September 20, 1999 VNN4761 Related VNN Stories Comment on this story About the Author Other Stories by this Author
Reply To Jagannath Das's Chakra Article
EDITORIAL, Sep 20 (VNN) Just to clarify some things from Geoffry Giuliano's, Jagannath das "Puripada's), most recent post on Chakra, (which was forwarded to me, and to which I was requested to reply), I will submit below. To start off, Salagram-Sila Swami, IS my legal name.
At one point, years BEFORE I moved into one of Srila Prabhupada's temples, I was initiated into another sampradaya. Jeffrey knows this, has known it, and for years has never had any problem with it, UNTIL I submitted my post to VNN.
Jeffrey has known me for years, and knows this, (although he has NOT spelled it correctly in his post). He also KNOWS that I have NEVER, before, or now, used the name "Swamaji", and would NEVER do so in the future. I DO use my legal name Salagram-Sila Swami for legal and NECESSARY purposes, and many devotees know that THAT is my legal name.
I know Jeffrey for so many years from his visiting the Buffalo in the 1970s, and when I returned from Africa where he contacted me through my telphone number listed in the BTG. For years he always has been asking me to help him out in so many ways, and has, (and still is), always pushing and harrassing me to come to his place and even move there.
Sadly, I know so many of his "ins and outs", his good side, (what little there is of it), and his bad.
Within my post, I did not want to hurt his character, (as he hurts himself enough with his cheating, lying and exploitation of others for his own material purposes). I submitted my post, without going into detail of his character, because I hoped that that would stop him from his interference, (through his lying - ONLY for promoting his own name and "fame"), with the poison issue. For ANYONE to interfere in this issue, for ANY reason OTHER THAN TO FIND OUT THE TRUTH, is acting VERY demonically, and is POSSESSED of demoniac consciousness. Obviously this is an issue which is VERY PAINFUL to everyone involved.
I tried in my post, as best I could to concentrate on the fact that he does have some attraction to Krsna, and will, (I believe), in the future become serious as he begins to realize that the material energy has nothing really nice to offer, (as I said, through getting smashed).
I TRY to concentrate on seeing THAT spark in him. (That is the ONLY reason why I allow myself to be pushed into going over to his place - to TRY to help him and his family in Krsna consciousness, DESPITE his cheating, etc.) I feel that if one sees even a spark of attraction for Krsna in someone, one must try to fan that spark, and help that person with hopes that the spark will broaden into something more.
Sadly, Jeffrey has succombed to his usual character in this most recent post, and instead of being honest, has resorted to his usual activity of fabrication.
He KNOWS that I NEVER use, have used nor will use the name "Swamiji".
That is a total lie, and he knows that. There is no way that I would EVER use "Swamaji" as that belongs, (within my frame of consciousness), to my Eternal Father, Srila Prabhupada, and to those persons who are REAL Swamajis, such as Srila Promode Puri Maharaj, Srila Bhakti Ballabh Tirtha Maharaj and Srila Narayan Maharaj, and others who TRULY represent the sannyas ashram and are indeed DESERVING of the respected name, "Swamiji".
I will submit Jeffrey's article below and I think I will take the liberty to make some comments on his post. I will put Jag for Jagannath, (or should I call him Jeffrey as, despite his LIES in his post - saying that he has chanted 16 rounds and follows all of the four regulative principles - he does NOT) and mvvd for my comments to his post. Before I submit his most recent post, I would like to submit a post he submitted some time back to Chakra, and one email that Jeffrey sent to Rocana prabhu: This first letter can be found under the Chakra poison page.
Srila Puripada Replies
A letter from Srila Jagannatha Dasa Puripada
Dear Sirs,
My career as an author is well know to many in ISKCON. Why not ask your sponsor Mukunda Maharaja about my work DARK HORSE / THE PRIVATE LIFE OF GEORGE HARRISON?
As for my work as a spiritual teacher I am not at all under the authority of your so-called GBC and will do whatever I and the board of SRI feel is proper to assist in spreading Srila Prabhupada's movement.
At least we are not child molesters, drug addicts, murderers and cheats like so many of your imposter gurus.
I honestly hope we can put all this name calling aside and get down to the ocean of Krishna Seva before us.
