November 15, 2001 VNN6962 Comment on this story
 Can You Run The Manchester Temple?

 MANCHESTER, ENGLAND, Nov 15 (VNN) After several attempts to establish a Hare Krishna temple in Manchester[, UK] by various devotees such as Tribhuvanatha and Ranchor, Krishna Dharma and his wife Cintamani finally managed to buy a building in Whalley Range around 1986.
Since then, the temple has had continuous Sunday programmes every week, regular ecstatic festivals, and at its peak encompassed male and female ashrams, a prasadam cafe and council-sponsored Food for Life programme. In recent years, the temple management established a sponsorship programme in support of the temple, which currently has in excess of 70 supporters, contributing over £900 per month.
Now, after over fifteen years devoted service, and with added writing and family commitments, Krishna Dharma and Cintamani are finding the commitment of a temple building too much. There is an immediate danger that the temple may may be closed and sold.
The local community of devotees have banded together to organise against the temple's closure, and are hopeful that with Krishna's grace, it may be averted. They are forming a local management team and plans for continued programmes and preaching. However, there is one major problem. ISKCON UK management are insisting that a well-qualified devotee is found to manage the temple, and has not found one amongst local devotees.
The congregation is therefore looking for initiated devotee sin good standing with ISKCON to run the Manchester temple. There is good-sized living accommodation on upper floors, presently configured as a bramachari ashram. Any successful candidates should be practicing a good standard of sadhana, competent to run the centre in conjunction with the local and national management teams, and enthusiastic to preach.
If you are interested in this opportunity, please contact bhaktin Audrey Walker on +44 161 643 3568 or
Hare Krishna,
Your servant, bhaktin Audrey Walker
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