January 21, 2002 VNN7111 Comment on this story
 No Prasadam For 20 Czech Devotees

 CZECH REPUBLIC, Jan 21 (VNN) About 20 devotees in Czech Republic are forbidden to buy any prasadam in Govinda restaurant. What they did to deserve it? It is punishment for their petition against practices of local leaders (You can consider it for yourselves on
Srila Prabhupada and other vaisnava acaryas taught us, how prasadam distribution is important. It is very powerful weapon against maya, because it can save the most fallen souls - even dunkers, thieves or so. Prasadam can purify even animals so it is also recommend it to give it to them.
But ISKCON leaders in Czech Republic seem to think otherwise. About 20 devotees, who left ISKCON or were excommunicated after their protest, are now forbidden to buy any prasadam in Govinda restaurant. It is important to say, that those devotees did not make any disturbance in restaurant and behave the same way as any other guests there.
Situation became so absurd that after Dvaraka-ishvara bought a cake in Prague's Govinda, the local leaders Lomancita and Manidhara Prabhus called for a meeting and strongly rebuked the devotee who sold the cake to Dvaraka-ishvara. From this time on there is a (black) list with names of those devotees: Zdenek Hajnik alias Cit Sakti das, Tomas Kobes alias Tattva-darsi das etc. are forbidden... It is ridiculous, because those devotees use still their spiritual names among themselves and did not give up devotional service as such.
So I am humbly asking all devotees, what do they think about such a practices and what they think Prabhupada would do in such a case. I cannot imagine that such practices are supported anywhere in sastras.
Bhaktin Veronika
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