In Service,
Srila Jagannatha Dasa Puripada
SRI/ The Spiritual Realization Institute
Our sponsor? We at CHAKRA have not been blessed with the good fortune of having Mukunda Maharaja on our team. —Ed.
Also see "Who is Puripada?"
CHAKRA 04-Jun-98
I will NOT make ANY comment on this letter as I will SPARE Jeffrey from the embarrassment it would cause if I told the truth of the matter.
Jeffrey LIKES to point fingers at others for the very same things that he does himself.
Following is the email that Jeffrey sent to Rocana prabhu:
Date: Sat, 6 Dec 1997 20:22:11 -0500 To: rocana@harekrsna.com (Rocana dasa) Subject: Re: Poison
Dear Rocana Dasa Please accept my humble pranams, All Glories to Srila Prabhupada. My phone number is 716-438-5580 and Fax is 716-438-5483. Our second email address is vrnda@webtv.net Letting ISKCON investigate this matter is like letting the foxes run the chicken house. No information should be given to them. I fear this Balavanta Investigation is simply a rubber stamp event. I own a recording studio with all digital computerized equipment worth about $250,000. I can even record CD's. Two of my karmi associates David St. Onge and Fred Betchen would do the work. The money is for them. I would advise having a devotee fly in to witness the examination. Please let me know what would like to do. By the way lets have a North American Mela here at SRI.
Jagannatha Dasa SRI
(Jeffrey has since changed those telephone numbers since that email to Rocana prabhu.)
Following, is Jeffrey's most recent post to Chakra. (Compare it to his earlier post.) Incidentally, there is NO "board" for SRI. SRI consists of Jeffrey and his wife, (and he was TRYING to get me to come there to worship his Deities who are NEVER worshipped). I went there for Lord Balaram's appearance day, and the SAME plate of bhoga that was offered on the Jagannath - no, not Jeffrey, although he would like the "das" to disappear; I mean the REAL Lord Jagannath - alter, was STILL there when I went to his place on Sept 19th. Despite his being "Puripada", (which IS printed on his pamphlet for SRI), he does NOT offer his foodstuffs to Krsna. (I guess, being guru, he feels he doesn't have to since disciples offer bhoga to Krsna through their respective Guru.)
Jag: Too much VNN - not enough seva By Jagannatha das
mvvd: Yes, Jeffrey is speaking about himself. Other than rendering seva for his own selfish purposes, one would have to ask him WHAT seva he does. Yes, he HAS turned two of the rooms in his mansion into temple rooms, but for WHAT reason other than putting them up so that 1) he can claim that he does have a temple, (for his own prestige), and a spiritual institution so that he does not have to pay taxes on the house and land. (Previously he had his house and land put under the name of his father in law who lives in another state, so that he would not have to pay ANY taxes on them 2) so that he could "out do" Ram Raghava when RR was here and had an alter with beautiful Radha-Krsna Deities. (Jeffrey said, "I can get bigger and better Deities than him, and I can get more people to come to my place," and then he got his Radha-Vrndavancandra Murtis from New Vrndavan. Kirtanananda also had a similar mentality. Krsna is Krsna whether He is "big" or "small" in stature as the Deity, and just as potent irregardless of external size.)
In terms of "seva" Jeffrey does not even serve his Deities, but rather has tried to get me to move there to worship Them and cook for Them, (and for him) and to put on a show for any Indians that might come. He has tried to push me on MANY occasions to move there, and Krsna has always saved me from getting trapped there. He was again trying to get me to move there, UNTIL my post on VNN about him, (and I only said VERY LITTLE).
Jag: As with so many tied to their personal conceptions and various collective karmas there is a trend towards making this poison issue into a cult of personality.
mvvd: atmavan manyate jagat. Who is making that "trend"? From my observations, Nityananda prabhu and others, (Isa, Mahabuddhi prabhus), are simply trying to present what it is they have found on the tapes, etc., and are TRYING to FIND OUT if what they have heard from those tapes and other evidence indeed shows that Srila Prabhupada was poisoned. Jeffrey's personal conception is himself, himself, and ONLY himself, and HOW to promote that to others.
