VNN World - Disconnected - Not Very Much Part Of ISKCON?

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09/20/1998 - 2255

Disconnected - Not Very Much Part Of ISKCON?

USA (VNN) - by Papaharini devi dasi

An open letter to Lokanatha "Swami", Mukunda Goswami, and Anuttama dasa.

Lately, the US president and Monica Lewinsky's alleged affair has been the obsession of the regular media. Meanwhile, in ISKCON media, the alleged loss of tens of millions of nonprofit tax exempt funds in the stock market at the hands of a resigned broken sannyasi monk, along with the unethical conduct and theft of three thousands bucks a day by another Monica while she poses more like a round the clock call girl than a "therapist"- seems to have some scrambling.

Not to mention that:
The emerging allegiance to simply accept Srila Prabhupada's unprecedented order presented in his own statement of July 9th regarding initiations-

The alleged criminal conduct of BBT-I (and the citing of Srila Prabhupada as just an "author for hire")-

The changing of Srila Prabhupada's writings to suit the noncompliance with his July 9th order-

May all eventually provide proof of motive as to why it would have become necessary to poison His Divine Grace in order to avoid the July 9th order.

This is just some of the criteria for calling upon the RICO (racketeering, influenced, corrupt organization) charge to show habitual practices of fraudulently misleading the community and public concerning the bylaws and articles of proper religious corporation bookkeeping, and appropriation of funds.

Let's take a break for a moment from all that to focus on a very important and still open-ended unresolved situation that bears the further attention of the larger community of devotees, especially those who have children.

Dear Lokanatha dasa:
Today I received the newest newsletter titled "Prabhupadanuga". It lists you as one of the editorial board. Sidebar right off! Is this to say that- you, Mukunda Goswami and Anuttama prabhus are now members of the Ritvik community that titled themselves originally in England as Prabhupadanugas, who presented "THE FINAL ORDER"; who were beaten up/ button of Srila Prabhupada stomped on? Or is this a PR move to establish the name Prabhupadanuga as something belonging to other than Ritvik communities? Nevertheless, I would like to address some of your own statements from page three about "uniting after the centennial".

You wrote: "We want to perpetuate the Centennial by associating more with Prabhupada and rededicating ourselves to the services Prabhupada gave us." (p.3)

Prabhu, I would appreciate knowing the answers to the following questions from yourself, Mukunda Goswami and Anuttama prabhu: EXACTLY

How was your sexual misconduct with a young minor Indian girl was resolved?

Why did you stay in the dress of a sannyasi monk after this? Why are you currently still an initiating spiritual master for ISKCON after such misconduct? What was your official statement to your disciples? After going through your psychological evaluation for child molestation, why was it found that "the Maharaja has no symptoms of being sexually attracted to minors and has normal sexual impulses"..? Did that devotee social worker report you to authorities as is the ethical requirement? What criminal charges, if any were filed against you and how did that turn out? Are you now a registered sex offender?

In another statement you wrote:

"I want to remind our devotees of their obligation towards Prabhupada and his institution." (p.3)

Prabhu, excuse me? Lokanatha, I want to remind you of your now completely nullified position as a sannyasi monk. I want to remind you of your now completely ludicrous inappropriate post as an initiating spiritual master for ISKCON. You may be a great devotee of Srila Prabhupada and have performed great service in the past, but now you must do the noble thing and "fight the crocodile Maya" from the ashram of marriage. Take a wife and continue to fight for Srila Prabhupada's glory. Instruct your disciples to take shelter of Srila Prabhupada's instructions and to associate with those sincere followers who hold His instructions precious in their hearts. Set a precedent for ISKCON gurus; a precedent of holding an honest befitting post in service, one that you can be proud of, not one of a sham. You may have been advised by associates to hold fast to your previous position as a sannyasi and initiating guru. These associates did you and your disciples a grave disservice. Do the honorable now. Set a good example. Reject those who ask you to misrepresent your true position.

Finally, in another statement you wrote:

"We offer this newsletter, Prabhupadanuga, to invite devotees who may feel disconnected or not very much part of ISKCON to keep in touch. We welcome all our readers to write letters to the editor to disclose your minds and offer comments." (p. 3)

Lokanatha prabhu, with all sincere intentions, you are a perfect example of why I "feel disconnected or not very much part of ISKCON". Your horrid behavior toward the child, and worse (in light of that), the positions you are currently continuing to profile, honestly make me want to vomit. I feel YOU are the one who should feel this "disconnection" you describe- but apparently, by all the public relations management of those involved in firefighting like Mukunda Goswami and Anuttama prabhus (also listed as the other members of the editorial board), you seem to think those of us "out here" are in need of "rededication and renewing obligations to Srila Prabhupada and the institution". Shame on you brother!!

I welcome you to the land of small devotees. Those of us who are watching the mockery being made of acarya by people like yourself. Lift the burden from your heart. Do the noble deed. Renew my faith that you are a faithful follower of Srila Prabhupada.

You have this duty to the forgotten children of our movement; those who will grow up without a proper example provided by the institution you claim WE need to rededicate and reobligate ourselves to. Frankly, if you don't take these suggestions to heart, you defile the banner, etiquette and purpose of the monk life style. What to speak of the genuine post of "acarya", you embarrass our Divine Grace who so lovingly cared for your presence and service with patience. You think you have duped us for the last few years since this sexual misconduct with a minor. However, you have caused permanent psychological damage to the life of the victim, and I am begging you to take the suggestions you offer all of us to heart yourself and consider REEVALUATING YOUR OWN SERVICE< and RE-OBLIGATEING YOURSELF to the simple principle of living within your true position as a true servant and representative of the great vaisnava acaryas. And, consider giving up the company of those who would ask you to maintain otherwise. You will find you have many well-wishers and supporters. I wish you the best in your efforts.

Your god sister,
Papaharini devi dasi


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