WORLD November 7, 1998 VNN2472 Challenge to Jayapataka Swami and the GBC BY JAYAPATAKA SWAMI
Description: Text COM:1827853 From: Jayapataka Swami (GBC) Date: 05-Nov-98 11:51 To: GBC Discussions [6999] Subject: Challenge to JPS and to the GBC:
Camp: Bhisma Pancaka, Sri Mayapur Candrodaya Mandir, SriMayapur Dham, INDIA
My Dear Godbrother Kalakantha Prabhu,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to SrilaPrabhupada! Thank you for your letter cited below with mycomments. I have noted the contents carefully.
> Dear Jayapataka Maharaja (with copy to GBC > discussions), > > Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to > Srila Prabhupada. > > Thank you for your letter in response to my criticisms > about your remarks to the GBC concerning the ISKCON > reform exercise in Alachua. You've written, "I don't > know what I can do to heal the wound which I > inadvertently opened. I am open to any suggestion from > you." > > I appreciate your offer to help heal this wound. You > say you did not read my Alachua report to the GBC > carefully, hence your remarks. I accept that.
I am glad that you have accepted my apologies and thingsare straight on that account.
> Please carefully read this suggestion. > > I suggest that you submit yourself to an anonymous, > non-binding vote of confidence among your GBC > Godbrothers in your ISKCON capacities as initiating > guru and GBC Zonal Secretary.
Whatever system of review, accountability andimprovement the GBC implemented up to now I have ashumbly as possible cooperated with. I have beenreviewed by the 50 Man committee. Recently by theDeputy GBC's who are mainly not my Godbrothers.However, to be reviewed by disciples or those on thelevel of disciples (who are not GBC members) seems outof the etiquette and had a detrimental effect in regardsto faith in the Guru institution in ISKCON in my humbleopinion.
As far as communicating with me, why only the GBCmembers, I am open to any of my godbrothers, godsistersor any devotee writing to me or discussing with me aboutanything I am doing. I am trying to act on theprinciples of sadhu, sastra and guru that I haveunderstood although I think I have room for improvement.As a Guru anything I do I must be prepared to defendsince it is my duty to act according to sadhu, sastraand guru.
> Your two letters have deeply inspired me to speak up.
I am glad something I did has inspired you.
> I am but one of many zoneless, discipleless, > penniless, voiceless members of ISKCON who are fed up > with the high-profile, Prabhupada-obscuring level of > guru worship which you practice, teach, and defend.
Well here you define me as:
1) high-profile:
I have been trying to understand what this High Profilething is. I live in India were there are 200,000 sadhusaccording to official estimates. Tens of thousands ofGurus. Amongst all these gurus I am certainly in thelowest 5% in terms of Guru Profile. Maybe the profilerequired in India is different than that in Alachua.What is the standard to judge High, Medium and Low. Ithink I am medium to medium-low profile. If you want tosee high then look at videos of Bhagavan at his peak.Look at Sankaracarya coming into the Kumbha Mela with aGold staff on his Elephant with thousands of Naga Baba'sdancing with Trishula's in front of him. That is highprofile. See the Sri Sampradaya Guru going with someonebanging a gong in front to clear the crowds and aservant caring his wooden shoes for devotees to touch ashe walks. That is high profile. ISKCON Guru profile isalmost an underground movement now. Hardly anything isopen or public.
How can following Srila Prabhupada's instructions inregard to Guru-disciple relationship be considered"Prabhupada-obscuring"? You state you are fed up, butnever once have you personally communicated with me whatis your concern and how you feel I could be a betterservant of Srila Prabhupada in regards to my duties as aSpiritual Master in ISKCON. I have been struggling tounderstand what it is that I am doing against theinstructions of Srila Prabhupada that can be considered"High Profile". My standard was considered the lowestProfile of ISKCON spiritual masters at one point inISKCON's history. Gradually the "High Profile" gurushave left and now I am left so it seems everyone isganging up on me. It would be nice if you shared withme what I am doing that is against Srila Prabhupada'sinstructions in this regard. I sincerely think that whatI am doing is the way to please Srila Prabhupada in thisregard, but I am open to practical suggestions on how toimprove.
