8/31/98 - 2101
Vedic Temple Construction in Hungary
Hungary (VNN) - by Tamal Krishna das Brahmacary
The Hungarian Vaisnava Association is constructing the first Vedic Temple in Hungary.Installed by Srila Bhakti Abhay Narayana Maharaj during the time of communist rule, thedeities were worshiped in an under cover temple. Srila Narayana Maharaj is the pioneer ofpreaching behind the iron curtain. He escaped Hungary in 1968 and joint Srila Prabnhupadain 1972 in Stockholm where he became the Temple president after a short time. Hetranslated the Bhagavat Gita Asit it into Hungarian as well as into Russian. He wished thedeities to have a wonderful temple in the Village of Nanda in Szeged, two hours fromBudapest. His disciples are now realizing his plan by starting to construct a blend ofHungarian and Indian Architecture.
See the Foto of Plan
The opening ceremony will be held on the ocacian of the fifth 1999 Summerfestival of the Visva Vaisnava Raj Sabha- World Vaisnava Association in Hungary. Dates will be anounced on VNN. Do not miss this historic festival. Srila Prabhupada was very happy about the preaching of Maharaj which is seen by the following letter to him. This is another proof how Srila Prabhupada influenced the entire world personally and through his beloved disicples. Temple president Janardana is now planning to open the Village of Nanda to the public for Retreats and open festivals. There are twenty houses belonging to the Community. Their Lordship Sri Sri Mahaprabhu Radha Gopi Ballabha have been worshipped until now in a Village farmhouse in the beautiful Puzta setting.
Letter from Srila Prabhupada:
18th January, 1976
My dear Dvarakesa, (the Brahmacary name of Narayana Maharaj)
Please accept my blessings. I beg to thank you for your letter dated Narayana 21.
You have asked how you can thank me. Whether you thank me or not, if you understand the importance of this Krishna Consciousness Movement, that is my success. The whole world is thinking in the bodily conception of life and thus remaining like animals. The animals cannot be happy but people want to keep themselves like animals. For peace they are barking in the United Nations. Croaking toads who think they are making a big conference, and then one day the snake of death comes and swallows them up.
If there is possibility to preach amongst the communists, you must do it immediately. The intelligent communist people will very easily understand our philosophy. We can convince them on the basis of samah sarvesu bhutesu, a Krishna conscious person is equally disposed to every living entity (B.G. 18:54). You become a communist and make the present imperfect idea of communism perfect. The idea of the communist philosophy is that the state should be benefited. But the state being imperfect, the living entities other than the human beings cannot derive any profit. It is therefore no better than the capitalists. For the benefit of the human beings, the capitalist kills the poor animals. Similarly, the communist does the same thing. Where is the difference? Perfect communism is in the Srimad-Bhagavatam wherein it is stated that you feel for the poor animals as well as the human beings. Srimad-Bhagavatam instructs that even if there is a snake or lizard in the house, it is the duty of the householder to see that they are also eating, not starving. So you have to begin your preaching with such broader idea of communism.
So this is a good wish for Krishna's service. If it is possible take immediate opportunity for it. So far as coming out of Hungary once you enter, if you can preachwhat is the need of coming out?
Hoping this meets you in the best of health.
Your ever well-wisher,
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Those who are interested to help the temple construction or to visit the openeing ceremonymay cantact our E-mail: Tamal Krishna das Brahmacary
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