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April 15, 1999   VNN3605  

ISKCON Yugoslavia Update


YUGOSLAVIA, Apr 15 (VNN) — Dear Maharajas and Prabhus. PAMHO AGTSP Thank you very much for your care and prayers.

The situation in this moment is like this. The few remaining ladies, matajis, can leave, if they wish, the country legally on northern borders in the direction of Hungaria. The local bus line between our northern place Subotica and Hungaria steel works one time daily,so transport is not the problem. If devotees in Hungaria can receive them,like they received some devotees already, then its OK.

Mail devotees can not leave the country . They must stay and wait if called and needed by Army. Otherwise because country is in war condition, if they refuse the call, they will be prosecuted by the Army court and minimum penalties are 5 years in jail to 20 years and for some cases if court decide it can be death also.

So prabhus must stay,they can not leave the country at this point.

On Kosovo is very tuff,there are daily heavy bombings from NATO bombers and in all over the territory there is fighting between state Army and polices on one side and Albanian groups mixed with Mujaxedins from Afganistan and other Muslim countries.

Many civilians died from Albanian and Serbian population,mainly because of NATO bombers. Situation was much better before NATO interferes with their war planes.

So to go there even as Food for life will be life risky . Beside, railways are cut off as well as most of the roads for Kosovo direction.

I am scared that we even if get some laxmi which we do not have at all, we will not be able to go there. Regarding Food for life in Serbia because even through the country there are many people who lost everything over night in bomb attacks,maybe in the case that we somehow get some laxmi we will be able to organize few little actions to distribute some prasadam to them. But we do not have potential presently to do anything spectacular here even Food for life activities.

Beside bombing is continuing all over Serbia.

Das o Vamsi Atmabhu das

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