannot develop the gentle qualities of a devotee by being subjected to an atmosphere of guilt, threats, and intimidation. Sooner or later those who take shelter there will have a change of heart about wanting to be part of our movement and go away.
Someone healthy and responsible had better step in there and take control before something goes wrong or someone goes over the edge. It is the responsibility of the GBC to take an aggressive and positive role in the actual development of our movement, but unfortunately sometimes we do not see any evidence of that? We need someone with some courage and leadership to actually open their eyes and see that something is wrong and that something practical needs to be done in a real life situation. I don't mean to start writing something we can't even understand that begins with... "Wherein we resolve...", But I mean to get up, get in their car and drive there and walk in the door and assess the situation and perhaps relieve Malati of her management position so that she can take a little rest.
We need leaders again that are actually part of our lives. Real people who care about the everyday lives of the devotees and are willing to throw away politics and roll up their sleeves and do something practical. Poor Malati must be miserable always struggling, trying to keep strict control and force everyone around her to do as they are told.
Contrasted to what is being described as an insane asylum would be an asrama for young, innocent girls where there is respect for others and encouragement and gentle guidance--a place for spiritual nuturement and god-sisterhood--as they gradually purify their lives. A true leader knows how to enthuse others by their love, enthusiasm, encouragement, understanding, and most of all, kindness. One naturally wants to emulate such leaders and follow them. But this forcing by intimidation or 'guilt tripping' and threats will lead no where. Maybe a 'leader' might reach some of their personal goals, but these young people that are coming to us and trusting us to help them become Krsna's servants are getting cheated. They are what all these buildings and books are all about. They are for the benefit of the unfortunate souls who seek out Srila Prabhupada to shelter them from the onslaught and ravages of material nature. They are not for our own material benefits!
It is quite likely that Malati is just not fit for the job. She is probably a very nice devotee but is in way over her head. There are many other ways that she can serve Krsna. We have a temple president here at Alachua who is also a woman. She is a very qualified manager and knows how to get others to help her in so many endeavors. She does not threaten or yell. She encourages and sets a good example. Every day I see her alone cleaning out some closet in the temple, or sweeping the varanda, or washing all the pots by herself after the Sunday feast. Malati could come here and take a break in the country for a while and just do nothing but chant and relax for a while. After a few days she can gradually start serving Krsna doing some tasks. There are more closets to clean and if she would help Mother Nandaji with the pots on Sunday that would help her cleanse her heart.
Too much emphasis is given nowadays to position or political standing. Let the GBC wash the pots, and we will soon bridge some of the gaps So there is an art to leading devotees. And it is never too late for old dogs to learn new tricks I was there in Detroit in 1969 when a letter came to Bhagavan das from Srila Prabhupada where our gurudeva gave this simple formula for getting others to engage in devotional service. I am so grateful to have read this with my own eyes. It has turned out to be one of the major instructions that have formed my understanding of how this desire for Krsna consciousness activity can be instilled in others in a way that is far different from the 'just surrender prabhu' regardless if you want to do it or not.
Srila Prabhupada wrote ''My dear Bhagavan, please accept my blessings. I am so glad to see that whenever someone comes to serve Krsna, you know the art of engaging them as they like to serve Krsna, not forcing them to do something that they do not like to do. No intelligent person will accept that process"
I remain the humble servant to the Vaisnavas, Mahananda dasa
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