EUROPE November 16, 1998 VNN2510 See Related VNN Stories Jayapataka Swami Meets Harikesa, Oct 3 BY JAYAPATAKA SWAMI
GERMANY, Nov 16 (VNN) 1. INITIAL CONTACT AT HOUSE: We reached Harikesa Maharaja's house at 11:30amon October 3rd, 1998. It was Madhavi dd's birthday at Arbenteur ISKCON so Ibrought some birthday cake. I also brought about 8 letters for HarikesaMaharaja from disciples in the temples I had passed through including acollection of photos from the Deities in Korsnas Gard, Sweden fromKailasavasini dd. Harikesa Maharaja asked me to sit down and he sat at hisdesk and I was across. I gave him the various letters and presents. Helaid out the photos on the table of Korsnas Gard ISKCON Gandharvika
Giridhari Deities exclaiming "Wonderful!", "Wonderful", "Beautiful", etc. ashe looked at each photo. He spread them out over the desk so he could seeall the photos. I mentioned how beautiful these Deities were and he alsosaid they were special for him. Then I gave a photo of Radha Madan MohanDeity of Arbenteuer ISKCON, Germany from Bhavisya dd. When HarikesaMaharaja saw that picture he stopped and stared at the photo very intently.He became motionless and his eyes eventually produced some tearswhich he wiped off. Nanda Kumar das, my travelling secretary, took threedigital photos at that time until he protested about it. Nanda Kumar dasexplained how he was Bhakti Caru Swami's initiated disciple, but was servingas my travelling secretary. Harikesa Maharaja commented what a wonderfuldevotee Bhakti Caru Swami was.
2. OFFERING ASSISTANCE FROM DISCIPLES TO HKM: I mentioned to HarikesaMaharaja how much his disciples missed him and wanted him to be with them.That it was natural they liked ISKCON for its devotees, Deities, activities,teachings, etc. He mentioned how there was nobody to talk to. He had no oneto talk to. No one was helping him. Ishowed the rear of Bhavisya dd's photo to him where she wrote if she couldhelp with anything. She could cook or clean his flat. He then went into adescription of how devotees had mistreated him and were unreliable.
3. HKM GRIEVANCES AGAINST DEVOTEES: Then Harikesa Maharaja went on todescribe other grievances. He said that Ganga dd had put "vibhuti"into some pancakes and he ate 15 of them which knocked him out for 6 hours.Some other devotees had taken 3 pancakes and were knocked out for 3 hours.He said caranamrita had been spiked with "Vibhuti" drugs.
4. ANGRY AT CITTESWARA:He was very angry at Citteswara das for giving him the psychotropic drugspikedvibhuti. So the conclusion seemed to be that although he was complainingthat he had no help he didn't trust anyone to help him anymore. I didn'tunderstand then why he was always complaining that no one was helping whenhe also wouldn't accept any help.
5. SANNYASA DAS BRINGS LADY: I told him I had heard that Sannyas das hadbrought emotinally imbalanced lady to him, Nirvindhya dd. Harikesa Maharajasaid they had told him her Deities were talking to her and had told hersomething. So he was convinced to go and see her Deities at her hotelroom. When he went to the hotel room with Sannyas das she showed a photo ofsome Deities and said these talked to her. She said some funny things andHarikesa Maharaja gave her some advice and left. Later Sannyas das broughther to Harikesa Maharaja's room when he was out. She waited on HarikesaMaharaja's bed and when he came she told him how it was revealed to her thatshe was his eternal consort and servitor. She tried to engage him in sex,
but Harikesa Maharaja said he threw her out. Harikesa Maharaja calledSannyas das and others involved in this fools. He repeatedly said aboutSannyas das "they don't really understand me either." I told him myunderstanding was he was in love and wanted love not some cheap sex. Heagreed with that and repeatedly said that they don't understand what it isto love someone. That you can't love someone and just switch to someoneelse.
6. UNCONDITIONAL LOVE: Harikesa Maharaja discussed his feelings of love forMonika. I don't know how much it is appropriate to report. AlthoughHarikesa Maharaja said I could repeat anything he said it seems somediscretion is appropriate otherwise he may take it otherwise and not allowme to dkiscuss with him again in the future. He spoke for a long time onhis sentiment of love for Monika. I asked if they had broken up, but hesaid no, but there was some misunderstanding which they wereworking out. He said whatever she did he stilled loved her. I mentionedhow this wasn't an eternal relationship. That it was also part of thematerial world. He didn't verbally respond to that.
