EUROPE December 8, 1998 VNN2633 Bhakti Bibhuda Bodhayana Maharaj Touring Europe BY WVA
EUROPE, Dec 8 (VNN) Welcome to Europe! Another Vaisnava Acarya is visiting the west. Srila Bhakti Bibhuda Bodhayana Maharaj is touring Holland and Germany from the 4th of December until the 14th.
He is the personal secretary of his Divine Grace Srila Bhakti Promod Puri Maharaj, the President of the World Vaisnava Association and the Founder of the Gopinath Gaudiya Math. Due to his advanced age of 101 Years Srila Puri Maharaj has requested his secretary to personally represent him in all matters of his preaching mission.
Srila Bhakti Bibhuda Bodhayana Maharaj was born in a Vaisnava family. His grandfather was a disciple of Srila Bhakti Siddhanta Sarasvati Thakur Prabhupada. He will arrive in Amsterdam, Holland and lecture in several programs. Next he will visit the Vrinda center in Berlin, Germany. All Vaisnavas interested in meeting with him may call: Arjuna das: 70-3291802 (Amsterdam) to find out his tentative lecture program.
This is more great news for the world! New young Acaryas of the Gaudiya Math tradition are continuing the great work started by Srila A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada. This preaching to the world was predicted by Sri Chaitanya Mahaprabhu and is now expanding through the efforts of many different missions members of the World Vaisnava Association.
The Gopinath Gaudiya Math was one the first temples to host bi-yearly gatherings in their temple. Srila Bhakti Bibhuda Bodhayana Maharaj is a very kind Sannyasi, highly respected by his older Goduncles, and is a visionary for eventual unity of all Vaisnavas. His visit to Europe and his lectures will certainly enliven all of us.
Panchatattva das
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