© 1998 VNN


04/09/98 - 1735

Dharma Journal 4-98

USA (VNN) - The Electronic Newsletter of the Sanatana Dharma Student Association
(The Hindu student and faculty organization of the University of Wisconsin)

The humble sage, as a result of true knowledge,
sees with equal vision
a gentle brahmana, a cow, an elephant,
a dog and the eater of the dog.

Bhagavad Gita 5:18

Welcome Aboard

Welcome to the latest issue of Dharma Journal. Our family of readers continues to grow on a daily basis. So, for those are you who are with us for the first time: Welcome! We hope that our humble attempts at expressing the beauty of Sanatana Dharma will be both enlightening and beneficial for you. Please feel free to forward this electronic newsletter on to your organization's e-mail recepients. And for those of you who have web sites, please consider carrying our newsletter on your site. Om Namo Narayanaya.


1) Movie Night. On Satuday, April 18th, from 6:30 - 10:30 p.m., the SDSA will be having its end of the semester party. We'll celebrate by watching "The Mission", a fantastic movie staring Robert DeNiro. The room will be in Memorial Union. Look on the TITU board for the exact room #. Call Frank (608) 288-0266.

2) India Night. The Indian Students Association will be celebrating "India Night", on Friday, May 1st, 6:00 p.m. Come to this night of good Indian food, entertainment and celebrating. For tickets, call Sumit (608) 264-0379.


by Howard Beckman

When we speak of astrology we speak of a science which is astronomical, or a mathematical science based on the movements of the heavenly bodies in our solar system. These movements are watched against a background of the constellations of stars of our universe, and can be calculated exactly as to their movements in measurement of time. This makes astronomy the original and most important of sciences. Astrology, or the science of understanding how the movements of planets through the constellations of stars affect our lives here on earth, is the most important of the inner sciences which deal with our bodies, minds, and above all else our real identities as spirit souls.

All other sciences were derived from it. Ancient systems of medicine and healing ALWAYS considered astrological influences, and even in the western world it was required to have a working knowledge of astrology in order to become a doctor of medicine. That is up until a few hundred years ago. In Nostradamuss' time it was still a requirement. All the ancient civilizations had their own systems of astrology- Egypt, Mexico, China, Babylonia, and India to mention a few everyone is aware of- and how advanced their cultures were can be measured by how advanced their perceptions and therefore systems of astrology were.

This was how the ancients understood the structure of our universe and the movements of the heavenly bodies within it. It was the basis of the first "cosmologies", which show the source and background of how forces operate within the universe, thus helping us to understand how they work here in our world. Astrology is the language of cosmic energy, and the planets within our solar system represent to us the laws of time. Therefore understanding astrological influences allows us to understand our fate or destiny, thereby also understanding meanings of events taking place on earth.

It is of the utmost importance to understand the significance of the heavenly bodies in relationship to our own lives here on earth, for this connection between us and our universe must be perceived in order to attract positive vibrations or influences towards us or to repel negative ones. Practically this is how one shapes their destiny, IF one gains the knowledge to do so. To consider astronomical truths without consideration of the astrological meaning of their effects is to see a body devoid of the soul.

The most important difference between the calculations of the western and eastern vedic systems of astrology are the zodiacs used (the 12 signs composed of constellations of stars). Western astrology is most often based on the "tropical zodiac". This system is always based on the equinoxes. Therefore the beginning of the tropical zodiac is always the point of vernal equinox, or the placement of the sun on the first day of spring. Wherever the sun is on this day is considered 0° Aries. The sidereal zodiac is used in the vedic system (some western astrologers also use this but it is less prevalent) which is using the zodiac "as it is". In other words we calculate the planetary positions against the background of "fixed" stars and constellations. Originally, when western astrology was in it's early stages (approx. 2000 years ago) the 2 zodiacs coincided. Today there is an approximately 23.5° difference between the placements within the 2 zodiacs. This is due to the "precession of the equinox" caused by the changing of the tilt of the earth on its axis. This causes our orientation to fixed stars to change as the point of earth to these fixed stars moves backwards. Over a period of 25,000 years the point of reference of earth to the fixed stars makes a full circle of the zodiac. (Therefore in approx. another 23,000 years the 2 zodiacs will coincide again.)