7. ABOUT DISCIPLES: I mentioned how Annapurna dd from Sweden had asked mewhether Harikesa Maharaja still really cares about them since they hadoffered him so much devotional service in love and felt there was arelationship, but now they didn't know whether it means anything to him.
Harikesa Maharaja said that off course he cares about them. I mentioned howhis disciples would like him to come back and be with them in ISKCON. Hesaid he wouldn't be a member of an organization anymore. He didn't want tobe controlled by an organization. He didn't want to be controlled. When Imentioned how his disciples have been serving him and loved him. He said hedidn't want to be controlled by love either. He didn't want to be controlledany more. Therefore he was out of the institution. He would try to helpindividuals but he didn't want to be part of any institution. Imentioned how his disciples loved him and cared about him. He said thatthey had drained him and depleted his ethereal body and that it was too muchfor him to sustain.
8. CARING ABOUT DEVOTEES: Harikesa Maharaja preached on how he wants to seethe devotees in ISKCON happy and cared for. How he wants to see thingsimprove in "our society". That there needs to be a lot more of caring andloving amongst devotees. I mentioned that I had been preaching this fora couple of years and he admitted that he appreciated that. That was onereason why he was talking to me. I also explained to him how we could usehis help for expanding the congregational preaching and he could come backand help with that. He liked congregational preaching and thought it was abrilliant idea.
9. LETTERS TO HKM: Harikesa Maharaja had read some of the letters I gave himwhile I was in the bathroom. When I came back I asked him about discipleswriting to him. He said they could send their letters to Guru Sakti das inDole and he would get them from him. Harikesa Maharaja commented that manyletters were useless since they simply said they hoped he would get wellsoon. Obviously Harikesa Maharaja now feels he is fully healthy andtherefore writing to him to get better domesn't please him. He wasn't soimpressed by many letters. Some of the letters were opened on hisdesk so it was obvious that he looked at them. One would need to carefullywrite a letter if they want him to read it. In any case it is a disciplesduty to try to bring back the spiritual master to the right pathso writing him is one way of doing that. Some letter might actually reachhis heart. A disciple had asked how to send him some gift. He said hewasn't asking anyone to do so, but if they wanted to then also c/o GuruSakti das.
10. ABOUT ST. PETERSBURG: I asked about St. Petersburg Temple andKamalamala das and the devotees there. He said he also wouldn't lead them.He didn't want anything to do with any organization. So he was not thereleader and whatever they were doing it was their own thing and hewasn't responsible. I asked why not tell them to not do harm to ISKCON. Hesaid he told them not to do violence to themselves, or to others. Iexplainedhow there was a lot of disturbance in Russiaover this thing and wouldn't it be better to avoid fighting with each other.He agreed that he didn't want fighting between devotees. But he said it wasout of his hands and if I wanted to do anything about it I should talk withSannyas das and Kamalamala das and others. Harikesa Maharaja said they wereall very reasonable people and could be discussed with.
11. ABOUT SRILA PRABHUPADA: Then Harikesa Maharaja said how he felt SrilaPrabhupada had made many mistakes in ISKCON. That these mistakes have to becorrected. That Srila Prabhupada is a pure devotee, but he isn't God. Thatin ISKCON we are putting Srila Prabhupada in too big aposition. When he was getting a bit too heavy and graphic for me then Icovered my ears and said "Visnu, Visnu, Visnu". I had prayed to SrilaPrabhupada what could I do for Harikesa Maharaja which would please SrilaPrabhupada. It seemed that Srila Prabhupada wanted me to get him to admitthat Srila Prabhupada had no ill intention and everything he did was forHarikesa Maharaja best interests. So I asked HarikesaMaharaja what he though Srila Prabhupada's intentions were. HarikesaMaharaja said that Srila Prabhupada was a pure devotee and his intentionswere the best: "To spread love of Godhead all overthe world." I thought it was nice that he at least admitted that.
12. HURT ABOUT SRILA PRABHUPADA: However, it gave me distress that Harikesa Maharaja so freely liked to saythat Srila Prabhupada made mistakes. I said that SrilaPrabhupada himself said he wasn't God. That in preaching there might bestrategies which one employs and if it doesn't work one might change it, soSrila Prabhupada did that sometimes. That shouldn't be considered a mistakeas such. That Srila Prabhupada didn't make any mistakes onKrishna consciousness principles. Harikesa Maharaja asked "principles?""which, what?" I explained that Srila Prabhupada always stuck carefully tothe principles of sadhu, sastra and Guru and that on these principles SrilaPrabhupada couldn't be said to be mistaken. Harikesa Maharaja didn'tseem to agree, but then didn't want to disturb me by going further indiscussing about Srila Prabhupada.
