EDITORIAL, Oct 7 (VNN) — Other Valuable Forensic Tools and An Introduction to My Reverse Speech Investigation In my last post I wrote of the desirability of thorough and independent investigation(s) into the possible poisoning of Srila Prabhupada. I use the plural when speaking of investigation because although Balavanta has been selected as ISKCON's official investigator there are/have been other investigations whose results would be just as valid even though they are not from the "official" investigator. This can all be considered "additional" worthwhile evidence. There are several investigative tools that are very accurate and capable of bringing valuable information to light that are worth mentioning.
Wideband Voice Spectrograph Analyses
One significant analysis, which has not received the attention it deserves, is the Wideband Voice Spectrograph Analyses of the whispers. Because of the subjective nature of the human ear the exact content of the whispers was subject to widespread debate. However, human speech has been scientifically studied for many years and analytical tools have been developed that are extremely accurate in their ability to discern the various sounds of human speech. The Wideband Voice Spectrograph is one of the oldest and most accurate of such tools and it is used to discern the various phonemes, or building blocks of human speech, in recorded sound. The Voice Spectrograph is a widely respected forensic tool with a 90%+ confidence level, and its results are admissible evidence in court.
Analysis of the whisper tapes using the spectrograph determined that there were many whispers that either spoke of poison or were unexplainable but sinister in nature. This evidence is very strong and the method of analysis is beyond reproach. Yet has this motivated any of the GBC to take this investigation more seriously and pursue it with greater earnest? Do we hear of any reaction because of it? Unfortunately not.
Detractors of the poison theory have criticized these conclusions on the basis that they perhaps didn't take into account the fact that those sounds may have been Hindi or another language. However, those detractors have not seen fit to have their own voice spectrograph analysis done to take these factors into account. Thus we can conclude that these persons are content merely to criticize instead of bringing forth solid evidence, and we therefore question: "Why? Why not?"
The Truster
Advances in computers have resulted in great advances in the field of lie detectors as well. Israeli researchers have developed very sophisticated lie detector software that can sense when a person is trying to be devious, as well as lying. This lie detector is so accurate that it has been used by the Mossad, their CIA, at border crossings, to quickly interrogate possible terrorists. It is available to the public from their web site www.truster.com. If a thorough investigation is desired let's use this technology. If there is nothing to hide then why would anyone close to Srila Prabhupada in his last year object to being so deposed with the deposition reviewed under the scrutiny of the Truster? If, by using the Truster, all those who could have participated in this conspiracy were cleared, then everyone will breathe a great sigh of relief and be pacified that this has been much to do about nothing. Unfortunately these "innocents" do not come forward to clear themselves by the use of such technology, and thus not only do the suspicions remain, but grow stronger.
Based upon the reactions to investigations done thus far we can likely expect that other investigations that bring additional evidence of poisoning will also be denigrated, thus revealing a predetermined bias. One cannot help but thus question the motive of these devotees. These are initiated disciples of Srila Prabhupada, yet they seem to be determined to conclude, at any cost, that Srila Prabhupada was not poisoned. Perhaps this is a challenge to their faith, a challenge that is too great for them to face, as we have discussed in our first article in this series. Perhaps, but this type of behavior also gives just reason to consider the presence of other motives.
Be that as it may, we can expect to see the same attacks (indeed, we have already seen attacks) on the investigation that I introduce with this article. And of course, since they may not be able to completely discredit the investigative technique, they will use (and have already started) ad homonym attacks to discredit the investigator, namely myself.
Reverse Speech÷The Voice of Truth
Nityananda introduced my Reverse Speech investigation in his book with brief references to the results of my work. Thus forewarned of the existence and results of my study ISKCON's latest apologist, Jagannath das, has made critical statements of the credibility of Reverse Speech in letters to both VNN and CHAKRA.
Again, there is nothing even approaching science in his criticisms, but simply derogatory comments designed to discredit the investigative tool as well as the investigator. This is an attempt to move the focus of the debate away from the actual issues to something irrelevant to the issue. Again this begs the question of motive. Why the distraction? Because the argument cannot be won by focusing on the issue itself?
