© 1998 VNN


07/28/98 - 1938

Going to Italy Will Change Your Life

Italy (VNN) - by Chandrika devi dasi

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

When I left Hawaii to come here to Italy recently, a friend told me, prophetically, “Going to Italy will change your life.” I recognized the truth in this and waited for the purport to be revealed.

Then, within a week of arriving, my Italian devotee friends invited me to go see Bhakti Vaibhava Puri Maharaja, an 85 year old godbrother of Srila Prabhupada. I had never heard of him, yet felt enthused to meet such a senior Vaisnava.

My experience of being in his association over a several day period was profoundly life transforming. His personal realization of Krishna Consciousness made Caitanya Lila come alive for me. When he read a passage about separation from the Lord, “You are leaving us. What are we to do.” and Maharaja’s voice choked with the tears of genuine devotion, I felt my heart melting and tears in my eyes as well. In another class, Puri Maharaja told of the passing of Haridas Thakur. Then he looked at us, his body wracked with compassion and emotion. “Chant nama,” he implored us. “Chant the name.”

I knew I was in the presense of love and caring without limit, with the potency to make stone hearts melt and cry for Krishna. Ever since, my desire to chant, my at-tention to and experience of japa, and the number of rounds I chant has increased.

Yet I still knew very little about him. I was not aware of his intimate friendship with Srila Prabhupada or that before Prabhupada’s disappearance he called his disciples and told them “You take advice of Srila Sridhar Maharaja or my most dear friend Srila Bhakti Vaibha Puri Goswami Maharaja on any matter regarding scriptural in-junctions or temples.”

Yet some of his disciples told me sadly that Puri Maharaja is forbidden to speak in ISKCON temples. Furthermore, temple authorities were criticizing him openly in fo-rums such as Bhagavatam class. Devotees who took his shelter were discouraged from living in the temples.

I can understand there may be some fear in ISKCON management that Puri Maha-raja’s purity may be so attractive that devotees will jump ship and disturb temple op-erations, disrupting the flow of finance and labor. Perhaps one or more of his devo-tees tend to be overzealous as those who excessively love their guru can sometimes be.

Yet I would like to offer another perspective and a positive vision for the future. From what I understand, Puri Maharaja’s mood is to help Srila Prabhupada’s move-ment by enthusing the devotees. He instructs his disciples to serve the temples and ISKCON and is certainly not personally motivated. If purity is indeed the force and devotees are gaining in purity and inspiration by his association then that will help breathe life into the temples.

Revelation can be instantaneous and have far reaching effects. We are taught the immeasurable value of a moment’s association with a pure vaisnava. He is a foun-tainhead of Krishna’s mercy and blessings. Who will not be attracted to serve tem-ples where such association is available?

On the flip side, excluding devotees and criticizing them for associating with Puri Maharaja further depletes and devitalizes the struggling temples. A great opportunity is lost. And worse, the devotees and authorities risk committing Vaisnave aparadha, a most grievous offence which can bring wholesale ruin in its wake.

I write this letter to wholeheartedly beg the devotees to cooperate with Srila Prabhu-pada’s dear friend and godbrother, Puri Maharaja, and to invite him to bless ISKCON with his realization and association.

I personally want to continue serving Prabhupada’s mission through communica-tions, public relations, and Hare Krishna Food for Life, in whatever capacity I can. I also beg for the association of pure devotees. I envision ISKCON as a vehicle for both.

Your servant,

Chandrika devi dasi