Srila Prabhupada said disciples should call theirSpiritual Master as Visnupada, Acaryadeva, Prabhupada,Gurudeva, His Divine Grace, etc. We have reserved SrilaPrabhupada for Srila Prabhupada, but if my disciplesfollow Srila Prabhupada's instructions in privatelyaddressing their Spiritual Master is that the highprofile?
Or is the "High Profile" the fact that sometimesdisciples offer me a reception when I come after a longseperation? During Srila Prabhupada's presence I amtold receptions were offered to devotees on variousoccasions. A reception doesn't seem to be against SrilaPrabhupada's instructions.
Or is the "High Profile" the fact that disciples worshipme at all in "guru puja"? All sastras say disciplesshould worship their Spiritual Master and offerobeisances three times a day. The Guru puja is offeredalong with other ISKCON Guru's photos, is held in somedesignated place usually far away from the Temple room.It is certainly not compulsory to attend but anydisciple who wants can attend.
Since Srila Prabhupada felt that ceremonies in regard toGuru were helpful for his disciples why should I thinkmy more neophyte disciples won't also be helped byfollowing a similar set of etiquette? Whose role modelshould I follow other than Srila Prabhupada's?
It seems that the present standard of Guru worship thatis authorized in ISKCON is considered "High Profile" bysome devotees and since I practice it I am beingpersonally attacked. That seems a highly unethical wayof changing a standard in ISKCON avoiding sastra andguru references.
> By straightforwardly determining whether your position > is supported or not by the majority of the GBC > members, you will help people like me determine the > direction of our service.
Why would support for my activities affect the directionof your devotional service? Isn't your commitment toserve Srila Prabhupada independent of what I do? Ifthinking about what I do and being affected by itobscures Srila Prabhupada in your mind then why thinkabout me at all? I am an insignificant jiva trying todo some devotional service in the best way I know how.Why be pre-occupied with me so long as I adhere to theprinciples?
> This exercise will be good for you as well. You will > understand your true relationship with your GBC > Godbrothers. If the GBC endorses you, you are > vindicated from your critics. If the GBC determines > your position to be unfounded, you can benefit > spiritually. You may also avoid a tragic interruption > to a wonderful devotional career that has been met by > Harikesa prabhu and so many others.
I am a servant of Srila Prabhupada. Srila Prabhupada isrepresented in some respects by the GBC. I will try todo whatever they say. I hope their decisions alwaysfollow what Srila Prabhupada and sastra state.
Why do I need the GBC to tell me if my position isunfounded. Anyone can tell me if they think my positionis unfounded. You know the ISKCON Law perfectly welland can advise me if there is anything I am doing whichcontravenes ISKCON Law. I am committed to followingISKCON Law as an ISKCON member. You have proposedchanges to ISKCON Law even if I don't agree with some ofthem I will try to follow them if they are made the Law.
> You are as adamant about the status quo as are the > fanatic ritviks about their empty philosophy. As I > cannot support the ritviks, I can no longer in good > conscience support the GBC if they intend to continue > or are helpless to check the unrealistic guru profile > you espouse.
Well yes I am adamant about following sadhu, sastra andguru. Shouldn't we all be adamant about that. I am notadamant about status quo. I believe ISKCON needs toimprove. I don't think the status quo is good enough.There should be more respect given to all vaisnavas,more training, more personalism, more many things. Whosaid I am for status quo? Don't believe it. We agreeon more points than you think.
If someone says that in principle what I am doing isvalid, but they want me to tone something down forsometime in consideration of the current time, place andcircumstances I would be happy to consider that in thatlight.
If someone says that worshipping the guru by hisdisciple is wrong then I am adamant against that sinceit is against sastra.