13. ABOUT SANNYASA: Harikesa Maharaja explained how he never wanted to takeSannyas. He gave a history which I don't know if it is true, but it is whathe says. That Srila Prabhupada preached for him subtly for a week aboutSannyas. Then Harikesa dasa asked Srila Prabhupada for sannyasthinking it is what Srila Prabhupada wanted. Harikesa Maharaja told me thatSrila Prabhupada asked him why he wanted to take sannyas. Harikesa Maharajafeels it was some kind of reverse psychology being used. But then HarikesaMaharaja finally said he didn't want to take sannyas at the end of thediscussion. Then at 2AM Tamal Krishna Goswami woke him up and told him SrilaPrabhupada wanted to speak to him. Harikesa dasa went to see SrilaPrabhupada and Srila Prabhupada told him he would give him sannyas.
14. TRIED HIS BEST AT BEING A SANNYASI:Harikesa Maharaja said that although he didn't reallywant to take sannyas. That he didn't feel it was according to his nature heaccepted it and did a good job at it. He revealed thataround 1980-81 he was having trouble with his mind and wanted some advicehow to deal with it. Harikesa Maharaja told me he talked with three people:Hari Sauri Prabhu (then a sannyasi), Bhagavan das (then a sannyasi) and me(Jayapataka Swami). He said when he told me I didn't say anything tohim. v I felt bad when he told me that now and I apologized for notresponding. I told him I didn't remember anything about it. He said I wasvery stiff and cold in those days, but he didn't hold itagainst me as he saw I have changed and he has developed an appreciation forme gradually over the years. Harikesa Maharaja said Bhagavan dasa spreadthe news around to try to destroy him and he was upset with him. HarikesaMaharaja said Hari Sauri dasa had preached to him appropriately and for thathe was eternally indebted to him. Harikesa Maharaja said he then gothimself together after that and somehow kept things under control.
15. FINDING SANNYAS IN FLAT: Harikesa Maharaja went to the bathroom and Iwent into Radhanath das's room to say hello to Harikesa Maharaja's servant.We had a nice relationship so I wanted to encourage him. To my surprise Ifound Sannyasa dasa was also sitting there. Then I knew that he hadbeen listening to all that we had discussed. Harikesa Maharaja explainedthat he called Sannyas das to help him with managing something he was doing.That he needed his help. He again mentioned that he felt alone though thatno one understood him even Sannyas das was a fool since he brought thatlady. This proved that he also didn't understand him. I was hoping thiswould mean that Sannyas das would fall out of favor of Harikesa Maharaja,but my hopes were not founded. Sannyas das may havefallen a few notches in Harikesa Maharaja's favor, but still he was hisclose assistant it seemed. Although Harikesa Maharaja thought him afoolish assistant in understanding his inner feelings orintentions. Sannyas das was worried that Harikesa Maharaja would come backto ISKCON, but it seems that fear is also unfounded since Harikesa Maharajahas no declared intention to return to ISKCON.
16. REGARDING RETURNING TO ISKCON: Last time when I met with HarikesaMaharaja he had told me three times that he might come back to ISKCON ifthings were better. I asked about that and why the changes after ourmeeting. He said that he liked me and that is why he was giving me aninterview. That he didn't give interviews to others since they didn't dealwith him nicely. That he was totally convinced that he could never haveanything to do with ISKCON after the way that Naresvara dasdealt with him. He said that Naresvara das and Abhirama Das came to see himafter I left and told him that he was not getting the money he asked for.He said initially he was very angry, but then after 20minutes he became detached and didn't care any more. That actually histhreats were just a bluff and he told that to Lochan das or someone (can'tremember for sure who he told). That he couldn't doanything against ISKCON. He told me the German detectives wanted him tomake a complaint against ISKCON, but he realized they were demons and hedidn't do it. He said he couldn't do anything that would harm ISKCON. Isaid that in Russia so much harm had been done to ISKCON.He said he couldn't do anything about that. That people left ISKCON becausethey didn't like it.