I ask as you read this article to keep an open mind and to discriminate using your intelligence, and not judge it based on your biases. Human minds are like parachutes: they only function when open. Keeping an open mind will be a great aid to your understanding the phenomena known as Reverse Speech.
The Potencies of Godhead Are Unlimited
Some who criticize Reverse Speech would seem to want to limit the potency of the Supreme Lord. Do they think that the Supreme Personality of Godhead is in any way limited? Srila Prabhupada taught us that the Lord's potencies are unlimited, inconceivable, and nothing short of amazing. There are so many examples of this that the almost needn't be mentioned. But at the expense of stating the obvious lets remember: gravity, electricity, the exact timing of our days, seasons and years, and of course the miracle of life itself acting through material bodies of all sorts, in all places, and in all conditions. The phenomenal nature of this material world exists almost everywhere if we but take the time to wonder at it.
Every day scientists and researchers discover more miracles that take place in this phenomenal world. Therefore should we be at all surprised to learn that human speech is constructed in such an amazing way that a hidden and unconscious communication of the mind and soul takes place at the same time as the overt, conscious communication? Is it impossible for the Lord to have arranged for this? I suppose that an atheist may doubt the Lord's potency in this way, but most any person who, has studied the science of Godhead through Srila Prabhupada's writings, will consider such an idea as a mere trifle for the Lord to accomplish. After all, the Lord has the potency to thread an elephant through the eye of a needle!
Genuine devotees may not even be surprised to hear of such a phenomena and would have no reason to doubt the Lord's potency in this way, yet it is nonetheless, nothing short of amazing. Who would ever have thought that such a thing takes place? Yet is does.
My Discovery of Reverse Speech
Several years ago I read of the phenomena of Reverse Speech and had the opportunity to verify it for myself. I recorded my voice on a tape player that could play in reverse and within minutes I was startled to hear my voice speaking back to me an unconscious, but relevant, message! Just a short while later, the person who promoted this phenomenon as a means to discover the hidden truth in all communication opened up shop in San Diego. I immediately signed up for his classes and took up the study of this amazing science as my hobby for the next fifteen months.
While a complete education is far beyond the scope of this article, you may nonetheless become fairly well versed in this topic by following the references and links presented.
Below are links to places on the Internet where you can get more information, as well as the tools needed to practice finding speech reversals yourself. Your own direct experience will do more to convincing you of the reality of Reverse Speech than any words you will read about it. Your practical experience will be the best basis to understand and appreciate the study I have done. My request is that everyone who is sincere in wanting to know the truth of this affair become conversant with Reverse Speech, as it can not only reveal the truth, but information not obtainable by any other means.
What is Reverse Speech?
Simply stated: as we speak in normal fashion we also speak words in reverse. In order to hear the words spoken in reverse all that is necessary is to listen to the recorded voice backwards. In doing so it is common to find meaningful, cognizant words, phrases or sentences, related in pertinent ways to either the forward speech or what is on the mind of the speaker. Some examples will demonstrate the idea clearly. Click on the quoted words to hear them played. (A RealAudio plugin is required for some, and a simple wave player for others).
The following sound clip was taped at the time of the assassination of President Kennedy in 1963. The reporter is saying that Parkland Hospital has been advised to stand by for a severe gunshot wound. Played backwards we clearly hear:
"He's shot bad, hold it; try and look up." (This clip requires a RealAudio plugin. Click here to get it)
In this example the reporter is expressing in reverse what he is conscious of, namely that the president had been badly shot. "Try and look up" would likely be a reference to the direction from which he heard the shots.
An interesting example is taken from a discussion I was having with our Godbrother Radhanath Das, of Radha-Damodar fame. Radhanath Prabhu is confined to a wheel chair, and in this discussion we were talking about his declining health and how he had lost his ability to walk. Forward he is speaking of his having to start using a cane while in reverse he speaks of his experience since then:
"I can recall worse health." (Forward: "So I started walking with a cane.") In the audio clip the reversal is repeated several times, and is slowed down the first two times it is played as an aid to hearing.
