February 2, 2000 VNN5389 Related VNN Stories Comment on this story
Meeting Held At Bhaktivedanta Manor
BAHKTIVEDANTA MANOR, ENGLAND, Feb 2 (VNN) There was a meeting held at Bhaktivedanta Manor yesterday (31.1.2000) From 7.45pm to 10.30pm.
Meeting was conducted by Damodar Prabhu (Ex TP of Manor). The meeting was attended by many devotees. In attendance was also Vipramukhya Swami. All were allowed to speak freely without any interuptions The main allegations for Ambrish's suicide were made at Bhaktivedanta Manor Foundation leaders namely Pranabandhu and Srutidharma by two devotees, namely Vishakha dasi and Bhakta Jin or Jim, a Korean devotee, who were close to Ambrish and in whom he had confided to a certain extent.
They were both of the same opinion that he did not want to go back to that service at the Manor as he did not want to be controlled and manipulated by Pranabandhu and Srutidharma which is what they do all the time - this was also evident from the prominent devotees who were absent as they would then loose their service and as a consequence their devotee maintenance allowance.
The Chakra posting was also discussed - we were told by Vipramukhya Swami that it was on the web by mistake and was pulled within a few minutes... which is a lie as it is still on the site if you go to the table of contents. It was suggested that the article was against basic vaishnava ettiquette as we ought to glorify the departed and not cause misery for their soul and the loved ones they have left behind.
Maharaj apologised for the article and claimed to be the author - but it appears that it was written by one of the Temple Council members.
Vipramukhya Swami also offered to resign as Temple President.

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