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July 5, 1999   VNN4235   Related VNN StoriesNext StoriesComment on this story

Sripad B.V. Narayan Maharaj Blesses Germany


GERMANY, Jul 5 (VNN) — For the first time in history Srila Narayan Maharaj visited Germany in the third week of June 1999. With the help of local Srila Swami Maharaj disciples, who have accepted His Divine Grace as siksa-guru, Srila Narayan Maharaj was able to speak hari-katha in Neckar-Gemund (a town near Heidelberg, in South-West Germany) and Berlin. In his arrival lecture in Berlin Srila Narayan Maharaj mentioned that he always wanted to visit Berlin, as it was there where Hitler started his destructive campaign.

Only taking the external knowledge of the Vedas, such as the Vedic science on warfare, will inevitably lead to destruction. The inner purport of the Vedic scriptures is love and affection. So, Srila Narayan Maharaj has come to Berlin with that purpose - to initiate Caitanya Mahaprabhu's campaign of love and affection.

Just as the Berlin Wall was destroyed, His Divine Grace wishes to destroy the institutional walls in the Vaishnava world. He compared the sectarian mentality of not hearing from sadhus outside of ones institution to the mentality of a son, who inherited a well from his father. Though the water of the well has become polluted and infected in the course of time, that person refuses to take the pure water of the nearby flowing Ganga.

On the occasion of danda-mahotsava, Srila Narayan Maharaj and his disciples spoke on the life of Srila Raghunath das Goswami. Though Srila Raghunath Das Goswami's diksa-guru was Yadunandan Acarya, he had so many siksa-gurus (Svarup Damodar, Sanatan Goswami, Rupa Goswami). This example illustrates the importance of having siksa-gurus, who may be even more influential than ones diksa-guru.

Touched by the words and divine personality of Srila Narayan Maharaj, eighteen fortunate souls took harinam initiation from His Divine Grace and some 80 devotees came to hear hari-katha in Heidelberg and 150 in Berlin.

Ananta-koti-vaishnava-vrnda ki jay!

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