The speech reversal is an obvious assessment as to how his physical condition has deteriorated since that time. His being confined to a wheel chair and unable to walk at all is indeed worse health than walking with a cane. The example serves to show how thoughts related to the topic of discussion show up as speech reversals, even though they may not be verbally expressed in forward speech.
Completely congruent speech reversals, in which the same exact thought is expressed in forward speech and reverse speech simultaneously, are rarely found. It is thought that only people who are very congruent in consciousness÷rare people in this world÷create such speech reversals. Most of us are saying one thing while thinking something else. An example of a completely congruent speech reversal is found from Srila Prabhupada and is taken from tape T47, recorded in November 1977. In this clip we hear Srila Prabhupada saying the exact same thing both forward and reverse:
"Idea I will give ya." (Forward: "I give you idea.")
This speech reversal is a demonstration of how Reverse Speech reflects what is on a persons mind when speaking.
People will often think of things during conversation that they dare not say, but while thinking of them these thoughts are communicated by speech reversals. This next speech reversal is from Hillary Clinton. Taken from an interview in 1997 after allegations of her husbands infidelity had made the headline news, in this clip she is speaking about their time in the White House.
"Saw hell in the venue" (Forward: "We live in the White House.")
This speech reversal offers additional information that is not present in her forward speech, a very unique feature of Reverse Speech. While her forward speech simply states that they live in the White House, her speech reversal tells us what she has experienced there and that it has been no picnic! It is fairly common for speech reversals to give additional information as in this example, and this feature of speech reversals has been significant in solving crimes where the suspect, while thinking about his crime, may never, ever speak of it in forward speech. Reverse Speech, in revealing these "hidden" thoughts, brings the information to the light of day, and exposes the criminal.
Not only do we speak in reverse, but our speaking is obviously done for the purpose of hearing. We also hear speech reversals unconsciously and this has been demonstrated using electro-encephalogram tests that show increased right-left hemisphere brain activity as a subject hears speech reversals. This would indicate that the right hemisphere of the brain has much to do with hearing, and possibly speaking in reverse.
An example of hearing in reverse is offered in the next two reversals, which form a short exchange. The example is taken from a family gathering where a lot of chatter is going on. At one point my mother states in reverse: "I-I Christian," which for some reason obviously states her religious beliefs. Interestingly, about three minutes later I respond to her statement by saying that "I'm Vaishnava." Obviously I obviously heard her statement and responded by with a statement of my religious beliefs.
From the truthful voice of Reverse Speech, I offer my purpose behind my research of the poisoning business. This is a speech reversal of myself found in a conversation I had with Tamal Krishna when I had called him to see if he would say anything on the record about the poisoning allegations. I mentioned my purpose at the beginning of the call and asked if he had anything to say. While he declined to say anything at all about the allegations we did engage in a short and polite conversation in which this speech reversal is found:
"I must serve the servant." (Forward: "I've been in Den[ver for some] time")
The foregoing should be considered as only a brief introduction to the subject of reverse speech, an amazing phenomena indeed! Please use the links below to continue your education on this subject. This will assist you in being able to fully appreciate the Reverse Speech study I have made of the tapes of the last two months of Srila Prabhupada's presence with us. I am greatly saddened to have to report that my study, which presents more than 400 mutually supportive speech reversals, not only reveals a smoking gun, but one with finger prints all over it. It is the unerring truth of Reverse Speech, and the nature of the speech reversals found on these tapes, that has been the basis of my strong conviction about the truth of this tragedy.
Finally, here are some testimonials to David Oates' work regarding his development of the Reverse Speech phenomena.
- October 19, 1996.
I have recently become aware of the groundbreaking work of Mr. David Oates in the field of
"Reverse Speech".
This is a form of communication lying completely outside conscious awareness. If it is validated - as I suspect it will be, after examining the evidence thus far - this discovery may prove to be of Nobel caliber.
