USA 09/11/1998 - 2194 Radhastami in New Dwarka
LA, USA (VNN) - by Mahalaksmi Dasi
On August 29th, the day before Radharani’s blessed Appearance Day celebration, my husband and I and three of our six children came to the L.A. center for the International Society for Krsna Consciousness. We had lived in the Watseka Ave community for four years before moving to Badger, Ca. in 1988, and have often enjoyed coming to visit for a few days to see the beautiful faces of all the individuals who are endeavoring to serve Srila Prabhupada and Srimati Radharani. On this occasion, our fourteen year old daughter had pleaded over and over for us to take her to the L. A. community so she could see some of her old friends.
We are indebted to our daughter for being such an exemplary Vaisnavi. She is a disciple of Srila Narayana Maharaj, of the Gaudiya Math, (the institution which nurtured Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami all through his life). Everyday she is chanting her perscribed rounds and endeavoring to be a chaste and devoted young mataji. She regulary reads the books of Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta and Srila Narayana Maharaj. So, although we were tired from traveling the previous week to hear from Srila Govinda Maharaj of the Sri Caitanya Saraswat Math in Santa Cruz, still we came to L.A. on her request. The following tale is one of sadness, and deep pain. My last hour at New Dwarka I stayed in our van, crying in frustration, not wanting to disturb the happiness of those who had come to the temple and were oblivious to what I had experienced.
When we arrived in New Dwarka, as is customary for Vaisnava’s, we attempted to offer obeiscances to some elder Vaisnavas. Svavasa prabhu,the temple president, who has known my husband and I for many years, (he was the devotee who first placed my husband’s neck beads around his neck) very nicely offered his obeiscances back when requested, “Please accept our humble obeiscances.” The individual standing next to him, however, who happens to be in charge of Srila Prabhupada’s BBT, and is taken by some to be an example of leadership, very haughtily walked away. My husband and I felt very hurt, and he called after him, “What’s wrong with you?” The man made no reply. The incident was especially disturbing because the weekend before we had visited Govinda Maharaja’s ashram, where several disciples of Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta are assisting in the sankirtan movement under this Indian born Maharaj, Srila Govinda Maharaj. (He is a disciple of Srila Sridhar Maharaj, a godbrother of A.C. Bhaktivedanta). They were able to extend such a warm feeling of appreciation and respect for my husband and I. Although we were not in total agreement with everything that Govinda Maharaj said, we were treated with love and respect. Our questions were dealt with in an intelligent, humble manner. So, to see someone that we knew so well as this individual in L.A., but to have him walk away coldly, as if we were lepors, when we said , “Please accept my humble obeiscances”! It was quite a contrast.
Although our home is in Badger, over the summer we spent two months living in Visalia Ca., while I attending a course at the local college on how to use the computer. During that time, I met nearly half a dozen persons who were very interested in Krsna Consciousness, and wanted neck beads. So, I ordered some from Laxmi Enterprises, run by Locan prabhu. This kind Vaisnava mentioned that there was a very nice, elderly Sannyasi whose acquaintance he had made, who was interested to travel and preach, and meet more of Srila Prabhupada devotees. So, Locan prabhu made arrangements for Mangal Lila Maharaj, who is initiated by Srila Prabhupada’s godbrother Madhava Maharaj, to come to Badger for five days. Every morning and evening he came to our temple here, and spoke so expertly on the philosophy of Gaudiya Vaisnavism. We asked him why it was that he is staying at the Nanda Siva Durga temple, and he explained very simply that he had come to the L.A. Hare Krsna center earlier this year, traveling alone, for Gaur Purnina, but was totally ignored. He spent one or two nights in a hotel, then went elsewhere. He was surprised that, although Svavasa prabhu, (L.A. temple president) had gone on Harinama with him in Japan and seemed quite friendly, in his home (New Dwarka) he expressed no cordiality.