Tropical astrology measures the relationship between the earth and sun, but does not have a direct correlation with other fixed stars. We also call this system "solar astrology" as it's main concerns are the "solar" side of our lives and characters, personalities, and psychological make-ups. It shows how the planets distribute solar forces. Sidereal astrology also considers all-important solar energies, but measures the greater relationship between our solar system with the fixed stars and the entire galaxy. This gives a larger base and frame of reference, thus we call it "cosmic astrology" denoting how the planets distribute the energies of all the stars and of our galaxy.

Vedic astrology for this basic reason is an accurate representation of the astrology used in the extremely early "spiritual ages". These "ages of light", as they are referred to, are of a history long preceding our known ancient cultures. There are many references to equinoctial positions in the oldest of vedic literatures such as reference to the vernal equinox in Karttika (the Pleiades) in the beginning of Taurus around 2500 B.C. which has been referred to in many later vedic literatures. The oldest of the vedic scriptures, the Rig Veda, contains references to the "Gemini-Orion" era (vernal equinox in Mirgashira) around 4000 B.C. and the "Cancer" era (equinox in Punarvasu) around 6000 B.C.

Vedic astrology, as is all vedic science, is spiritually directed toward leading one to discover knowledge of our true selves. In Sanskrit this is called "atma-vidya", or knowledge of the soul. The true purpose of utilizing this science is for self-realisation. It is not that we should feel helpless to the external forces of the cosmos, but to allow us to use these lives in a positive way. Therefore we must first understand who we really are!! Real knowledge is grasping the true essence and the true essence of life is of a spiritual, not material, nature. If an astrologer has true "clarity of perception" gained only through a life of discipline in spiritual principles then he or she can help others to understand the astrological spiritual principles of life. They can utilize this knowledge with individuals to help them establish harmony and balance with nature. This astrological "counselling" can then play a major role in realization of peace, stability, and confidence in our daily human relationships and actions.

There is no one way to look at the cosmos and qualified and learned astrologers from any bona-fide system of astrology will be able to tell the effects to manifest in this life of actions performed in previous lifetimes. In other words the effects of the "laws of karma". Vedic astrology not only shows these effects, and thus events, to come, but shows us the spiritual path we have followed for many lifetimes, and the ultimate purpose (or lesson) of why we chose to incarnate into the present life. Qualified astrologers in any true system should be able to give advice on career, economic development, relationships (including marital, friend, and business), physical and emotional health, the ability to attain wealth, and the basic allotment of enjoyment and suffering due to come in this life. We pay due attention to these points of life in this material world, and rightly so for it is your birthright to gain knowledge of how to attain maximum success in your endeavors.

We are also immensely concerned with the "spiritual health" of an individual and how to help through the aid of different yoga practices and meditation, for this part of life is the only part that is resumed at the same point one leaves off in this life during the next incarnation. No material endeavors are guaranteed to be continued from this life to the next, but any progress made on the spiritual path is picked up at the same point in the next life. This is confirmed in Bhagavad-Gita, Srimad-Bhagavatam, the Upanishads, and all other vedic scriptures. The soul is eternal and spiritual activities are also so, unlike actions concerned with manipulation and/or accumulation of matter.

Within the science of vedic astrology we have a host of remedial measures for balancing planetary influences, thus attracting the influences toward us we desire and attempting to ward off the negative. The science of "planetary gemology", or gemstone therapy, is one that is successfully used to this end, and has been done for many ages, along with yantras (sacred geometry), mantras, and yoga. As we look at man as a microcosm, an indivisible part of the macrocosm of the universe, we also use the system of ayurveda and medical astrology to diagnose ailments of the body and deal with them through holistic methods. Vedic astrology is a means for diagnosing difficulties/strengths and understanding rightful action toward maintaining good physical, emotional, and spiritual health. To neglect any one means to never be healthy or well-adjusted regardless of one's material station in life. By using the "astral blueprint" of a vedic astrological horoscope we can understand the wider scope of our individual instincts and intuition. Even more importantly by bringing this holy science to a "soul" or "causal" level we can explore our movement as souls from life to life, and the true purpose of this life, which is what we have inwardly set out to accomplish in this incarnation.


