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March 13, 1999   VNN3311  

Forbidden Archeology: Drutakarma Tours Europe


EUROPE, Mar 13 (VNN) — Michael Cremo's European Tour: Hungary, England and Poland Hidden History of the Human Race A Best Seller in Poland!

Internationally acclaimed writer and speaker Michael Cremo began his 1999 European Tour as a featured speaker at "The Masterpiece of Creation" Conference in Budapest, Hungary (March 5-17). Then he's off to the UK for a presentation at the Transmute Conference in Salisbury (March 19-21) and a lecture at the Royal Geographical Society in London. A presentation at the Paleoastronomical/UFO Forum in Wroclaw on April 17 will be a highlight of his media blitz through Poland (April 11-24). The Polish Media is eager to interview the author of The Hidden History of the Human Race, for it was #8 in Poland's bestseller list during November 1998.

The January 1999 South Africa Tour was extremely successful, beginning with a presentation at the Fourth World Archeological Congress in Capetown entitled "Forbidden Archeology of the Early and Middle Pleistocene: Evidence for Physiologically and Culturally Advanced Humans." Following that was a lecture before faculty members at Durban's University of Natal. In Johannesburg, Mr. Cremo was interviewed on one of the most popular national radio talk shows.

During the show, the producers contacted Ron Clarke, discoverer of a new australopithecus skeleton at Sterkfontein, South Africa, and put him on the air for a lively debate with Michael about the origins of mankind.

Michael was also interviewed on various radio and televised news shows.

World renowned as a truth in science advocate' Mr. Cremo is considered a leading authority on anomalous archeological evidence relating to the origin of the human race. He has appeared on hundreds of radio and television programs, including the NBC Prime Time Special hosted by Charlton Heston, The Mysterious Origins of Man. The Japanese television show, "Unbelievable," recently filmed him for a documentary on Îout of place artifacts' described in Forbidden Archeology and elsewhere.

Visit the "Michael Cremo and Forbidden Archeology Etc." website (http://www.mcremo.com) to learn more about the fascinating phenomena Michael has revealed in Forbidden Archeology that challenge the prevailing theories of Darwinian evolution. Check out the "Censored Scientists" exhibit at the Museum of Forbidden Archeology to understand how significant archeological discoveries unearthed by personalities such as Dr. George F. Carter, Louis Leakey, and Virginia Steen McIntyre were deliberately and systematically barred from mainstream science by the gatekeepers of scientific orthodoxy.

Forthcoming: May 1999 - The Hidden History of the Human Race A condensed popular paperback edition of Forbidden Archeology Published by BBT Science Books - Distributed by Torchlight Publishing

Contact: Lori Erbs, Publicist 360-738-9813

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