Jag: Whether any particular story casts either myself (just Jagannatha, by the way, and not Puripada)
mvvd: Jeffrey refers to himself as "Puripada" and has even "initiated" what he calls "disciples" He has a pamphlet about SRI in which he refers to himself as "Puripada". That pamphlet can be found in the Jagannath temple room, (UNLESS OF COURSE, Jeffrey gets rid of it due to this post).
Jag: or my worthy adversary Nityananda Dasa as the boogieman is not important.
mvvd: What is the necessity for "boogieman"? (Knowing Jeffrey as I do, when it REALLY comes down to it, his animosity towards Nityananda prabhu is there ONLY because Nityananda prabhu has a much nicer and bigger mansion than Jeffrey. Jeffrey is NEVER happy when someone has bigger and better than him.)
Jag: This is all just the two sides blowing smoke when there is nothing of real import to say in order to make brownie points with their buddies out their in Cyberville.
mvvd: Then maybe Jeffrey should stop blowing smoke and fire. Those devotees who are trying to find out if Srila Prabhupada was poisoned, and present what they have found and feel is evidence, are NOT "blowing smoke". Rather they are TRYING to find out if THE person who is DEAREST TO THEIR HEART, THAT PERSON WHO HAS GIVEN THEM THE MERCY TO SAVE THEM FROM THIS MATERIAL WORLD, was taken away from them by envious and malicious Godbrothers. THAT is NOT "blowing smoke". Because of Jeffrey's LOW consciousness, which is sunk and stuck in the deep mire of material existance, (concerned with only his name and fame, although I WILL give him credit in that I DO believe that he cares for his two younger daughters and has placed them into Gurukula), he will see such an issue in this light.
Jag: From our venerable Mother Maha (or Saligram Seela Swami as she calls herself constantly when not within earshot of ISKCON)
mvvd: Salagram-Sila Swami IS my legal name, and MANY ISKCON devotees KNOW that. I normally use my initiated name, even while in the "karmi" world. Depending upon the circumstance, I will use either my legal name or my devotee name. When required, I use my legal name. (I don't see Geoffrey putting his initiated name on his books. Does EVERY devotee use their initiated name in EVERY circumstance? My legal name, Salagram-Sila Swami is on my Social Security card, and on my other legal documents because that IS my name. Jeffrey knows this and has known that for YEARS. As a matter of fact, when I lived in New Vrindavan and in Columbus Ohio, (July 27, 1997 - May 9, 1999), ALL of my rent receipts were made out to SALAGRAM-SILA SWAMI because that IS my legal name.)
Funny, Jeffrey lives 45 minutes away from me, does NOT know ANY of my friends, and has NO association with me other than when he insists that he come and pick me up and bring me to his house. Thus, Jeffrey, would not know how little or how much I use my legal name.
Jag: right on down to the puffy Puru etc.
mvvd: "Puripada" is no one to talk about "puffy" as he is more puffed up than any devotees who he points fingers at. Despite his posts on Chakra, he HATES the GBC, and as with everything and everyone else, he uses them for his OWN advantage. (He goes to the Gaudiya Math, (just had his daughter initiated by Promode Puri Maharaj), and went to the IRG meeting in NYC. Then he went to Bir Krsna Maharaj. And Jeffrey REGULARLY is harassing me, bringing up this devotee and that devotee's name, and asking me if I can give him the "lowdown" - DIRT - on them.
Jag: all seem to have way too much time on their hands for any serious devotee out their spreading the word.
mvvd: Seems like the pot calling the kettle black. (Jeffrey would NOT be making this statement if we were all writing articles to glorify him.) Even when I posted the article on VNN, concerning Srimate Radharani's qualties by which She controls Krsna, (which was DIRECTLY taken from Srila Prabhupada's books), Jeffrey poohpoohed the article, thus DIRECTLY poohpoohing Srimate Radharani Herself. Damned if you do, and damned if you don't.
When I was doing a REGULAR preaching program here in Buffalo, Jeffrey was upset with that, and wanted me to stop it, and move to his place to cook and do his bidding there.