You just keep saying I have a "high" profile,"unrealistic" profile. You don't explain what in youropinion is "high" or "unrealistic" about what I amdoing. You leave me to speculate on it. Neither do yougive any sastra, no Srila Prabhupada references---it isall mere opinion. I am listening to you, but all I hearis pent up frustration and possibly hatred towards theprevious guru system which you are taking out on me forreasons only known to you. I hear you but if your wordsdon't seem to represent my Spiritual Master to me then Idon't have to follow you. I am willing to listen if youcan convince me that what you are saying has some basisand would really be pleasing to Srila Prabhupada and isnot just the popular theory. I have seen populartheories come and go and harm ISKCON. I haven't changedin what I am doing for about 12 years. Things are goingall right for me, if it is causing you a problem then whynot tell me what it is? How am I supposed to know yourproblems?
I work in India and with Indians primarily. I amfollowing the footsteps that Srila Prabhupada tread asfar as Indian preaching, but in a very diminished mannerfrom Srila Prabhupada. We see the videos of SrilaPrabhupada being carried in silver and gold palinquinsand gigantic processions in his honor. I don't allowthose things to be offered to me (apart from once a yearon Vyasa Puja to some extent and even that is not goingto be toned down) rather I organized Srila Prabhupadaprocessions with tens of thousands of people attending.
I really don't know what you are talking about in anyclear sense. So some secret ballot isn't going to helpme much. I need something more solid like sadhu, sastraor guru. Or at least something like logic and reason.Your emotions concern me in the sense that I know SrilaPrabhupada would like you to be happy. ISKCON issupposed to be a big house to fit the whole world. Sowhy can't the two of us live in ISKCON peacefully inUnity and diversity? Does it bother you so much ifsomeone's disciples offer their guru a flower garlandthat it will cause you to reconsider your wholedevotional service commitment to Srila Prabhupada andthe GBC? Seems like a very emotional issue, but if wefollow your emotions then down the line disciples mayalso react. Shouldn't the GBC decide things based onsastra and reason and not just emotions? Otherwise weplease your sentiments this year and then next yearthere is a problem on the other side. The GBC can'tbend to everyone, but needs to establish what the middleand limiting points are.
In this regard, do you really think that changing myprofile would make any difference? It doesn't seem likeit.
> If you want to heal the wound, prove to me that the > GBC supports you. Or prove to yourself that they > don't, and then abide by their decision.
> I challenge the GBC body to say collectively and > openly what so many have said to me privately, but > dare not utter publicly out of fear of some kind of > retribution from powerful gurus.
The idea that there will be retribution from powerfulgurus is a thing of the past and in today's ISKCON is abogus idea. I think you are living in the past. Whatretribution can I do or would I do? Nothing. I have nomoney and no power. Most of my disciples are bengalivillagers. I am a simple sadhu. Apart from that I haveno inclination but to serve the vaisnavas. I want to getlove for Godhead if I commit an offense against avaisnava how will I even survive as a devotee? Whatretribution will happen if someone tells me what theythink? Prthu is telling the world and am Iretributing? It is a question of principles. Sometimesit seems you are trying to brow-beat me by sentimentsand your threats of leaving rather than taking thetrouble to present me something based on sastra orreason. As sadhus we are to follow sastra and notpeoples sentimentality. What is the difference of afanatic disciples sentimentality or a fanaticallynegative godbrothers sentimentality if both are goingagainst sastra?
If anyone is really my friend then they will confide inme what they think I should improve in. Better an"enemy" who is open and tells me what he thinks than afriend who is silent and doesn't speak anything andlet's his friend "go to hell"... The worst that canhappen with me is I may not agree with what they aretelling me. There is absolutely no question ofretribution from my side.
> To you all I say that I realize it is not my place to > do this. Probably I am nothing but an offender and > deserve to just slink off in the night. If you ignore > or stonewall this suggestion, I will take your > response as such and slip away.
Please don't slip away. I don't know why you areobsessed by what I do. What do my activities have to dowith your life? I don't act in public in any differentway than anyone else. I chant japa, dance, sing,lecture, read, teach, and try to encourage devotees.Whatever happens between me and my disciples is aprivate affair (except for vyasa puja]. Stating that myintentions are bad when they aren't or that I am doingsomething which is wrong which isn't wrong or that I didsomething which actually I didn't do---could beoffensive. That is between you and Lord Sri Krishna. Iam not the one who is going to adjudicate those things.
