WORLD 09/10/1998 - 2188 New World Of Hare Krishna Videos
USA (VNN) - Three and a half years in the making, the New Hare Krsna World video offers acomprehensive kalidescope of devotional activities of ISKCON all over theworld from book distribution to farm communities, from Food for Life tomagnificent temple construction. Yes, there is a lot of bhakti going ondespite all the mangerial problems. The videos were shot by Yadubara,Nrsimhananda, and a other contributors, and the entire two one hour programswere edited by gurukuli graduates Manu, Jalandhar, and Vikram.
Profiles ofgrass-roots devotees and interspersed between MTV-style montages of variousdevotional activities, and the philosophical tenets of Krsna consciousnessbridge the various sections of the videos. The entire soundtrack is composedof selections from various Vaisnavas who have composed a variety of musicalstyles and songs throughout the years.
The videos are sold as a 2-tape set for $35 plus shipping and are available from ITV Productions, PO Box 556, Topanga, CA 90290. <> fax 310-559-7101.
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