So, the devotees here in Badger received so much happiness and benefit from hearing from Mangal Maharaj. He explained how Srila Prabhupada had come to live with him in 1960, and how no one had ever thought he would do so much for Lord Caitanya. Over and over Mangal Maharaj appreciated how many Westerners had come to know of Krsna by Srila Prbhupada’s mercy. He also mentioned how Srila Prabhupada had felt very discouraged at a certain point, when no disciples were coming, and they had exchanged letters. Mangal Maharaj told us how he wrote to Srila Prabhupada that he must not give up, that he would certainly achieve success, and that he was pleasing Srila Bhaktisiddanta by his endeavors. So, every person who has come to read Srila Prabhupada’s books, and who knows of Krsna by Srila Prabhupada’s endeavors, has a debt of gratitude to Srila Mangal Maharaj. His words gave Srila Prabhupada strength and encouragement.
This very gentle, elderly Vaisnava, in his 70’s, came to New Dwarka again on Radhastami, Srimati Radharani’s blessed Appearance Day. Again, he was totally ignored. It is not only that he was not invited to speak. He was not even invited to bath the deities first during the abhiseka. The authorites knew he was there. I personally asked Svavas prabhu if he would allow the Maharaj to speak. He said, “No, he’s not part of ISKCON” Not accepting this answer, I addressed the foolish man who sat on the asana, and so proudly chanted, “Om namo bhagavate Vasudevaya”. I asked him, “How is it that when there is an elderly, learned Vaisnava present, you are not offering him the chance to speak?” I was forcibly dragged from the temple, and Svavasa told me that if I had another outburst such as this, he would have to ban me from coming to the L.A. temple. Then I inquired again why he would allow Mangal Maharaj to speak. He said the GBC wouldn’t allow it.
The teachings of Bhakti Rasamrta Sindhu, (The Nectar of Devotion) given to the Western world by Srila Prabhupada, give the following information in the chapter entitled, “Evidence Regarding Devotional Principles”. There it is said, “In the Skanda Purana it is advised that a devotee follow the past acaryas and saintly persons because by such following one can achieve the desired results, with no chance of lamenting or being baffled in his progress.
In the scripture known as Brahma-yamala it is stated as follows: “If someone wants to pose himself as a great devotee without following the authorities of the revealed scriptures, then his activities will never help him to make progress in devotional service. Instead, he will simply create disturbances for the sincere students of devotional service.” Those who do not strictly follow the principles of revealed scriptures are generally called sahajiya, those who have imagined everything to be cheap, and who have their own concocted ideas, and who do not follow the scriptural injunctions. Such persons are simply creating disturbances in the discharge of devotional service. (end of quote)
So what is this concocted idea that anyone “outside of ISKCON” is not offered Vaisnava ettiquette? What they are actually saying is that the deities, Who are the actual proprietors of the temple, cannot relish the discussions and discourses from elderly saints and sadhus unless those persons have come and taken initiation from the American “gurus” such as Harikesh or Hrdayananda And even more painful is that the young boys and girls, American and European, who have come to learn about bhakti-yoga, can not benefit from the association of those Indian born Vaisnava’s who loved Srila Prabhupada and have so much glorification of him to share with us, and by whose association we would so quickly understand the path of bhakti-yoga, pure loving sentiment for Radha and Krsna.
In the third canto of the Srimad Bhagavatam, Ch 4, verse 26, we find Sri Uddhava directing Vidura to go to Maitreya to learn transcendental knowledge. In the purport, Srila Prabhupada gives a very, very, vital piece of information. He says, “Although one may be well versed in the transcendental science, one should be caareful about the offense of maryada-vyatikrama, or impertinently surpassing a greater personality. According to scriptural injunction one should be very careful of transgressing the law of maryada-vyatikrama because by so doing one loses his duration of life, his opulence, fame and piety and the blessings of all the world. To be well versed in the transcendental science necessitates awareness of the techniques of spiritual science. Uddhava, being well aware of all these technicalities of transcendental science, advised Vidura to approach Maitreya Rsi to receive transcendental knowledge. Vidura wanted to accept Uddhava as his spiritual master, but Uddhava did not accpet the post because Vidura was as old as Uddhava’s father and therefore Uddhava could not accpt him as his disciple, expecially when Maitreya was present nearby.