> You decide. Here are the details of my suggestion.
> (For yes or no straw votes from GBC members) > > 1. Do you feel that, at this time, His Holiness > Jayapataka Swami should refrain from initiating more > disciples and concentrate on training and caring for > those he has already initiated?
I don't accept the primary premise of this point in thefirst place. My "initiating disciples" is a passivething. I don't initiate it. People approach me andwant me to be their Spiritual Master. If they aresincere devotees who are serious about getting back toGodhead then they can help me in the long run in caringfor my disciples and in spreading the Krishnaconsciousness movement. If more preachers wouldconcentrate in the areas I work in then naturally morenew devotees would take their shelter. I have seen thatin Mayapur if during any year Bhakti Caru Swami preachesthere for more time then a higher percentage of newdevotees ask for him to be their Spiritual Master.
What is gained if I stop initiating? What if the peoplewho have decided to surrender to Srila Prabhupada'smovement due to my association decide to go to someother movement instead? How does ISKCON gain by that?Why not have a law that each Guru should inform aspiringdisciples how many disciples he has, how much time hemay or may not be able to give, and then let them decideif they want to take from such a Spiritual Master or gofor someone with less disciples. I am happy if theytake shelter within ISKCON, but I am afraid that manywill simply not be inspired since hardly anyone ispreaching in Bangladesh, West Bengal and many otherplaces where I am going.
The basic premise that a guru should be limited in howmany disciples he has goes against Srila Prabhupada'sinstructions that there is no limit in a guru'saccepting disciples. Srila Prabhupada stated that hewants his disciples to make more devotees than he did.
A guru who is on Probation can't initiate, having me notinitiate would de facto put me on probation even thoughI haven't done anything wrong. My Godbrothers have beentrying to get me to stop initiating ever since Istarted. I voluntarily stopped for a year and now theRiktvik vadis claim that I was forced to stop and itshook up the faith of my disciples. I see anythingartificial like this as very harmful and dangerous.
Even if a large number of the GBC members voted for thisif they didn't take the time to know me, to travel withme, to preach with me, to associate with me andunderstand me then i wouldn't take their subjectiveopinion about me to be very well informed. I am tryingto organize things so I can take better care of mydisciples and also other devotees as well. I seeISKCON's preaching and caring for devotees as a teameffort and don't see "care of my disciples" as "only myjob" or as "my only job". I consider that there aremany ISKCON leaders who will help me in caring for mydisciples and while I travel i can also try to showother devotees that I care as well.
I have met devotees who told me that if they hadn't metme they wouldn't have stayed in Krishna consciousness.They said they stayed because of my association, care,example, ie. something that inspired them. They feltlove for Srila Prabhupada when they saw that I haddedicated my life to serving Srila Prabhupada. Theproblem with your proposal is I find it very theoreticalbased on your "from a distance" opinion of who and whatI am without understanding the ground realities I amworking with. I don't think this kind of speculativeprogram is what Srila Prabhupada envisioned the GBCdoing nor did His Divine Grace ever instruct to do thesekind of things. Do you want a "BIG GOVERNMENT" GBC thatis going to involve itself in every devotees life tothat degree? I would rather see a GBC that facilitatesevery man, woman, and youth to be able to achieve asmuch as they can for Srila Prabhupada? Do you want theGBC to decide how many children you can have as agrihastha? Maybe too many children won't be good foryou and they won't get personal care? STill that isyour decision. At least disciples have a choice of whichguru they take. Children have no choice who theirparents are.
> 2. Do you feel that His Holiness Jayapataka Swami > should retire from service as a GBC Zonal Secretary in > favor of a full-time, non-managerial preaching service > such as the international promotion of Mayapura?
