VNN World - Announcing Dharma Darshan

© 1998 VNN


10/17/1998 - 2373

Announcing Dharma Darshan

USA (VNN) - by Frank Morales

Namaskar, I would like to invite you to visit our new web page, Dharma Darshan, an on-line information center dedicated to Sanatana Dharma, the world's most ancient continuously practiced spiritual culture.

This exciting new web site is designed to present the beauty, the profound philosophical insights and the practical importance of the Vedic world-view in a way that displays the immediate relevance of this ancient culture for our modern world. We at Dharma Darshan firmly believe that Hinduism can play a leading role in our planet's future development. We wish to place Sanatana Dharma, both as a philosophical system and as a way of life, at the very forefront of the world's religious, political, social, economic and intellectual stage.

How We Can Help Each Other

If you have a web site, please consider having a mutual link with Dharma Darshan. If you have an e-mail list, please forward this message onto your list. Dharma Darshan is also looking for contributions of well-written essays, articles, photos and pictures, as well as ideas about how to improve our web site.

Some of the Themes of Dharma Darshan

* Sanatana Dharma as a religion that is inherently universally applicable. Hinduism is a sure path to both individual self-realization as well as global harmony. Irregardless of one's race, ethnicity or cultural background, Sanatana Dharma has something to offer every living being.

* Sanatana Dharma as an intellectually challenging and philosophically rigorous world-view. Sanatana Dharma encourages free and open inquiry, as well as the highest rational and intellectual pursuits.

* Sanatana Dharma as a political and social alternative to both the Marxist and capitalist materialistic paradigms. Outmoded ideological and philosophical world views are becoming increasingly abandoned by thoughtful and idealistic people the world over. Sanatana Dharma, as a way of life which encourages nonviolence, cooperation, tolerance and a strong environmental ethic, can easily enrich this increasing vacuum.

Thank you help in making Dharma Darshan successful. Jaya Sanatana Dharma.


Frank Morales, Advisor - Sanatana Dharma Student Association Editor - Dharma Journal


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