17. FINANCIAL CONSIDERATONS: Harikesa Maharaja said all he really wanted wasa leased house in Arbentheuer to be fixed up so that he could live in peace.He didn't want any strings so that he would be kicked out if he saidsomething that people didn't like, but he was happy to live near the templeand for that purpose he wanted 500,000 DM. That also at first wasn't beinggiven to him, but finally he got the money and he had no other claims now.But he didn't want to be under an institution or controlledany more. He kept repeating this point and I was thinking it unusual sincehe was so much controlled in his relationship with Monika and for that hedidn't mind because of "love". So why he can't also be controlled by thelove of devotees and spiritual master? I didn't go into that since it seemed too sensitive an issue at this time.
18. REVEALING WHAT HE SAID: I asked him what I could say of what he told methis time. Then he said "what is the use of keeping a secret? It gets outanyway. Better people know. You can repeat anything I have said today."Still I feel that everything he said isn't appropriate to be repeated.
19. NEWSPAPER ARTICLE: I showed Harikesa Maharaja the Moscow TimesSeptember 23rd article "SEX QUESTION SPLITS HARE KRISHNAS". He read thewhole article with interest from beginning to end. In the beginning hecommented about the title. That the issue wasn't about sex butabout human relationships and love. I told him the article seemed to bepromoted by Kamalamala das. He said where does it say that. I said therewere karmi names and he could say whose names they were. He admitted it wasKamalamala das who was doing a lot of the talking. Harikesa Maharaja saidhe heard that devotees were happy there. He repeated that he wasn't theirleader. He would be available for advice, but he would not lead them. Thathe told them devotees should be self-sufficient.That they should get married and have community. That he heard theyaretrying to do that, but although it was complicated to achieve they weremaking some progress.
20. LEAVING GERMANY: He told me he was leaving Germany. Eventually he wasstill planning to have a Healing Centre. That he wanted to train devotees todo healing. That devotees had less false ego so they were natural healers.That before someone could come up to Krishna consciousness they firstneeded to reach the mode of goodness. That all the GBC Rules were of nouse. That Laws like not to steal and lie were needed to guide people in modeof goodness. Once they reached goodness then they could only go higher.That devotees were not even on the platform of goodness so how they could gohigher. He wanted to provide free or as inexpensive as possible trainingfor devotees to do healing. He would have professionals also to dopsychiatric checks. He said he was able to do healing now butthat Monika was more powerful than he was.
21. BACKGROUND HISTORY OF MONIKA RELATIONSHIP: He explained how a couple ofyears before he felt there was someone on the earth who was meant for him.It suddenly struck him that there was a life partner on earth. But then heput it out of his consciousness since he was a sannyasi and it didn't makeany sense. Then one day he gave a class at Arbentheuer and Monika wassitting in the back of the class. He gave a strong class, but once his eyesmade contact with her. He immediately felt something change in his heart,but then he avoided looking at her again. He put it out of his mind.Then he had his collapse and was in the hospital. He said his ethereal bodywas destroyed or damaged so he wasn't healing properly. Then Monika cameone day. As soon as he saw her he told me he knew that this was going to be"trouble". At first he didn't accept it but due to some instructions he gotfrom Narasimhadeva he later realized and accepted that it was actually her.She was the one. Harikesa Maharaja praised Monika's healing capabilities andhow she rebuilt his ethereal body or pranic body. How she had saved hislife. That she put back his emotions and feelings which had been lost.That he wanted to marry her, but she wasn't agreeable at present. He hopedthey could work together.
22. ADDITIONAL POINTS: Harikesa Maharaj didn't want to take the cake sincehe thought it might have some drugs in it, but when Nanda Kumar das, mytravelling secretary, told him how good it was he ended up eating one and ahalf pieces of cake with relish. I sprinkled some Deity wWe talked formany hours, maybe four hours in total. So many things were said. I can'twrite down everything. I wrote some of the highlights. He said he prayedto Radha Madhava when he was collapsing. He said he wouldn't go back toMayapur until it was cleaned of all child abuse. He said he wanted tomaintain personal relations with devotees, but not to be part of theinstitution. At the end of the day he seemed happier than when I came.Although I didn't have any breakthroughs or big changes to report. Manythings were confirming the continuing problem and route that he has been on.Still I felt somewhat happier that I had spent the day with him. It seemedgood that he could talk with someone openly in confidence. He said I waswelcome to come again after he gets settled down wherever he moves to.
He didn't want to say where that was at since he wanted some time in peacebefore he reveals where he is newly situated.
Yours in service,
Jayapataka Swami
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