VNN Europe - Scandal Rocks Russian Hare Krishnas Moscow

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10/06/1998 - 2323 (See Related VNN Stories)

Scandal Rocks Russian Hare Krishnas Moscow

Europe (VNN) - from the The San Diego Union-Tribune

Copyright 1998 The San Diego Union-Tribune
October 02, 1998, Friday
LENGTH: 232 words
HEADLINE: Scandal rocks Russian Hare Krishnas MOSCOW

SOURCE: Religion News Service

MOSCOW -- While the world follows the twists and turns of the Bill and Monica story, the Hare Krishna community has a high- level sex scandal of its own --complete with a woman named Monica.

Harikesa Swami Sri Vishnupad -- former chairman of the Hare Krishna movement's international governing body -- prompted the scandal by announcing plans to marry the woman who nursed him through what has been alternately described as a coma and a breakdown.

As a priest who took vows of celibacy, his recent announcement challenged fundamental Hare Krishna principles and prompted at least 200 of his followers to break with the main 100,000-member Russian Hare Krishna community.

Vishnupad, 49, an American living in Germany whose secular name is Robert Compagnola, was suspended from his post as chairman of the Governing Body Commission (GBC) -- the 35-member panel that governs the International Society for Krishna Consciousness (ISKCON), the formal name of the Hare Krishna movement, a Hindu offshoot. The GBC also revoked his authority to initiate new disciples.

In response, Vishnupad quit ISKCON and denounced it as a corrupt "communist" organization interested only in "money, power, buildings and fruitless institutionalization."

At least 200 of his devotees in Russia, concentrated around a temple in St. Petersburg, have joined him in splitting with the movement.

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