Howard Beckman (Hamsavatar das) is the author of "An Introduction to Vedic Astrology, spiritual science of the Ancients", "Gemstone Therapy for the Modern Age", “Mantras, Yantras, and Fabulous Gems....healing secrets of the ancient Vedas”, and soon to be released “Healthy Body, Peaceful Mind, Joyous Spirit” and many booklets and articles and gives regular lectures, workshops, and courses in Vedic astrology, ayurveda, yoga, and mantra meditation in the U.S. and U.K. for the Vedic Cultural Fellowship.

web: http://www.vedastro.demon.co.uk
e-mail: Howard@vedastro.demon.co.uk


Dear Frank,

I hope I may call you Frank, but if it is not all right please inform me so. Probably you must have received my email address from Eliseo Franco who I appreciate very much.

Before asking you some questions I am going to introduce myself. My name is Mahinder Jainandunsing (this the Western way to wright it!). I am 25 years old and I am a Dutch tax advisor. It is my job to advise major companies in their tax position. Also I have to advise their employees with all their tax matters which covers a wide range of services. I like doing this work because I am not doing the same thing every day. Next to my work I am study the Dutch academic fiscal education. In my leisure I'd like to read as much as I can about Krishna consciousness and everything that is related to Him. Just recently I started a Hindi course which is being teached (privatly) by my guru Pandit Poetoe. Since I am a hindoo and a Kshatriya of birth it is much easier for me to follow my religion. I like it very much (and it is growing every day).

Now here are my comments and questions. Some weeks ago I received some issues of the Dharma Journal. I have to inform you that I liked receiving these journals. I would like to receive more issues of it if possible. Would you please inform regarding this? I am trying to collect Krishna pictures (as many as possible!). If you have them, would you please send me some? Also I'd like to know how the Americans live with Krishna consciousness and living a vegetarian life. Would you please inform me? I look forward to hear from you as soon as possible!!!!

Best regards,


Dear Mahinder,

Namaskar. Thank you so much for your kind letter. I'm very glad to hear that you enjoy the Journal. I've added you to our mailing list, so you will be getting them directly from now on. If you have any friends or family who would also like to get the Journal, please send me their addresses at:


As an organization we don't have many pictures of Krsna other than the photo of Radha-Krsna that we use for puja. I will, however, print your letter in our next Jounal, and hopefully some of our readers will be able to help you.

It makes me very happy to hear that your interest in Hinduism is increasing day by day. Hinduism - otherwise known by its proper name, Sanatana Dharma - is the world's most ancient, beautiful and philosophically satisfying way of living. Moreover, appreciation for Sanatana Dharma is increasing world-wide.

While I can't comment on Americans' attitudes toward the "Krishna Consciousness" movement per se, I do know that yoga, vegetarianism, meditation and Asian spirituality and philosophy in general are becoming extremely popular in America. On college campuses throughout the country, it's considered very cool to be vegetarian. Both non-Indian Americans, as well as Americans of Indian heritage, are exploring and adopting the Earth-respecting, non-violent lifestyle of Sanatana Dharma in ever increasing numbers. This, I feel, is a powerful testament to the relevancy of the message of this 5000 year old way of life for today's troubled world.

I wish you continued success in your personal exploration of your religious heritage.

Om Shanti,

Frank Morales - Editor/Advisor


Dear Laura,

Thank you, and Frank, very much for the work you Prabhus are doing with the Sanatana Dharma site.

This info from a Christian site I'm sending as "food" for discussion.

Your servant,
Daruka das



As a Hindu student organization the primary function of which is educational, we need literature of any kind about Sanatana Dharma to share with our members and friends. If you have any books, magazines, pamphlets, C.D.s, cassettes, software or anything at all - either new or used - that you can give us, please send them to:

c/o Frank Morales
1128 Morraine View Drive, #305
Madison, WI 53719

Thank you!


For further information on the Sanatana Dharma Student Association of U.W.-Madison, or to offer suggestions for our newsletter or questions about Sanatana Dharma (Hinduism), please feel free to contact us at:

(608) 288-0266

Frank Morales - Editor/Advisor