August 15, 2002 VNN7498
 Temple Of Vedic Planetarium Opening


SWITZERLAND, Aug 15 (VNN) With the mercy of the Vaisnavas:
The Temple Of Vedic Planetarium Is Opening Next Spring
Well, not in Mayapur (for that we have hang around a little bit) but in a much smaller scale in beautiful Interlaken, in Switzerland.
There is still a lot of work to do: The Main Show for the Dome Theatre has to be done It will be a ride with Devahuti and Kardama trough the vedic universe (all state of the art computer animation) with visits on hellish and demoniac planets and a some space battle scenes between Suras and Asuras, who fight for the planet earth. And mechanical models have to be constructed as well, for the Side Attractions to show how the movements of the planets correlate with the ancient Bhumandala in the fifth canto. And a lot more has to be done, but the building is already under construction!
So, with the mercy from the right source we will open on time. You can have already a quick preview if you click on DOME on and if you want something similar in your backyard let me know. It's a good preaching and it will make money as well!
By the way, my page needs a serious spell check, since English is not my mother language. So don't hesitate to point out the errors.
You servant Cakra Pani Dasa
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