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April 25, 2002 VNN7284
 Thoughts on Synthesis of Science and Religion


PUBLICATION, Apr 25 (VNN) Bhaktivedanta Institute Releases New Book The Bhaktivedanta Institute, Calcutta, is pleased to announce the publication of Thoughts on Synthesis of Science and Religion: Srila Prabhupada Birth Centenary Volume. Among the devotees, volume was released and dedicated to Srila Prabhupada on the occasion of Srila Prabhupada's Disappearance mahotsav programs in Vrindavana, India, in November 2001. Among the scientists and scholars, it was formally released as a part of the annual Indian Science Congress in Lucknow, India on Jan 3, 2002 and recently in Calcutta, India all the contributors of the volume from Calcutta were honored through a ceremonial function at the prestigious Asiatic Society Vidyasagar Hall, Calcutta for the distribution of the volumes in which many scholars and dignitaries attended, having the Governor of U.P. as the Chief Guest. There was a good response among devotees, scientists and scholars to receive this volume.
The book is now shipped to different parts of the world, and is now available to the devotee community.
The book contains many of the papers presented at the Second World Congress for the Synthesis of Science and Religion held in Calcutta during Srila Prabhupada's Centenary celebrations in January 1997. Included are essays from some of the most prominent thinkers, eminent scholars, religious leaders and scientists of the world, including five Nobel Laureates.
As this book is published as a tribute to Srila Prabhupada, there are many articles detailing Srila Prabhupada's contributions in many aspects of science, philosophy, theology and especially his influence on the West and its dominant scientific rational paradigm. Of special interest to devotees are the papers submitted by several leading disciples of Srila Prabhupada, including Jayapataka Maharaja, Bhakti Caru Maharaja, Drutakarma dasa, Pusta Krishna Das and Bhaktisvarupa Damodar Maharaja who is one of the coeditors of this volume (along with Samaresh Bandyopadhyay).
Prof. Richard Ernst, a Nobel Laureate in chemistry from Switzerland has briefly mentioned about Varnashram dharma in his article, Science in the Third Millennium, appreciating the principles of Varnashram dharma of Vedic tradition. Prof. Charles Townes, the Nobel Laureate in Physics explains that there is no conflict between science and religion. Dr. Robert Muller, the former Assistant Secretary General of the United Nations, concludes in his article by proposing that Bhaktivedanta Institute should transfer into a Spiritual University. Of interest to the scientific minded is the extensive coverage given to consciousness studies, and a future vision given to the possible synthesis of science and religion. Besides the many religious and scientific leaders, there are also several fine articles submitted by popularizers of both the scientific and the Vedic perspectives, such as Amit Goswami, Deepak Chopra and Fred Alan Wolf, Gregory Benford, Freeman Dyson and many others.
Anyone presenting Krishna Consciousness to the students, scientists and scholars - this volume will be very helpful.
Devotees interested in purchasing this 735-page book (also containing several pages of color pictures) are requested to contact the following:
1) In the Americas: Hari Mohan das, 3209 Olive Street, Denver, Colorado, 80220. Email: mohan@qwest.net
2) In Europe: Luciano Nonino (Padmalochan das), V. Alberese, 18 00149, Rome, Italy. Email: lochan_108@hotmail.com
3) In Asia, Africa and Australia: Vrajendrakumar das, RC/8, Manasi Manzil Building, 4th Floor, Raghunathpur, VIP Road, Calcutta, 700 059. Email: bsds@cal.vsnl.net.in
List of authors: S. Bandyopadhyay, Gregory Benford, Arun Kumar Biswas, Bijoy Boruah, N.D. Desai, Paul Dossick, Michael Cremo (Drutakarma dasa), Charles Townes, S.K. Mukherjee, M.M. Chakrabarty, Ranan Banerji, V. Krishnamurty, Jagdish Srivastava, E.C.G. Sudarshan, Ahindra Ghosh, Amit Goswami, Roger Jean, T.K. Krishnamurty Iyer, Daniel C. Matt, Dora Bazan Montenegro, S.K. Mukherjee, S.P. Olivier, Reinhart Ruge, V.V. Raman, Robert Shaw, Prasan K. Roy and D. Dutta Majumdar, Jonathan Shear, T.D. Singh (B.S. Damodar Swami), Richard Ernst, Gregory Benford, Freeman Dyson, Glenn Bucher, Robert Muller, Bishop Swing, Father Maximilian Mizzi, Crystal Woodward, S.M.M. Damad. D.K. Sinha, Bhakti Caru Swami, Jayapataka Swami, and Betty Williams. Foreword by H.H. The Dalai Lama.
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