October 15, 1999 VNN4940 Comment on this story
Westerner Meets Parashara
EDITORIAL, Oct 15 (VNN) This is a fictional meeting between a typical good hearted Westerner, and Sage Parashara Muni, as I think it might go:
W: I heard you have some cool knowledge. I'd like to know it.
P: There are great prior qualifications which by your question I can sense you do not have.
W: Ooh, see, even that I like and am attracted to, but really, can't I somehow get this knowledge from you?
P: Certainly, I really want to share it with others, possibly you!
W: OK, so what do I have to do?
P: It's not so much what you have to do, as much as what you have to feel, and so far, there's no sign you care about those things at all.
W: OK, so what things are you talking about, what feelings?
P: That you will have to accept an entirely new paradigm, or way of thinking, which will make you small, a servant, and part of a larger entity in your mind, and you won't have the same desires you have right now, at all. So such a large jump in consciousness is hardly believable, most in your position don't want it at all.
W: Could you uh, be more specific so that I can understand what you are trying to tell me I'd have to feel.
P: IF you were sincerely seeking Divine Knowledge and Connection, and if you really felt vulnerable without this Divine Connection, you would seek out such a connection, for the sake of your soul, and finding that, you would find the "cool knowledge" that I have eventually. If your motivation is material, as it seems to be, then you cannot be allowed in. Everything we have is based on first surrendering to the Guru Varga (the disciplic succession) and Krishna.
W: So what do I got to do to surrender.
P: It's not a form you fill out. It's in your heart and mind. Again, it's a matter of need. You have to need badly to understand the truth, which can make you very peaceful and rich internally, as well as it can provide the only real peace possible on Earth, thought that is not it's aim. It's aim is to make your education complete, as a soul, thus providing you with the best possible foundation for full surrender to Divinity, and thus liberation. So our "school" is about the knowledge that backs Bhakti to Krishna. That's what our books are about, and that's what we're about. If you don't like that, then don't try to join, and don't try to get our knowledge please, because it's all based on that surrender firstly, then furthermore it's all wrapped around Sri Krishna in all respects anyway. If your intention is to take our stuff, and use it without paying due homage to Krishna, and the Guru Varga, and thus feeling so free also you possibly bastardize our standards, then please, don't. Please leave us and our family property ALONE. We do not seek you, nor hurt you, so please give us the same honor.
W: But I am interested in the truth and God. I liked alot of what you said.
P: Do you eat meat?
W: Yes.
P: Then you do not see it like we do.
W: Well let's say I'm willing to give that up.
P: Very good, but it must be for the right reasons, which are spiritual, that you respect all souls so much, that you couldn't do anything ghastly to any one of them unless it was really very necessary and honorable, but doing so for eating is not, unless absolutely necessary.
You are still not surrendered like a real applicant must be.
W: OK, so lets say I'm willing to believe all souls are equal, including animals, and that I have to care about every living being, what happens then?
P: I cannot tell you, because you will not understand. If you want to understand our later lessons, you must already be at that level of development. You cannot taste our honey, unless you enter our honey jar.
Licking through the glass will never do it for you, I'm sorry, I just can't properly serve you by answering that your way.
W: Hm. Sounds like an impasse. So you're telling me I can't even know what I'll get, but I have to totally change and give up alot of what I like to get to even know what I'm buying.
P: If you were actual material, you wouldn't think like this. You would automatically recognize that me and my people are the real Bhakti-Rakshakas, or protectors of the Gate to Divinity, and you would understand from our way of acting, looking, speaking, everything, who and what we are. You would understand to be humble. You wouldn't be speaking to me as you are.
W: I'm not used to being treated like this and I can't say that I'm comfortable right now either. Sounds like I'm being asked to give myself over and I just have to trust or something that it's good for me.
P: Because you are your people are so violent, you have these conceptions of others. Me and my people do not kill, nor cheat, nor are we cheated therefore. Further, you are expecting to be cheated if you allow yourself to proceed "blindly" because you would normally be cheating someone you had full control over. Your projection explains your mind to me very easily. Your world, is a reflection of your understanding, and your speaking is a mirror of your understanding. I know how you see me now, and it's quite wrong actually.
W: Hm, this is very trapping, and very confusing. I see how you are very wise, and in some ways right, but I just can't trust you, not "just like that", poof, instant trust. I need some proof.
P: Sure you do, but you don't even know how to ask for it with respect.
So far, you come in a way which we are against. You have not at all given me any assurances of your intent, nor how you will handle whatever I give you. You offered no praises to my ancestors, thus assuring me that you respect my people and my position amongst them. I have no idea what your conception of God is, but I personally know Him, so I know what you should be saying. So you see, you are asking for everything, but giving nothing, not anything of value to me anyway, and I know God personally, and I personally know very well how creation works, and who you are completely within that creation, and why you have come to me at this moment, and what that means for the future, everything. I know all this, and you come in ignorance asking for the top jewels, promising nothing. That is our current position in this discussion.
W: Oh I see. OK, so you care about things I don't care about due to the way I've been brought up. I've heard "Asians" care alot about family and stuff, and like "lineages of Masters" and stuff like that. How very quaint and Asian of you. OK, I can play that game to make you happy.
P: It's not a game. It's essential for you to have the right understanding of life, what's important, what's really happening in life, what's it's for, everything important. You see, you and your like people, have everything backwards as far as we're concerned. We'd love you to know what we know, but we know you absorb things into your culture ruthlessly, and use them for your own ends, without paying royalties properly. In this case, you will be plundering the most intensely potent system of connection to God, Krishna, ever revealed on Earth, and you will thus be plundering your own best wealth. I cannot allow that to happen, not because I hate you, but because I love you.
You know not what you ask and do, so I have to stop you, because I love you.
W: So I have to now believe that you're my best friend, and therefore you can't let me in, unless I bow, and you can't tell me anything, because I won't understand, and so on... that's pretty depressing.
P: I imagine it would be. I don't have that problem.
W: So what should I do.
P: Go away from here for now, and think about life, and decide what you want the most, and if it's devotion to God, then come back and tell me that humbly. Then we begin.
Epilog: That one didn't come back. Sometimes, they do.
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