WORLD 09/07/1998 - 2167 Guru Tattva For Dummies
USA (VNN) - by the Executions Committee of the GBC
Dear devotees:
Please accept our most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupadaand, of course his approved followers (we).
Being aware that devotees need guidance to make the most sacred decisionof surrendering their lives to a spiritual master, we have decided, bymajority vote, for your own sake and eternal benefit what follows.Guru-sastra-sadhu are essential.
There are several scriptures mentioning the qualification of such aneternal spiritual master, and our team of superstar pandits havescrutinized all, very carefully and with the power of insight visioninvested by this committee; they were also provided with enoughintelligence, discrimination and purity of heart required for thisimportant task. As sadhu advice is also required, they also learned from agroup of selected sages, mostly from the US, the holy country, thatenlightened them with electronic wisdom and state-of the-art technology,including teaching robots, and were informed as well about internationalstock marketing.
Because we love you so much, we want to save you the grief of going throughall the painful experience of doing the tremendous effort involved instudying all those sacred scriptures, that after all are not soconveniently updated as our ISKCON Law Book, that is full of wisdom andsound advice, and is more than equivalent to sastra. In the very case thestudent insists in reading the Bhagavad-gita himself, we have a correctedversion where all the silly mistakes were wisely corrected by our Jaypanditeditor.
Very soon we will have available our CD-ROM version, with interactivespiritual guidance for multimedia computers, where you can reveal your mindand inquire confidentially via our exclusive encrypted technology.We want to save you the grief of figuring out who may or may not bequalified as guru and also the heavy responsibility of doing the selectionyourself. Take into consideration that being yourself a conditioned soul,you are prone to commit mistakes, cheat, get illusioned, etc etc.For your convenience, we have selected the very best of our society and wehave properly relabeled the devotees able to provide spiritual shelter. This time, as our mahabhagavat series have fallen down, we haveconveniently labeled them "Provisionally self-realized". Remember that youalways need the mercy of our -registered and approved- acharyas - and they are now only a mouse-click away.We have followed the strict standards that characterize ourselves for thisdifficult decision and we want you to be aware of that. Whoever agreeswith the GBC and becomes as good as we are, is qualified to be guru, nomatter if tomorrow he or we will be breaking the regulative principles orinvolved in criminal acts, as in that case, according to provision 12,795part b7 section 998 of our Simple Living guide, we will kick him out (wedon't know if we can kick ourselves out).
Remember to always keep connected with us as per the status of your guru,either via internet, e-mail or snail-mail. Visit our web site, at that is conveniently updated daily, as theabsolute truth is always changing and we want to keep you updated.Be careful not to browse the wrong web site, as you can get distortedinformation from many black and poisonous snakes, that have their ownindividual consciousness, although that is strictly prohibited in ourresolution 15,745 part x-108, of our Simple Living guide,despite of whichthey claim to be devotees of the Lord with rights and privileges to prayand chant.
Be attentive at the list of current qualified gurus every week, to see ifyour guru is still or considered bona fide or is now considered a demon bythis executing committee.
When selecting a spiritual master (solely) from the list we provide, try tosee how learned he is in computer science, travel itinerary making, andgetting funds to cover high expenditure. It is a plus to be US citizen, asper the fine vaisnava costumes we learn from childhood, although you canalso find a few smarts found elsewhere Beware of the Gaudiya vaisnavas,particularly the ones speaking Bengali and following the school of SrilaBhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati, as they may surely misguide you.Don't forget: Never ever dare to think or feel for yourself.
Good luck!
His Highness Torquemada das New Inquisition Chairman BSc, MD, PHD of the Executions Committee
P.S. Beware of counter faith so-called sadhus, especially if the are elder and come from India. NEWS DESK | WORLD | TOP Surf the Web on