11/29/97 - 1295

"Poison Has Been Given"

USA (VNN) - The following hindi conversion can be found in Vol. 36, Conversations Books, Page 354 - Room Conversation Vrindavan Nov., 8, 1977. Hindi conversation between Kaviraja, Prabhupada and others (Audio Tape #44 Side A, beginning of tape):

Srila Prabhupada: koi bolta hai koi poison diya hai - some one is saying some poison has been given.

Kaviraja: kisko - to whom?

Srila Prabhupada: mujko - to me.

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One Hindi translator has explained that the term "koi bolta" means "some one is saying" or "it is said". Used in this connection the term "koi" means "some one" - "bolta" means "has said" - "some one has said" or "it is said" is used in Indian story telling and means "it is historical fact".



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