VNN USA - Chelsea Clinton and Srila Prabhupada Books

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09/04/1998 - 2136

Chelsea Clinton and Srila Prabhupada Books

Washington, USA (VNN) - by Payonidhi das

Dear devotees of Ulan Ude, and devotees in Russia.
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!

It was on July 14th, this year 1998, at 5.30 pm I met Chelsea Clinton. I distribute books in front of the Air and Space museum, at was is known as the National Mall in Washington DC. Actually the National Mall is like the Red Square in Moscow, used to be for the russian people. Actually great men like Martin Luther King spoke here to millions of people in the 1960th. He asked that all people of all nation, of all colors and races, and all religions should get together to worship God.

Next to the Air and Space Museum, is the Capitol Hill, which is the congressbuilding for US senators, politicians from all over USA come to make decisions about the future of USA. Recently 2 policemen sacrificed their life to protect tourists from all over the world there, and were given a funeral like a president would be given. At that time I sold books to some Tourists that had seen these brave men sacrifice their life to protect people visiting DC.

There is all the monuments errected in honor of American presidents that deserved honor for fighting for righteous courses. And not far from there is the White House the place of the US president. This National Mall has visitors from all over the world, and many famous people as well pay a visit to Washington DC.

I had been selling books all day on July 14th, and my books were almost completed. Srila Prabhupada's books are so wonderfull they attract many peoples intention all over the world. I stopped these two young ladies by giving them a sticker with the picture of Lord Jagannatha. They stopped and smiled, and I noticed that one of the young girls must be Chelsea Clinton. So I asked her.

Payonidhi : "Are you not Chelsea Clinton?"

Chelsea: "Yes, I am."

She seemed very happy to talk to me. And I immidiatly asked her.

Payonidhi: "Chelsea I am one of the Hare Krishnas out here distributing books, would you like to have a copy??"

Chelsea: "Yes very much so!"

I gave her a copy of the Science of Self-Realization, and she thanked me. There was some secret service agents there for her protection, but they did not mind, but was constantly on the watch for her safety, you never know in America there is some very strange people that may try to kill her just for being the presidents daughter.

I also gave her and her friend a tulsi neckbead, and the friend put it around the neck and Chelsea around her wrist. The tulsineckbeads are made of sacred wood that in the Vedas (India's ancient scriptures) are described to bring you all fortune and counteracts sin, and evil spells.
(If you are interested you can buy these from the Hare Krishna devotees in Russia, at most temples they are sold at a small price).

Chelsea sat down at a flowerbed, and was reading the book for 10 minutes or so. She and her friend was going to see a movie about Mount Everest. I taked to her for maybe 5-10 minutes. When I gave her friend another of the Hare Krishna books, Chelsea said: "Oh that book I have read, I bought it here".

I was surprised she had such interest in the books, she also told me she was going to College, at Stanford University, and I was trying to find out if there was a temple by that famous university for her to visit.

I also showed her a newsletter from Food For Life, and on the frontcover has a picture from the Crash of a military airplain in Siberia, she was happy to hear that Hare Krishna devotees from Ulan Ude went and fed the people afflicted by the crash.

I also told her about out recent Ratha Yatra on the National Mall where devotees distributed 7500 plates of Prasadam. I promised her next time I met her I would give her one of our cookbooks. Later a devotee friend told me she is a vegetarian.

At the end of our conversation I gave her a new copy of the Science of Self-Realization, to give to her father the president, she promised to do so. She was a very bright young lady, maybe 18-19 years old, and just dressed simple without big make up etc. Later when I left I saw she carefully carried Srila Prabhupada's books in her arms.

I also hope that people in Russia are taking interest to read Srila Prabhupada's books. Anyone who reads these spiritual books of Srila Prabhupada will learn everything there is to know about Krsna, God. Krishna is the same God all religions worship.

But the Vedas give more information about God than any scripture, and more confidential knowledge as well. The Vedas like the Bhagavad Gita teach one everything about reincarnation, karma, and how to please Krsna. So I encourage anyone, who reads this to go soon to a Hare Krishna temple, enjoy free spiritual food, and you can learn about Krsna from the devotees, who are nice saintly peope in most cases. And if you like please learn how to chant Hare Krsna on beads, to offer your food to God, and read these nice books Srila Prabhupada translated. You will see Hare Krsna lifestyle is a wonderfull spiritual expirience, the happiness in spiritual life has no end.

And if you ever come to Washington DC please stop by and lets talk about Krsna.

Your servant
Payonidhi das


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