WORLD 10/04/1998 - 2317 GBC Survey Results
USA (VNN) - Here are the results of the VNN GBC Survey. VNN readers were asked to evaluate the performance of the ISKCON GBC over the last 22 years since Srila Prabhupada's disappearance in 1977. Readers casted 700 votes. The usual margin of error of 8% should be applied.
VNN survey results for 700 entries Percentages may not add up to 100% due to rounding
Back to VNN survey index How do you evaluate the GBC's overall performance over the last 22 years? Excellent | 47 | 6% |  | Good | 133 | 19% |  | Bad | 130 | 18% |  | Terrible | 363 | 51% |  | Is the GBC's performance improving? Improving | 197 | 28% |  | The same | 120 | 17% |  | Deteriorating | 355 | 50% |  | Are you an active member of ISKCON? I am currently | 402 | 57% |  | I used to be | 236 | 33% |  | I never was | 37 | 5% |  | NEWS DESK | WORLD | TOP Surf the Web on