October 13, 1999 VNN4933 Comment on this story
102nd Appearance Day Of Pujyapad Sri Srimad B.P. Puri Goswami
EDITORIAL, Oct 13 (VNN) Sri Sri Guru Gauranga Jayatah! Our humbles obeisances to all Vaisnavas,
All glories to Pujyapad Sri Srimad B.P. Puri Goswami on this most auspicious occasion of his divine advent. The following is an excerpt from the unforgettable, deeply touching speech, Srila B.P. Puri Goswami delivered on occasion of his Centennial, on 5th October 97 in Sri Mayapura Dham at Sri Gopinatha Gaudiya Math.
"The devoted servants of Gopinath Gaudiya Math have arranged a grand festival. I am truly unqualified to accept all such honors and worship offered to me by the devotees at this function. But, you may all observe the two portraits of my Gurupad Padma, His divine Grace Srila Bhaktisiddhanta Saraswati Goswami Prabhupada on either side of me. The reality is, all godly consciousness rests in him. In other words, my Gurupad Padma is the real delegate of the Supreme Divine Lord Krishna. Therefore, it is He who deserves to receive all honors and worship. It is He who is most qualified to receive this great honor and tribute. Indeed, it is He who is unquestionable the transcendental delegate of the Supreme Lord. I am but the servant of my Gurupad Padma. In this connection, I am reminded of one beautiful song by Srila Thakura Bhaktivinode:
1) sarvasva tomar, carane sampiya, podechi tomara ghare tumi to' thakur, tomara kukur, boliya janaho more 2) bandhiya nikate, amare palibe, rohibo tomara dware pratipa-janere, asite na dibo, rakhibo gadera pare 3) tava nija-jana, prasad seviya, ucchista rakhibe jaha amara bhojan, parama -anande, prati-din ha'be taha 4) bosiya suiya, tomara carana, cintibo satata ami nacite nacite, nikate jaibo, jakhona dakibe tumi 5) nijera posana, kabhu na bhavibo, rohibo bhavera bhore bhakativinoda, tomare palaka, boliya varana kore
1) Now that I have surrendered all that I possess unto Your lotus feet, I throw myself down before Your house. You are the master of the house; kindly consider me Your own dog.
2) Chaining me nearby, You will maintain me, and I shall lie at Your doorstep. I will not allow Your enemies to enter, but will keep them outside the bounds of the surrounding moat.
3) Whatever food remnants Your devotees leave behind after honoring Your prasad will be my daily sustainance. I will feast on those remnants in great bliss.
4) While sitting up or lying down, I will constantly meditate on Your lotus feet. Whenever You call, I will immediately run to You and dance in rapture.
5) I will never think for my own nourishment, and will remain absorbed in ever cherishing love for my Master. Bhaktivinoda now accepts You as his only maintainer.
(Saranagati, Goptrtva-Varana (3))
Srila Thakura Bhaktivinoda, the Guru of my Guru Maharaja has specifically taught us this song. Actually, my position and my life is that of a dog. I am the dog of my Guru Maharaja.
I do not have any qualifications to accept such honours and worship from you all. Simply like a dog I am sitting at the lotus feet of my Guru Maharaja whom you all are actually worshipping through this Vyasapuja. You are actually worshipping the principle of my Guru Maharaja on this Vyasapuja - therefore, you are directly engaged in the worship of Him.
When a master receives worship, if his dog sits at his feet, then that dog also receives the same honour and it also appears as if the dog is receiving honour because he is so closely sitting at the feet of his master. In other words, my place is like the dog at the lotus feet of my divine master. And as you are offering flowers to my Guru Maharaja in order to worship Him, because I am sitting so close to His lotus feet, the flowers are actually coming in contact with my body. Due to this it appears like I am receiving them and that I am being worshipped. But actually, my Guru Maharaja is being worshipped, and in relation to my Guru Maharaja, I am also receiving some honour as his dog because this is natural.
There is a saying: "Love me, love my dog."
When one loves a dog in relation to his master, that is not direct worship of the dog but it is actually the worship of the master. In relation to the master, one also loves his dog, because that dog belongs to the master. Similarly, you all love my supreme masters and my Guru Maharja. You all love the Supreme master Sriman Mahaprabhu, the divine couple and also my divine master, my Guru Maharaja.
Because you love him, you want to give some worship to him. You want to worship Their Lordships and as he is their devotee, you want to worship my Guru Maharaja. It is your love for him, that makes you love me. You worship me as his dog due to my being related to Him. Actually, you are worshipping and loving Him. And if you really love the divine master, you must also love his dog. In this way, today I am receiving the worship of so many of you.
When you came to worship my Gurudeva you saw a dog sitting at his lotus feet. You offered flowers to the Guru and those flowers also touched his dog. So, my worship is like that. I can never think that all such honor and worship offered to me is actually meant for me. But is is directly the offering to my Guru Maharja. I am simple the via medium for that. I am accepting all offerings on his behalf - accepting everything as his honor, his worship, his offering from all of you, because my position is known as such.
So, it is my distinct pleasure, I am very happy here today to have come to worship my Guru Pad Padma and His divine principle of Guru Puja.
Please understand the significance of such Gurupuja. If you all understand the deep significance of Guru Puja, then my pleasure will increase more and more.
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