The rule is that in the presence of a higher personality one should not be very eager to impart instructions, even if one is competent and well versed. So Uddhava decided to send en elderly person like Vidura to Maitreya, another elderly person, but he was well versed also because he was directly instructed by the Lord while He was about to quit this mortal world. Since both Uddhava and Maitreya were directly instructed by the Lord, both had the authority to become the spiritual master of Vidura or anyone else, but Maitreya, being elderly, had the first claim to becoming the spritual master, especially for Vidura, who was much oldr than Uddhava. One should not be eager to become a spiritual master cheaply for the sake of profit and fame, but should become a spiritual master only for the service of the Lord. The Lord never tolerates the impertinence of maryada-vyatikrama. One should never pass over the honor due to an elderly spiritual master in the interests of one’s own personal gain and fame. Impertinence on the part of the pseudo spiritual master is very risky to progressive spiritual realization." (end of quote)
These instructions given by Srila Prabhupada have been totally ignored. In the GBC resolution that no one can speak unless they are an ISKCON devotee, they are making this movement into a sectarian “club”. What is the real motive? To keep themselves in a state of being worshipped, because such persons relish the sense gratification of being worshipped as good as god. If the persons coming to learn cannot hear from the elevated Vaisnavas of India, most of whom NEVER ate meat, never indulged in illicit sex, intoxication, gambling, etc.(AND who have grasped the meaning of the word humility; given in the Bhagavad-Gita as the FIRST item of transcendental knowledge) then the so-called gurus can continue to pretend. When the sun comes out, all the lesser sources of illumination are insignificant. Essentially, however, most have no understanding that a true guru is a perfect servant; perfect in humility and all godly qualities. It is painfully obvious to so many Hindus who come to the temples what is going on, but in the spirit of seeing only the good, my dear friends try to look past the impurities. It is unfortunate, however, and painfully true, that all Srila Prabhupada’s hard work to establish an institution where persons from all races can come together and love Krsna will be lost if true dharma is not insisted on. True dharma includes the adherence to the teachings of Srila Prabhupada in regards to hearing from great self-realized souls. False humility on the part of the Indian population will only cause the destruction of Srila A.C. Bhaktivedanta’s work at a faster pace. I humbly beg you, do not tolerate the offenses of maryada-vyatikrama to the sannyasi’s of your country, who come to America to see what Srila Prabhupada has done. The masses of devotees, who are not allowed to make any rules, have such love and desire to hear. But the so-called leaders say “NO!” “You cannot hear them speak! They will contaminate you! They are envious!”. I humbly beg the Indian population, boycott the temples, expecially New Dwarka, until these offenses have ceased, and a sadhu who visits representing the BrahmaGaudiya Sampradaya is given proper respect. Nothing will change, true bhakti will be obscured, unless those with knowledge assist Srila Prabhupada by demanding true sadhu-sanga.
I ask again, if the Governing Body Commision, set up by Srila Prabhupada, has no respect for the scriptures, should they be allowed to govern? More and more it is being seen that they are not even governing themselves. Harikesh, who was one of the self acclaimed “gurus” up until approximately two months ago, has now accepted the glorious title of vantasi. Not with a devotee woman, either, but with a meat eating karmi. And he has acclaimed that this woman’s son (who also eats flesh) is an incarnation of Srila Prabhupada. Only when he attempted to have a vyasapuja for this boy was he rejected by the GBC, who are now in deep fear of his retaliation. I realize to all respectable Hindus, this bit of truth is so distasteful, it is nothing I care to elaborate on fully. Let it merely be said, more than 20 temples in India have, since this occurence, thrown out the American and European “gurus” and declared the temples to belong exclusively to Srila Prabhupada. His last instruction regarding how initiations would continue down the years indicated that he expected to continue as the overseer and protector of the movement. I beg all those with intelligence to follow the example of the Indian devotees. You have a deep understanding of spiritual truths, insist on these being executed.