Jag: Vaishnavas should not create soap operas around this issue or launch fan clubs for the public players. I mean, is this now Hare Krishna High School or what? To tread this path is simply Krishna coated Maya and not at all befitting our divine Gaudiya Vaishnava Sampradiya. I, for one, therefore refuse to play and hope you more sensible folks out there will join me in my untypical reserve on this point.
mvvd: Agreed. Therefore you should stay out of what you do NOT know, and let those devotees who ARE dedicated disciples of Srila Prabhupada discuss the issues because they DO care, and they DO try their best to follow Srila Prabhupada's instructions. WHEN have you EVER chanted 16 rounds and followed the four regulative principles, (ALL of them)? As far as "Hare Krsna High School" goes, at least some of us are in High School. Beginning nursery school children should not criticize their elders who are following A LOT more seriously than the nursery schoolers.
Jag: Be advised that my stance on the Poison Lies has not, and could never bring me anything but a very hard time.
mvvd: Oh really? Seems that most, if not all of ISKCON is supporting the opinion that Srila Prabhupada was NOT given poison. Seeing your statement from another angle, you are right; it may very well bring you a "very hard time" because of the offenses that you are making to Srila Prabhupada and to many other Vaisnavas by USING this issue for your OWN PERSONAL gains.
Jag: I have come forward ONLY to help disperse this nasty tempest (of Nityananda's making) and not see my name (or any bastardization of it) up in lights on either VNN or Chakra.
mvvd: ANY devotee who KNOWS you AS YOU ARE, will NOT agree with your above statement. You do NOT give a damn about Srila Prabhupada or anyone else for that matter, except your own self, and your extensions.
Jag: Frankly, I am already quite well known in my field and have honestly earned quite a lot of fuss from my twenty secular books on rock music.
mvvd: Honestly? (What about your telling me how you have "stretched the truth" and even "out and out lied" in your books, and you, "can't wait until they drop dead so then I", (meaning you), "can lie about them all I want, and no one can do anything about it."
Jag: I don't want to be a Krishna celebrity in any sphere thank you.
mvvd: Yes, because you KNOW in ANY sphere, (be it Gaudiya Math, ISKCON, Ritvik, or otherwise), NO ONE would REALLY accept you. Thus you will try to make yourself the "Krsna 'celebrity'" by cheating people and promoting yourself as "Srila Puripada", "guru" of "Sri".
Jag: What I want is the truth and that is exactly what I have given to everyone involved.
The ONLY truth that you have presented is that you personally do not believe that Srila Prabhupada was given poison. Other than that, (the making of the CD, etc.), you have not spoken truthfully.
Jag: Maha/Swami is a nice lady. She calls me Puripada to try and make hay on VNN when she calls herself Swamiji. What up with that Prabhu?
mvvd: I refer to Jeffrey as "Puripada", (and please note, that when I do, I put it in quotes), because that is what HE is promoting himself as. Now that he is trying to get buddy buddy with ISKCON, he is taking off the "Puripada" for them.
Jag: I love Maha and always try and help her out but she is two faced (a bit) and very against ISKCON.
mvvd: I have NEVER asked Jeffrey for ANY "help", but rather he is ALWAYS asking me to help him in this way or that. As far as my being "against ISKCON", I am against the MISrepresentation of THAT which Srila Prabhupada has given to us. I am for the REAL ISKCON that Srila Prabhupada gave us, but I can NOT support that which is a deviation from that. (Funny thing is that Jeffrey himself is "against ISKCON".)
Jag: In fact she regularly refers to her guru's beloved organization as IT'S GONE or even IT'S CON.
mvvd: Let's get this correct: I call it ITS GON, or ITS A CON. I do NOT refer to my "Guru's beloved organization" in that manner, but to the present day's MISrepresentation of what Srila Prabhupada intended.
I lived and served in Srila Prabhupada's temples DESPITE so many abuses from improper authorities, and STAYED ONLY because of my love - as much as a conditioned person can have - for Srila Prabhupada and THAT which HE wanted.
Jag: In short, yet another sweet, basically well meaning malcontent trying to make a place in the sun for herself.
mvvd: I stay out of the sun as I do not tan, but rather get sunburned.
I personally do NOT give a hoot for a position, but if there is fire in the math, I will call out a warning, and I will risk getting burned in doing so.
