VNN USA - Srila Prabhupada a Conditioned Soul?

© 1998 VNN


10/15/1998 - 2361

Srila Prabhupada a Conditioned Soul?

Alachua, USA (VNN) - by Kesava dasi

Dear assembled devotees, please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

Please excuse any offenses I may commit in relating the following story, but I feel it is important that the body of devotees hear what transpired during the Sunday Feast in Alachua, directly following the conclusion of the most ecstatic North Amercian ISKCON Reform Group formation meetings. After these wonderful meetings all the devotees who attended were so enthused and blissful as this was the first real isthagosti many of us had ever been to, since true isthagosthi had long since been outlawed in ISKCON. It was such a let down to hear Bhaktitirtha Maharaj blaspheme Srila Prabhupada and I still cannot believe what I heard him say. Here are the most shocking comments that he made during the Sunday Feast lecture on October 4th, 1998:

1. In the middle of class, Maharaj made a very strange statement. He said something to the effect that it is wrong for people to follow "disembodied beings."

2. After class, Rasatala Prabhu stood up and asked the same question I was going to ask. He said, "Maharaj, what do you mean by disembodied beings? Are you saying Srila Prabhupada is a disembodied being? Srila Prabhupada lives forever. What do you mean Maharaj? I can't remember Maharaj's exact answer, but he seemed to skirt the question.

3. Next, after praying to Srila Prabhupada to help me to ask a relevant and meaningful question, I stood up and asked the following: "Srila Prabhupada came to deliver us all. Why is it that the new members are being forced to accept a conditioned soul as guru?" To my shock and that of the rest of the hundreds of devotees present, Maharaj replied, "Srila Prabhupada said he was a conditioned soul." I yelled, "But we know he is liberated!" He replied, "How do you know?" I was extremely taken aback by these remarks and my heart was pounding out of my chest at my anger of hearing him bring down Srila Prabhupada like this. I again shouted back, "We know in our hearts!" I was at a loss for words and that was the best I could say at the moment.

Later, I heard that it had gone around the whole community there that Maharaj had said that Srila Prabhupada was a conditioned soul. I am sure Maharaj does not feel that way and was being rhetorical, implying that, "How do I know the new gurus are not liberated?," he went about it in a very distasteful way. How dare he bring down Srila Prabhupada to make himself and his fellow false acharyas look better!!

And now that I have had time to think about it, I have a better reply for Bhaktitirtha Maharaj, since he turned the question back to me. I read the quote that Maharaja was possibly referring to. In it Srila Prabhupada said (as closely as I can remember): "I am a conditioned soul. But because I am repeating what I have heard from my Guru Maharaj cent percent, without changing anything, therefore I am liberated."

Therefore my reply would now be that Srila Prabhupada was being humble when he said that. It was not to be taken that he was a conditioned soul and he immediately said that he was in fact liberated. So I now would ask this to Maharaj: Are you implying that you and the other gurus we have been forced to accept are following what Srila Prabhupada said cent percent without changing anything, and you are therefore liberated? This seems to be what you are implying and this is even more shocking after what has happened with all these falldowns coming one after another. Are you seeing and being directed by Krishna in you heart 100% of the time? If not, please do not draw comparisons with yourself to Srila Prabhupada, as there is no comparison. He has come to save us all and those of you who have wanted fame, adoration and distinction as gurus have practically ruined his movement. Please give up this charade and become liberated by following Srila Prabhupada's final order on initiations and initiating disciples on behalf of Srila Prabhupada as he requested. Please do this now or the failure of this movement will be on your head.

Servant of the faithful servants of Srila Prabhupada,

Kesava dasi

PS: If anyone has transcripts of the above class dated 10/4/98 in Alachua, Florida please post it here for confirmation and clarification of my statements


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