We have a temple president in New Dwarka who, whilst trying to develope the qualities of a pure vaisnava, simultaneously exhibits the mannerisms of an expert vaisya, not a brahmin. Svavas prabhu is very good at managing monies and developing business. Can a vaisya properly guide the society? I do not see in Bhagavad Gita where a vaisya minded individual is recommended to perform the duties of the head of society, namely the brahmin. Is he able to think in regards to true spiritual developement of all the praja, citizens, or does he merely think of making money? Svavasa is certainly exemplary in his attempts to hold onto his dedication, both to Srila Prabhupada and his service of being temple president. I believe firmly in his heart of hearts he would welcome strong guidance from the brahminically minded devotees of Krsna. and happily go on executing his service with strong shelter and suport from those who are in a position to give complete spiritual direction, namely the brahmins and sannyasis (according to the version of Sri Krsna in the Bhagavad Gita.)
Some persons are of the opinion that dirty laundry should be kept private. I am of the opinion that the “House in Which the Whole World Can Live”, meaning Srila Prabhupada’s institution, (the International Society for Krsna Consciousness,) is so full of dirty laundry that there is no way to get rid of it unless we take it out and burn it. If we attempt to burn it within the house, there is fear of the entire structure burning down. Otherwise, there is no room any more for any sattvik persons, because it is too full of old, nasty, disgusting laundry. This is the condition of the Hare Krsna movement, and it started after Srila Prabhupada left our vision. Power hungry individuals claimed themselves to have been appointed by Srila Prabhupada as gurus, although there was no evidence whatsoever. And they proceeded to split up the world, for their so-called enjoyment, each taking a zone to control and lord over. This is not old history yet, until all these nonsense deviators renounce their claim to being GBC men, and gurus. The activities of Harikesh are just a sampling of what the “less powerful” godbrothers, disciples of Srila Prabhupada, have had to sit back and endure, for over twenty years.
I believe that if Vaisnavas are disrespected, particulary sannyasis who are meant to guide society, Radharani will never shower her mercy. Those who remain silent and are afraid to voice a contrary opinion are to blame for the offense by dint of the fact that silence is taken as agreement. The problem in the movement today is that there have been so many rouges claiming to be guru and sannyasi, but they have given up the ashram after abusing and exploiting their unfortunate disciples. . Now many persons have forgotten that the real thing does still exist, and that those in this ashram, who embody the divine qualities, must be given proper respect.
I close this presentation with a prayer, to Radharani and all the Vaisnavas, especially those in New Dwarka. Please forgive me for my offenses, especially in front of the beautiful Radha Krsna deities in the temple. I should not have attempted to correct the situation in front of the deities, as this is listed as an offense; to correct anyone in front of the deity. Also to be angry in front of the deity. I truly believe that my emotion was more than anger, but I cannot find the proper words to expresss my sentiment when I saw such total disregard for the teachings of my spiritual master. Perhaps disbelief, resulting in my disregard for the inappropriateness of my futile attempt to have some respect shown to this gentle humble sannyasa. He so sweetly came to be with Srila Prabhupada’s devotees, even though he knew that he would not receive any proper respect whatsoever. . Still, his heart was with his dear friend, Srila Prabhupada and his devotees. Anyone but a demon would regret that this person, as well as persons such as Bhaktinandana Swami, Srila Narayana Maharaj, and Srila Govinda Maharaj, are not allowed to offer their darshan to the American/European Vaisnavas.
Falling at the feet of all Vaisnavas, your fallen servant, Mahalaksmi Dasi P.O. Box 87, Badger Ca. 93603 e-mail (when it’s working).
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