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07/31/98 - 1947

Harikesa Swami Wants to Marry Therapist

USA (VNN) - by Badrinarayan Dasa Adhikary, ISKCON Governing Body Commission (GBC), Acting Chair of the GBC Executive Committee

Dear Maharajs and prabus :

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupad.

This just went out to Harikesa Maharaj's disciples. Our hope is to get some advice and prognosis from professional medical doctors. We cannot get Harikesa Maharaj to a clinic, some disciples would flip if we tried and Harikesa Maharaj is probably not at all willing to cooperate with that. (Hari Sauri is checking out how Harikesa Swami feels about getting professional help).

But at least we can relay all the symptoms etc. and get some insight as to what is actually happening here and some prognosis of what can be done and what may happen next.

Just on a personal level, there is the concern that any descion he makes now (in a confused state) such as marriage etc, may only compound his problems. What happens if the fog clears and he realizes he had made a horrible mistake? One of Harisauri's goals is to encourage Harikesa Swami to hold off on doing any major life change until he has stabilized and or gotten some serious medical help.

That's it for now (and probably enough for you to deal with in one shot) We have to get back to the other situations in Bombay.

We are trying to keep the GBC members as informed and up to date as possible, however this is made difficult because of the apparent carelessness of some members has removed confidentiality from this conference. Be prepared that regrettably whatever is said or posted here is read by the world.

Your servant, Badrinarayan dasa

Here is what went out from the disciples : Sri Visnupada's condition

1. As everyone knows he had a sever physical and mental breakdown.

2. The breakdown was caused by his unitiring efforts to push on Srila Prabhupada's mission and serve the devotees and the society.

3. When he was in Hospital we called in a therapist (Monica) who started treating him for his physical condition. She saved his life.

4. She recognized psychological problems, and while treating them determined that they had arisen from childhood traumas.

5. The other side of her therapy consists of treating his ethereal body, and she is not doing anything that involves physical contact.

6. Although not a professional psycho-therapist, she has a lot of experience in counseling persons affected by childhood trauma.

7. She has slowly brought Sri Visnupada to the point where he is beginning to accept that he is suffering due to this trauma, but he is very adamant that he wants no other therapist apart from her, and since any therapy is dependant on voluntary participation, we have to be satisfied with that at the moment.

8. Sri Visnupada's condition was that previously blocked emotions started to break out, and as is often the case, he has attached those emotions to the therapist.

9. At this stage of the therapy, in his present state of emotional confusion, Sri Visnupada has repeatedly stated that he wants to marry her.

10. She has gone along with it a little, seeing that it is presently his only hold in this world ( his attachment to Krsna and Srila Prabhupada do not commit him to stay).

11. She si s good person and wants what is best for him, but is not interested to marry him.

12. Although the current situation is not balanced, the question of a future asrama change is still open.

13. We should understand that Sri Vishnupada is in the middle of a therapy which is bringing him slowly out of a complete mental collapse. Although many of the concepts he speaks about at present make sense, they are often thrown out of balance due to the emotional transitions through which he is going.

14. Certain points have been clear and consistent throughout : he has not in any way lost his attachment for Srila Prabhupada, Krsna and ISKCON. He wants to continue in his duties as far as possible (e.g. guru, education minister, Mayapur)

15. It will take a lot of time for this all to work out, and he needs our understanding, patience and love.

16. He will eventually get a house, and is eager to work in the garden, cook and clean for himself. He is also associating enthusiastically with god brothers such as Bhakti-tirtha Maharaja for support and friendship.

17. We cannot expect him to be able to fulfill his various functions until he is through this crisis in his life.

18. Some have tried to attribute the whole problem to the effects of black-magic, but although subtle attacks are there, they are not the main issue.

19. Many aspects of this complex situation are private and we have tried to respect Sri Visnupada's right to some privacy during this whole time. Some have resented this, but we still think this is and was the best policy, we simultaneously respect the right of the disciples and devotees in general to be informed about what is going on.

20. Although we are eager to prevent hysteria and report as much as possible to the disciples, development and growth through such a crisis is often very slow, and best with set-backs and challenges. Considering this, there is a need for peace and privacy, and there is not really much to report as things go on.

21. We are all convinced that the ultimate outcome of this situation will be positive growth for Sri Visnupada, his disciples and ISKCON in general.

Your servant,

Badrinarayan dasa

(Text COM : 1534579)