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April 23, 1999 VNN3675
Forbidden Archeology
POLAND, Apr 23 (VNN) Drutakarma Das (Michael Cremo), the author of Forbidden Archeology, is currently on tour in Poland where the abridged Polish edition of his book, Forbidden Archeology, has already been on the best seller lists.
Recently invited to be the guest of honor at a salon at the University in Wroclaw. Previous guests of honor have included Lech Walensa. After speaking for an hour talk, there was an hour break for socializing, and then an hour of discussion, which was lively as usual. Attending the talk were academics, local political leaders, top journalists, etc.
Drutakarma Prabhu has appeared on national televison and radio, local T.V. and radio, been covered in local newspapers, even hitting the the front page. Poland's national newsmagazine, Politike - the Polish equivalent of Time or Newsweek, will be running a feature article on his controversial critique of current anthropological theory.
Drutakarma has also lectured at bookstores as well as nightclubs where authors and other notables often speak and . He will alse be meeting with archeologists at the national museum in Warsaw.
Forbidden Archeology, coauthored by Sadaputa Das, contains many radical criticisms of current conventional scientific wisdom, especially in the field of evolutionary anthropology: The book shows that signs of civilization have been found that are millions of years old proving that human beings did not evolve from apes, indeed, that human beings were around before the time of the dinosaurs. Though abundant evidence of this sort exists to disprove human evolution, it has been ignoredby scientists cheating on a massive scale. Museum displays use propaganda in promoting fallacious ideas to the public and that anthropology textbooks used in universities are inaccurate.
Critics such as the leading humanist anthropologist, Richard Leakey, author of "The Making of Mankind," are caustic, calling the book pure humbug not worthy of serious consideration.
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