It is rare that a truly novel, creative, and profoundly important discovery is made in the field of human communication. These events are unusual, only a few in any century. Mr. Oates' stunning findings seem to fall into this category. While one's enthusiasm must be restrained as this idea is carefully elaborated and validated, it is difficult to not sense the excitement that is gathering around his unique work.
- Larry Dossey, M.D.
- Diplomate, American Board of Internal Medicine.
- Author: Recovering the Soul
- Beyond Illness
- Space, Time and Medicine.
- Management and Personnel Consultants
- September 1st., 1989.
Dear David,
Well you will be pleased to know that your interpretations of the Reverse Speech found on the television interview with a very high ranking corruption suspect have paid off.
Using the information gathered by you a reporter was able to convey to the investigation team a possible location of some hidden assets of the suspect. Armed with this information and other leads the investigation team was able to identify a geographical location to investigate. They found substantial real estate property belonging to the suspect which he had earlier denied owning.
Sorry about not being able to identify person involved however they are known to you. Congratulations David, it works. Hope to see you soon.
- Yours sincerely
- Michael Wearing Partner.
"The discovery of the phenomenon of speech reversals as a communication of thought from the unconscious mind could bring an historic change in the political and legal arenas. In politics, the additional information about a politician's thoughts given by speech reversals could alter dramatically the way that politicians conduct their election campaigns and other public speaking, and perhaps the typed of people who decide to enter politics. In the criminal justice system, speech reversals could
be a powerful new tool for police and prosecutors, and for defense attorneys, to gain additional information in the investigative and trial stages of a criminal matter. In both civil and criminal litigation, the testimony given by witnesses is almost always crucial to the outcome of the case.
If it comes to be widely accepted that speech reversals represent a means to obtain information from the unconscious mind that cannot be consciously altered or falsified, then hardly any major lawsuit will ever be tried without making the use of analysis of witnesses' speech reversals. On the one hand, this may increase the cost of litigation. On the other hand, however, the increased ability of both parties to investigate the facts, and the greater pressure on witnesses to tell the truth because a falsehood may be more easily discovered, may in fact shorten many lawsuits, and may keep some lawsuits from ever being commenced.
If speech reversals are what David Oates' research seems to indicate - communication from the unconscious that can be understood with some degree of accuracy ö then this discovery represents a tremendous advance in our knowledge of the human mind. Perhaps more importantly, the discovery will cause revolutionary change in the political and legal arenas, which lie at the heart of the manner in which we organize our society. All those who love truth will welcome that change."
- W. Paul Stewart, Attorney
- B.A. American Studies, Stanford University
- M.A. Humanities, Stanford University
- J.D., University of Texas.
- "I refer to your request for advice on legal implications of Reverse Speech. I have heard your tapes and am personally satisfied that it does clearly exist..... It would seem quite clear that it is open to the police to use tapes to search for reverse communication which may help them with their investigations.....It seems it would have significance to finding out information of a sensitive political, military or industrial nature.... I think it is such a can of worms that it will be dutifully ignored by all and sundry with a desire that you will just go away and hide the research"
James Rossiter, LL.B, G.A., G.D.L.P., Dip Ed. (South Australia)
In Srila Prabhupada's service, I am your servant,
Dhanesvara das
Email to: Dhanesvara@excite.com
- The following link will take you to a brief paper written by David Oates describing Reverse Speech.
- Reverse Speech ÷ Words of Truth
- The following link will take you to the official Reverse Speech web site. I encourage you to review much of the material there.
http://www.reversespeech.com - and this link will take you to a library of speech reversals at the Reverse Speech web site:
- This is a link to the paper I wrote as a student when I studied with David Oates:
- If you don't already have a wave editor on your system you can download one here:
- http://www.download.com/pc/software/0,332,0-49389-s,1000.html?st.dl.search.results.tdtl
This is a shareware program that you can use to record your speech and reverse it to listen for your own speech reversals. This is the same software that I have used in my investigation.