© 1998 VNN


07/28/98 - 1937

Is Rittvik the Only Alternative?

VNN Editorial (VNN) - by Ramacandra das

Hare Krsna. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

You know with the recent posting on VNN stating that 22 out of 26 Temple Presidents in India were favoring the rittvik format my personal reaction could have been best described as a sigh of relief. After so much bile and scorn and endless bickering I felt that it would soon be finally over and that ISKCON would succumb to the pressure and implement the rittvik system as propounded by Krsnakant. There are other ideas out there however and I cringe at the thought of the rittvik proponents being wrong yet taking over the reigns of ISKCON in lieu of a viable alternative.

Let us imagine that it was not and is not Srila Prabhupada's desire to remain as Diksa Guru for all future bhaktins and bhaktas. Let us imagine that he took on as many disciples during his manifest past times as he desired. We can all claim knowledge of the fact that the Diksa Guru does absorb i.e. takes upon himself all the sinful reactions of his initiated disciples correct? We also know that during Srila Prabhupada's manifestation he had implemented a waiting period wherein the perspective disciple could study further His Divine Grace and vice versa, His Divine Grace could size up the prospect to ensure a certain level of sincerity and dedication. Now I am not saying that Srila Prabhupada is dead or that he does not know personally the heart of all living entities, however, under the rittvik system he is not given a choice. There will be nominated rittviks , I presume, all over the world, who will be initiating candidates on behalf of Srila Prabhupada as Diksa Guru. Technically speaking, when that rittvik has done his job he could move on to another part of the world and never make contact with that new initiate again. At the same time His Divine Grace has just taken on another living entitie's sinful reactions.

In a conversation regarding the Christian's line of reasoning that Lord Jesus has died on the cross for all their sins and yet a large majority of Christians are still sinning Srila Prabhupada asked how many times did the Christians want Christ to die on the cross. I believe we can understand this to mean that with the continued sins the continued reactions would have to be continually carried by Christ thereby requiring his continued crucifixion, so to speak.

Are we quite sure, in fact one hundred percent certain that Srila Prabhupada wants to carry on as Diksa Guru? It does mean that he will have to continue entering the material plane until all his initiated disciples are returned back home, back to Godhead. I do not know how many disciples Srila Prabhupada took on in the role of Diksa Guru during his manifest past times. For arguments sake let us say ten thousand. Srila Prabhupada will descend again and again until His initiated disciples are home. By expansion under the rittvik system that number is multiplied over the course of time to a rather much larger number is it not? Without knowing one hundred percent, without any doubt what so ever, are we willing to take that chance and heap upon Srila Prabhupada the sinful reactions of the masses?

Srila Prabhupada stated that his Guru Maharaja, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Sarasvati Thakur Maharaja Prabhupada could have delivered the whole world himself. He did not. The torch was passed to another Acharya to carry on the mission of Lord Sri Krsna Chaitanya Mahaprabhu. Has His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada not passed on the torch? Is there no other torchbearer to come?

We are using our faulty material sensibilities to wrangle over the intentions of His Divine Grace as described in an audio tape recording of May 1977 and a written directive to GBC'S and Temple Presidents dated in July 1977. Presumptions have and are being made. Is Srila Prabhupada's welfare and best interests being served? I know Srila Prabhupada is a pure devotee, that he serves eternally at the Lords Lotus Feet, and that he is completely free and clear to do as he chooses. The question is are we giving him the choice under the proposed rittvik system?

I am not necessarily stating that the current system is correct. Obviously many so-called gurus were not up to the task. Some few may yet be proved to be uttama adhikaris. At the least, however, they are taking upon themselves the sinful reactions of the disciples they are initiating and they will suffer, whether bonafide or not. I understand that not only the bogus guru but also the disciple who followed him will also go to hell. So be it. Better them than Srila Prabhupada.

There is a rather silent group of devotees out there who proclaim that there is the Person Bhagavat and the Book Bhagavat and that in the absence of a manifest Guru the Book Bhagavat serves as Guru. I am not familiar with theirs or anybody else's philosophy for that matter but perhaps, just maybe, instead of the collapse of ISKCON as we know it and/or the implementation of a completely new system of initiation and institutionalization, diksa initiations (both ISKCON and rittvik) could be put temporarily on hold. Let the full-scale distribution of Srila Prabhupada's books begin with all party co-operation and let His Divine Grace do his thing. Lord Chaitanya's movement has been guaranteed, I repeat, guaranteed. The torch is being carried and Sri Guru is manifesting. Let's not let ourselves off the hook so easily.

All glories to the assembled devotees. All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga

Ramacandra das