05/09/98 - 1790
Refutation of the Vrndavana Antiparty
USA (VNN) - by Premananda Das (see also VNN story# 1756)
Swami Narasingha wrote an article here on VNN called 'The Vrndavana Antiparty, Part 1'. He encouraged devotees to help him refute the misconceptions
of what he calls 'the Vrndavana anti-party', represented by Satyanarayan
Das. Here is a humble attempt to refute one of their misconceptions
about the teachings of Srila Bhaktivinod Thakur, my paratpara-Gurudeva.
In the article by Swami Narasingha, Satyanarayan Das was quoted
as follows:
24) "The Jaiva Dharma written by Bhaktivinode Thakur is full of
contradictions, misconceptions and apasiddhanta. One of the examples
is that it has been written there that the catuh sloki of Srimad
Bhagavatam lies inherently dormant within the heart of the living
entity." (Satya Narayan further argues that this is apasiddhanta.
If the catuh sloki of Srimad Bhagavatam is lying dormant within
the heart of the living entity, then why Lord Brahma, after a
thousand celestial years of tapa, receives them from outside,
from his guru, Sri Krsna)?
However, if one reads the part in Jaiva Dharma mentioning the
Catuh-sloki, it becomes clear that Satyanarayan Das has misunderstood
Srila Bhaktivinod completely. Here´s a translation of the above
mentioned part of Jaiva Dharma:
Nyayaratna: 'If the Vaisnava religion is thus coming down from
time immemorial, then what new light has Chaitanya Mahaprabhu
given, for which He should have particular regard?'
Vaisnavadasa: 'The Vaisnava religion is like the lotusflower,
gradually unfolding itself in course of time. First it is a bud.
There comes a little blooming state. Gradually comes the fully
blossomed stage. At the time of Brahma, the knowledge of God,
the practice of devotion and love as mentioned in the Catuh-sloki
of Srimad Bhagavatam, were only germinating (growing) in the hearts
of men. At the time of Prahlada they took the form of a bud. At
the time of Badarayana or Vyasa the buds gradually began to open
and at the time of the Vaisnava teachers the buds became flowers;
and last of all when Sriman Mahaprabhu arrived, the flower of
love unfolded its petals and began to diffuse the sweetest fragrance
to the people of the world. Sriman Mahaprabhu distributed among
the fortunate people of the world the Vaisnava religion. Did anybody
prior to this bring to light that the chanting of the Divine Name
is such a beloved thing? Though it was confined within the four
walls of the Sastras, it was not brought to the knowledge and
notice of men. Oh! before the advent of Sriman Mahaprabhu was
the treasure house of Love opened to the people at large in such
a way?' (Jaiva Dharma, Gaudiya Math 1994)
Thakur Bhaktivinod is not saying that the Catuh-sloki 'lies inherently
dormant within the heart of the living entity', which Satyanarayan
Das claims. What Srila Bhaktivinod is saying is that the knowledge
of God and the practice of devotion and love mentioned in the
Catuh-sloki, which Brahma passed on through the disciplic succession,
was in the first stage not fully developed in the hearts of the
living entities, it was germinating or growing. This does not
mean that the Catuh-sloki is eternally dormant within the heart
of the jivas. The knowledge was given by Lord Brahma to the jivas
and since that time it has been in the hearts of those jivas that
have received it through the Divine Succession of Brahma.