For all practical purposes this is already happening toa large degree. I spend most of my time doing promotionof Mayapur, promotion of Congregational Preaching andrecently some trouble-shooting and devotee caring. Also,as you probably know, I have been proposing that most ifnot all GBC's (including myself) should be off of ZonalManagement altogether as it is a conflict of interestsin many ways. My proposal is that the role of GBC andZonal Secretary should be seperated. Although someGBC's might initially continue as ZS's as a principle aGBC role should be:
to simply oversee how things are going in the world;to spend more time meeting with and encouragingdevotees,to insure that ISKCON Law is being adhered to;To be seen as protectors and champions of devotee'srights;To be approachable and caring;To be dynamic examples of preaching enthusiasm andspiritual practices; To be teachers of devotionalprinciples and Krishna consciousness; To be visionarieswho come up with dynamic strategies and ideas forexpanding the preaching world-wide and as true brahmanaspromote these ideas throughout the Society.
If you agree with my proposal and get the GBC to pass itthen you automatically achieve my being no longer aZonal Secretary. We need to start training up the nextlevel of managers and leaders too much is centralized inthe GBC's which is stifling the progress and growth offuture leadership. Rather than the crash course we hadto take we have the oppurtunity to allow qualifieddevotees to grow into leadership positions. I thinksomething like that is really urgently needed otherwisedevotees with good potential will feel uninspired andleave. It is already happening in some cases.
Even now I am "Co-GBC in most places, as you know, andmy role is as a reserve force in those places. I amavailable when needed. I visit occasionally and try toenthuse devotees. I don't know if you actually know howI work. Ask my co-GBC's and they will probably tell youI am a very "hands off" Zonal Secretary. Unless thereis a problem I let the local managers do their thing. Idon't need a vote here. This is already my goal. I amjust proposing every year for the GBC to facilitate thisfor me.
> The results of the straw vote can be more fully > considered in three months in Mayapura. > > Jayapataka Maharaja, I believe you have a great > opportunity to help ISKCON by submitting yourself, > fully and honestly, to the direction of your GBC > Godbrothers on these points.
I think you don't know me very well. In our lives wehave never talked more than three sentences in a row.We have had no association. What do you know about me?How many of my GBC godbrothers really know me? Not somany, but probably some do since I am working with manyof them. Don't you know that about three years ago wedid this and broke into small groups and discussed eachothers good and bad points with peers? They got on mycase for some things. I took that to heart. I like morepersonalism. If we are going to take "Gallop polls"then let it be broad based to include all the devotees Iwork with. In general impersonal approaches don'tappeal to me very much.
> That's the suggestion. Now you and the GBC kindly > decide to do it or not.
> Your servant, > Kalakantha dasa
Your servant,
Jayapataka Swami
> PS: Thanks to the many GBC members who wrote private > letters of encouragement. Please write the Executive > Committee and ask them to conduct this exercise *now*, > while ISKCON needs clear signals from the GBC body.
P.s. to GBC members:
I again state that if someone is really my friend orwell-wisher and thinks I should adjust something in whatI am doing I would appreciate them telling me directly.If it is based on siddhanta then tell me that. If theyaren't challenging the principle of what I am doing butthink for other reasons a change is good then tell methat. If they don't know what I am doing and want tofind out then ask me. I appreciate that. It is betterthan keeping it pent up and then denouncing me publiclybased on hearsay. Now there are no more BIG GBC'severyone of us is small under Srila Prabhupada's lotusfeet. If we can't make this group more tight nit, morepersonal and trusting then how can we expect ourGodbrothers like Kalakantha das or other devotees totrust in us? Even if some of us have different ideas onhow to preach if it is within the limits set by SrilaPrabhupada then we can still appreciate that.Satsvarupa Goswami has been "low profile" for a longtime. I appreciate him. He writes useful books helpingmany of my disciples and many devotees. In ISKCON Idon't think we want CLONES that all act the same waylike ROBOTS or something. There will always be somedifferences. We should see what the upper and lowerlimits of these differences are and then learn to loveeach other for what we are. Who knows, maybe someoneelses idea will be better for preaching!
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