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08/04/98 - 1963

Save Harikesha Swami

USA (VNN) - by Citrakara dasa

As a medically trained person and from the various reports of concerned and caring godbrothers I dare to diagnose that Harikesha Swami suffers from schizophrenia. The Etiology, pathogenesis and symptoms are quiet evident. Anybody in similar circumstances and the given constitution could fall ill with it. There is no blemish attached to falling ill! We are not living in the middle ages when the mentally ill were treated as outcasts. But, this being a severe mental disorder, he needs proper medical attention immediately. Those who claim to love him should take him at once to a proper institution.

He cannot be made responsible for whatever he says or does and must therefore get protected at all cost. Obviously, no mentally ill person will voluntarily march into a closed psychiatric hospital and will threaten his relatives or caretakers with dire consequences. But who will be responsible if Harikesha Swami commits suicide which is very likely?

I am unhappy to state, that in all cases of schizophrenia I have treated with Ayurveda, it was not possible to do without modern medication in the initial stages. In an emergency situation it is perfectly justified to prescribe modern psychopharmaceutical preparations. When the danger of doing harm to oneself and others is controlled, those medications can be phased out or minimized and get replaced with Ayurveda therapies and medications. It will be a prolonged and arduous way to recovery.

We should have learned our lesson by now with the fact that we have nursed to death Srila Prabhupada. Do you want to repeat it? Why you bring in the same caring but medically incompetent people to take care of him and issue great statements! All you well meaning but ignorant fools, for the sake of the life of my well-wiser Harikesha Swami, step out of the way and let him get well. Besides, how many of you hope to get a chunk of the ailing emperors assets? I am so terribly upset about this repetition of history.

Here, a word of advice for the so called therapist Monica. Did you ever hear of the oat of Hippocratic or the vows that the disciples of the great Ayurveda Acharyas like Sushruta and Caraka had to take? You seem to have transgressed all medical ethics by agreeing to live or marry your patient. You must give a proper medical report of the nature of therapies you have applied and the feed back you have received from your patient to a competent medical doctor. It is more than natural that a patient will respond the way Harikesh Swami is responding to you while nursing him in his condition. You must most certainly know that. He cannot be made responsible for his show of affection towards you. You must also know of the standard procedure in such cases and not keep proper medical care away from him so that your position of command will be enhanced (and all this in the name of saving his life - any psychiatrist can save his life by giving him proper medication!). I have treated thousands of patients. A majority of them woman. But nobody threatened to kill herself if I was not going to marry them. And mind you, I had hundreds of highly neurotic, depressive and even schizophrenic patients.

Why most persons in ISKCON think arrogantly that they are more expert in any given field then the rest of the universe and marginalize advice from well meaning professionals or interpret it to suit their means? My humble appeal to all the disciples of Harikesha Swami and my godbrothers is to please provide proper medical treatment to my friend Harikesha Swami. After a few weeks in a closed and protected medical environment, he will positively improve. Let go of your desires of controlling this suffering man's life and fortune. Everybody should stop bad talk and gossip. His foes should not rejoice in his ailment. It is terribly unethical to make fun or exploit a handicapped person.

I would gladly offer my expertise to help Harikesha Swami at all times and without condition.

With my best wishes for the well-being of all of Shrila Prabhupada's family.

Your humble servant

Citrakara dasa