EUROPE November 12, 1998 VNN2493 On My Behalf (1) - An Open Letter to the GBC BY ARISTANASANA DASA
NEW MAYAPUR, FRANCE, Nov 12 (VNN) On My Behalf (1) - 29/10/98
An open letter to the GBC and the leaders of ISKCON.At the invitation of the GBC of ISKCON to give our opinion on reform ofgurus and initiations, I would like to humbly propose my opinion in thefollowing letter.
Dear Maharajas, Dear Prabhus, Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.The very shameful and painful situation in which Srila Prabhupada's ISKCONand its sincere servants are at present, due to the misbehavior of certainindividuals in our movement, has pushed us to come to our leaders, theGBCs, and the preachers with the following questions which arefundamental.
We are asking you to consider them very seriously and to reply to themurgently to restore purity and happiness in Srila Prabhupada's movement.
Question # 1: Why, when a devotee joins ISKCON, after being told to worship SrilaPrabhupada, to chant His pranama mantra, to repose his faith in SrilaPrabhupada, etc,etc,......, is he (or she) instructed to stop after a whileand worship a new person as his absolute diksa guru, as his personal saviorand as his only possible link with Srila Prabhupada, and when that personfalls from his spiritual absolute status, is he (or she) told to reject himand go back to Srila Prabhupada, practice again what he was doing at first,then stop again after a while, to be reinitiated by a new absolute purediksa guru and stop again if the guru falls down, and on and on as long asthis system is maintained?
Question # 2: Why a devotee initiated in ISKCON must be told that, when the person whoinitiated him in ISKCON has fallen from his spiritual absolute pureplatform, he (or she) is no more connected to Srila Prabhupada and must bereinitiated by a new absolute diksa guru?
Question # 3: Why do we have to publicly expose all the dirt of the fall of a diksa guru(like recently in the case of Harikesa dasa) to destroy the absolute pureimage of that person in the eyes of his followers to turn them away fromhim after we find out that he is no more the pure, absolute, diksa guruISKCON has declared he was before?
Those questions above shows that we are finding ourselves in ISKCON in asituation totally ridiculous, absurd, miserable, painful, shameful andtotally against the principles of Bhakti .
Trying to answer those above questions ourselves, we understand that inISKCON we have artificially rubber stamped some of our preachers to act aspure absolute diksa gurus on the same level as Srila Prabhupadamisunderstanding what it means to be a diksa guru.
To understand the reason of how, when and why this policy of initiation hasbeen implemented in ISKCON we wish to present the following second series ofquestions to our leaders in ISKCON who are upholding presently this systemof initiation in ISKCON.Question # 4: Why a person is declared an absolute pure diksa guru by ISKCON if hefalls after some time?
Question # 5: Why a person is declared an absolute diksa guru if there is a chance to seehim fall from his absolute status in the future?
Question # 6 : How, where and when has Srila Prabhupada given the authorization to theGBC to look for individuals to be appointed pure, absolute diksa guru inISKCON on their own rights?
Question # 7 : How, when and where Srila Prabhupada has Himself given the order to anyindividuals in ISKCON or outside ISKCON to become absolute diksa guru inISKCON, after his departure?
In trying to answer those fundamental questions by researching all theinstructions and orders of Srila Prabhupada, we find that no where and atno time did Srila Prabhupada give the order to the GBC or any individual inISKCON or outside to be or appoint absolute diksa guru in ISKCON.
On the contrary we find that Srila Prabhupada gave a very specific order inhis letter dated 9 of July 1977. In this letter He appointed 11 devotees toact as rittviks, representative of the acarya to function on His behalf.He declared to His secretary GBC Tamal Krishna Maharaja that more personscan be added to the list.
So we understand that the act by the eleven rittviks to declare themselvespure absolute diksa guru after Srila Prabhupada's departure, and to havethe GBC endorse this declaration, was the big error and the root of allproblems in ISKCON today.
We have witnessed that, after the fall of many of these self appointed diksaguru, the GBC has not rectified this error but instead has increased theseabsolute diska gurus. We are shocked to learn this now. I want to repeat here that, in my opinion, this big mistake is the originof all disfunctioning in ISKCON.
Not discrediting or minimizing the status of our pure devotees in ISKCON, Ifeel that Srila Prabhupada has asked us to follow "the rittvik,representative of the Acaryas" system as the standard system for initiationin ISKCON for the sake of keeping this institution united, pure and freefrom artificial racing for guruship.
The system, Srila Prabhupada has given, leaves all of us as eternalservants, preachers of Srila Prabhupada and Himself as our eternal diksaguru and siksa guru, all working under the GBC leadership.Srila Prabhupada is giving divya jnana, Gauranga seva and Radha Krishnaprema to all generations of devotees to come in His ISKCON as long as Hismovement will be manifested in this universe or as long as He gives adifferent order.
We do not see why Srila Prabhupada could not be such a transcendentalliving personality since He has declared Himself that:
- He is eternally present in His ISKCON and in His instruction - His teachings are more important than His physical presence - His books are enough - His physical presence is not necessary - To follow his instruction not His body - He has given a system for initiation for the future - He does not need successors
We understand that Srila Prabhupada has empowered some elder devotees toact as rittviks representative of the acarya to work on this behalf forinitiation. We understand that these individuals have deviated from thisorder of Srila Prabhupada by declaring themselves pure absolute diksa guruwithout being ordered to do so by Srila Prabhupada.
We humbly ask the GBC of ISKCON and our elder preachers to rectify thisterrible mistake and come back to the original instruction of SrilaPrabhupada about initiations in ISKCON and declare Srila Prabhupada oureternal diksa guru and siksa guru in ISKCON.
To conclude this letter, I would like to mention that it is not withdisregard to the importance of the nature of guidance from our elders andto the authority of the GBC and leaders of ISKCON, we must respect andserve, that we are making this appeal, but it is with the profound desire tosee Srila Prabhupada's instruction back as our only line of conduct inISKCON. I have faith that the process of bhakti and the parampara are safein that last instruction of Srila Prabhupada although it is new in ourknown Gaudiya tradition.
I have great trust, dear Maharajas, dear Prabhus, that you will rectify themistake made by some of our members at a certain point in history. I wishthat you will kindly consider the questions, the appeal, reply to them andthat you will make everybody happy in ISKCON and outside, for now and thefuture.
Your humble servant in the mission of Srila Prabhupada Aristanasana dasa - New Mayapura - France
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