Jag: Still, I don't in anyway dislike her as her heart is about as big as any I have ever seen in this Bhakti pursuit.
mvvd: Well, let's see what the good ole boy says AFTER he sees this.
After the last post, he sent me the following email and even tried to falsely accuse me of stealing. (As Jeffrey knows, (since he has gone through my bag many times that I have come there, (even on occasion, ALL of my laksmi was taken EXCEPT for the change) I could NEVER have "stolen" anything because my bag is ALWAYS left lying here or there in open view, where ANYONE can go through it to see what I have (and don't have).
Jeffrey's email to me IMMEDIATELY sent on the day the post on VNN appeared.
--- Jagannatha Dasa wrote: > Maha, > > Your article is fine, I can match anyone with words. > You STOLE that > Bhaktisiddhanta cloth from the SRI temple. It is the > second time (that I > know of) that you have thus stolen from here > > The sad fact is that you are mad. This I cannot > forgive you for so we > are forever done. Remember, it was YOU who did this. > And only you must > bear the burden. > > I really wish you well. Take care but please do > not contact us again. > > Jagannatha Dasa > For and on behalf of SRI > > Please bookmark our websites: > http://www.neonblue.com/sri > http://www.neonblue.com/indigo > Would you also kindly add us to your links?
Believe it or not, as soon as I got to my apartment, I had to answer the telephone, and it was Jeffrey telling me that he wanted me to come to his place to cook because he was having guests. When I asked him, (in shock as he had NEVER said anything to me at ANY time), about the "first" time that I had SUPPOSEDLY "stolen from here", he said that I had taken a wooden tilok marker. I was totally amazed.
Jeffrey has told me over the years that little things are always regularly "disappearing" from his mansion. As to whether they "disappear" or he misplaces them, I have no idea. But it was funny how his accusation came IMMEDIATELY after he saw my post on VNN.
Jag: I see the good there and let the rest sort of drift by.
mvvd: Funny, sounds like what I said about him in my post on VNN, and Jeffrey KNOWS that that is the EXACT way that I relate to him. (He KNOWS how he has stolen from me, EVEN AFTER I GAVE HIM A WOOLEN CHADDAR THAT SRILA PRABHUPADA'S HAD USED.)
Jag: I've only brought her to task today for tryng to push forward her obviously pro-poison stance by having a little go at me. Naughty indeed!
mvvd: Look at Jagannath's email to me. He said "The article is fine." (Of course there is the addition, his "threat", "I can match anyone with words," but can you MATCH them with TRUTH?)
Jag: Finally, the larger truth, as I said, is quite another kettle of kitri: Srila Prabhupada was not poisoned, Nitya is a spoiled child who wants yet more marbles, I am not Puripada to my Godbrothers and Sri Krsna is God!
mvvd: Why don't you let KRSNA judge Nityananda prabhu, and you keep out of it? If Nityananda prabhu is guilty of tampering and "trying to mess over with the devotees' heads", then Krsna will obviously take him to task. And if you are being dishonest, using this issue to promote your own name and fame, then Krsna, in HIS OWN sweet time, will give you your just reaction.
Yes, you are NOT Puripada to Srila Prabhupada's disciples, nor to devotees of the Gaudiya Math or of the Ritvik, devotees, (since you took initiation from Mongul Niloy Maharaj, and then later took a ritvik initiation from someone in Vrndavan). NO ONE in ANY frame of proper understanding of Krsna consciousness would recognize your SELF GIVEN "title" of "Puripada". At least you have one thing right in your words, SRI KRSNA IS GOD, (and YOU are HIS servant).
Jag: Now can we all just get along please!
mvvd: That would be VERY nice.
Jag: Happy Birthday Srimati Radharani!
mvvd: Don't you think THIS SHOULD have come FIRST?
In Krsna Seva
Jagannatha Dasa SRI
I remain your servant,
Mahavegavati Dasi Hare Krsna
PS: I do not know if VNN will print this as Jeffrey, (when he called me to scream at me over the telephone), told me that I had "better not submit anything else about him...VNN will not print anything as I got my lawyer on them around a year ago when they printed something about me that I did not like..." Now whether that is true or not, I do not know, but that is what he said.

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