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March 7, 1999 VNN3263
Wholistic Accuracy
AMSTERDAM, Mar 7 (VNN) First of all I want to mention to you all just in case you don't already know, that a very important vaisnava is no longer with us. He has gone on to better association. Our godbrother, Srila AC Bhaktivedanta Svami Prabhbupad's disciple, Sriman Hayesvar Prabhu of Amsterdam, Holland left his mortal coil on Christmas morning 1998 surrounded by devotees.
He was born on June 6, 1938. His father was a religious leader in the Dutch REFORM Christian Church. After writing a few books and living in Surinam he joined ISKCON in 1975. He received both 1st and 2nd from Srila Prabhupad. Due to his literary talent, from the very beginning he was given the task of translating Prabhupad's books into Dutch. He met Srila Prabhupad in person at Nouvelle Mayapur, France in 1976. After seeing his Bhagavad Gita Zoals Het Is (As It Is) translated and printed in Dutch, Prabhupad called him into his room and heartily thanked him for rendering such important seva.
After Prabhupad's untimely disappearance in 1977 (his chart read in August '77 says he was to live for 6 more years) he became ISKCON Amsterdam's Temple President. In 1981, he began to study the books of Prabhupad's beloved godbrother Srila Bhaktiraksaka Sridhardev Gosai.
Due to the GBC's going against Srila Sridhar Mhrj on March 5, 1982, he decided to move out of the ISKCON temple to form the Sri Chaitanya Gemeenschap, a branch of Sri Chaitanya Sarasvat Math. Therein he began to translate Srila Sridhar Mhrj's books into Nederlands taal - Dutch and hold regular programs.
In 1986, he ventured to India and Navadvip for the first time to meet His Divine Grace in person. He always related to us how he felt he received so much mercy from Srila Sridhar Mhrj. While there his wife Ruth also received initiation - Rukmini dd. His adopted daughter also received initiation - Isvari dd.
Rukmini dd bore him 3 fine sons: Haridas, Patri and Rupa. They receive their education in one of the best schools on this planet: The Plato School located near Stadionplein, Amsterdam. Pictures of Krsna decorate the walls, Sanskrt is taught, Ramayan and Mahabharata plays are performed, only vegetarian food is allowed and they pray and meditate first thing in the morning, before and after lunch and before returning home. A near perfect day school for vaisnavas worldwide. My adopted son, Jay Gopal also named by Srila Sridhar Mhrj attends that same Plato School. You want to challenge him one on one philosophically? Good luck!!!
After the disappearance of Srila Sridhar Mhrj in August 1988, Hayesvar Prabhu continued to work with Bhaktimadhurya Van Mhrj of Surinam extract under the guidance of Srila Bhaktisundara Govinda Mhrj. In 1993, he broke with that branch to study more carefully the life and teachings of Srila Bhaktipramoda Puri Gosai to whom he recommended several for harinam and mantra diksa. He also began to initiate disciples himself.
One of his disciples, Parmi, now Premavati dd claims to have had a vision, darshan along with instructions, of someone resembling Mother Sarasvati long before she even knew who Mother Sarasvati was. At the time and even after she couldn't even pronounce the name! She aped: sa-ra-vat? That is the subject of a book written and published by Hayesvar in Dutch which we soon hope to bring to you in English.
In Dec95 he ventured again to India along with his son Haridas and his disciple Premavati dd. While there Haridas became very ill so they all returned within 2 months though they had planned to stay much longer. They didn't get a chance to see all the sadhus they had heard about. They were somewhat disappointed. But as the Gopis declared 5000 years ago, disappointed gives rise to the greatest satisfaction. On March 5, 1995, the GBC went against Srila Narayan Mhrj of Mathura, exactly 13 years to the day after going against SSM.
Triskadeka phobia experts, Julius Caesar beware the ides of March soothsayers and general numerologists can have a field day with this one. It just so turns out that many of Srila Narayan Mhrj's first few western disciples were Dutch. They were strongly urging him to come to the west and to visit Holland first.
On May 5, 1986 Srila Narayan Mhrj's lotus feet touched down on Dutch soil. Schiphol airport became the scene of loud ecstatic kirtan as one of Prabhupad's dearest friends landed on what he later would call Holyland - Holland.
Upon coming to Amsterdam for his Plato School lecture, Srila Narayan Mhrj also took the time out to visit Hayesvar's home. He had missed him in India but now he was coming right into his house! Hayesvar was immediately so impressed that over the next few days he decided to dedicate the rest of his life to translating Srila Narayan Mhrj's books into Dutch.
He continued to hold weekly programs along with special festivals at his home and elsewhere. After collapsing in June 1998, he was diagnosed with having brain tumor. He stayed with us for 6 more months attended by disciples and friends. He was my best friend in Holland. I do and shall miss him very much. We shall translate and present some of his devotional stories in the near future. All glories to Sri Guru and Gauranga!!
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