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April 13, 1999   VNN3589  

News From ISKCON Belgrade


YUGOSLAVIA, Apr 13 (VNN) — Dear devotees,

Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada! This time,my report will be very short,because of the circumstances. As all of you know,at the moment Belgrade is the place where the bombs are falling down almost everyday. In the temple we have 10 devotees,and a few of them will probably go out of the country in the next few days.

In the temple,the atmosphere is very good,devotees are not in fear or in panic and programs are still going on regularly.

Preaching is also going on, somehow or other. Last Sunday-feast program we had over 20 guests,despite the fact that was dangerous to move in the town(every evening the danger from the air attack is announced,and people are usually spend that part of the day in atomic shelters). Some devotees are visiting our congregation members,in order to encourage them to continue with their devotional service in this difficult time. We also have the plan to start with prasadam distribution to the refugees (now we are in the process of investigation how to legalize it).

That's it for now.

Please continue to pray that all this chaos will finish soon, and give us your blessing that we can continue with our devotional service with more strength and more enthusiasm.

Thank you very much in advance!

your humble servant, Bhakti-grantha das

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