05/05/98 - 1783
Oath to Institution - Stay with us or Kill Yourself
USA (VNN) - by Swami B.A. Paramadvaiti
Dear Vaisnavas
Dandavat Pranams
It is so good to see some devotees declaring the need to stand
up against authorities if they deviate from Srila Prabhupada.
The Oath of loyalty to Iskcon is offensive to Srila Prabhupada.
He did not start that. In Mayapur devotees are including to promise
in their initiation vow to never leave Iskcon.
And what is the practical application of this concept? Here is
my story to give you a good example.
I was regional secretary for Iskcon in Colombia, Ecuador, Panama
and Costa Rica in 1983. I presented a paper to all the GBC's where
I complained about the already famous issues of authority abuse
and siddhantic deviations. I requested the GBC to deal with these
issues. I also wrote that if they, as usual ignore our call for
protection against Zonal Guru politics etc., I would consider
leaving Iskcon.
In Mayapur I was cited to appear before the privilege committee
of the GBC which included dignities such as Atria Rsi Prabhu,
Balavanta Prabhu, Rupanuga Prabhu, Satsvarupa Goswami and Jagadish
Prabhu and some others. The spokesperson told me: “You have dared
to declare that you could leave Iskcon. This has defeated all
your points. You should better have committed suicide before ever
even thinking that you could leave Iskcon. You lost your service
of preaching in the countries where you represented Iskcon. You
must travel for six month with Jayapataka Maharaj to learn what
is a leader in Iskcon.”
I walked out of this meeting having lost all faith in the sincerity
of these leaders. After 12 years of non-stop service and collecting
for Iskcon I was not aloud to think for myself. It is long ago
and ever since I have been declared an enemy of Srila Prabhupada
in Iskcon. That hurts and it is not true. I am not a devotee yet,
but I have still a desire to serve Srila Prabhupada.
I am happy now, that years after this some devotees are starting
to openly question this intimidation machine created by the GBC.
Without a forum like the VNN such notes as this one would just
disappear in the garbage of the GBC secretary.
Now they "prohibit" Zonal Gurus. Do you think they may have considered
to apologize ever? I still consider my service a valid branch
of Srila Prabhupada’s family. I was not invited back to Iskcon
in all those years neither in writing nor in person.
Only once, I was visited in Colombia by Jayadvaita Swami. After
a two hour discussion, in which our difference in opinion surfaced,
I asked him: “Maharaj what purpose do I owe your visit too?" He
answered: “We want you to give up the Name Iskcon*. We want you
to stop printing books. We want you to stop open temples without
permission.” I told him: “If I will listen to you tomorrow you
will charge me for chanting Hare Krishna claiming that you got
the Copyrights on it.” If you want to get more details you can
read the book the Search for Purity, which gives an account of my attempt to reason and discuss with
the loyalists of the loyal in Iskcon.
daso smi
Swami B.A. Paramadvaiti
AKA as Alanath das Brahmacary
*In Colombia all the leading devotees did not accept that I, who
had been with them from the beginning, be prohibited to continue
my service with them. They invited me to stay with them and to
give up our connection with the GBC. When we realized that all
devotees were of the same opinion we decided to stay where we
are and to simply tell the GBC to look for engagement somewhere
else. Thus we continued with the corporation Iskcon Colombia