August 30, 1999 VNN4619 Related VNN Stories Comment on this story About the Author Other Stories by this Author
Mother Mahavegavati
EDITORIAL, Aug 30 (VNN) The following letters were sent to me:
The 1st letter:
Dear Devotees,
Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
I have known Mother Mahavegavati since 1986, and we served in the same temple in Africa.
I have never known her to be dishonest. I do not say this in regard to her comments on Mother Malati's management. This is a case of individual perception, but as far as the letters go, Mother Mahavegavati told me that she did not write them, although they were sent from her e-mail account.
I understand from other correspondence that Mother Malati admits that she authorized the theft of Mother Mahavegavati's silas. If this is so, then Mother Mahavegavati does have a legitimate grievance.
I hope that this quarrel will not lead to any persecution of Mother Mahavegavati. I am not in a position where I can offer her shelter, otherwise I would. She was certainly an asset in the temple in Ivory Coast, and when I saw her a few years ago in New Vrindaban, she was the same gentle, dedicated devotee I had known in Africa.
No one, of course, is obliged to answer to me for his or her actions, but if what Mother Mahavegavati has told me about her trip to New Vrindaban and Columbus is true, then I can understand why she is angry, and I will go to bat for her.
Your servant,
Umapati Swami
The 2nd letter:
Dear Devotees,
Please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
I will have to retract my support for Mother Mahavegavati, considering what she is now writing. I cannot defend this.
But I can understand her anger. She was never able to find shelter in ISKCON. Of course, we can dismiss the issue and say that she was not sincere and she was not surrendered and all the other standard justifications, but when she lived in the temple in Ivory Coast, she was an asset. I cannot begin to tell you how much of a help she was and what austerities she could accept to spread the teachings of Srila Prabhupada.
After years of service and austerities, she ended up living on a pension in a rented room. Please do not bother telling me that during all these years she was not fit to live in a temple. I know better.
Finally she could not take it any more. Now she has gone with the other angry, embittered devotees, and of course, none of it is our fault.
If I have unjustly accused anyone regarding the latest incidents, especially Mother Malati, I beg for forgivness and offer my humble dandavats.
And I also offer my dandavats to Mother Mahavegavati and beg for forgiveness for my own inability to help her when she needed help.
Your servant,
Umapati Swami
(end letters)
Who can understand why Umapati Swami was willing to go to bat for Mahavegavati and then struck out. Another way to look at these two letters is that he got up to the plate to hit a home run and then bunted and was thrown out at first. Too bad. Most likely he got instructions from the GBC batting coach, or flip flopped in favor of institutional loyalty over truth, justice and the Vedic way. Undoubtedly he was influenced and told what to think by other GBC saffron policemen.
No surprise Umapati swami. He is apologetic to everyone, and of course must defend his fellow GBC member and he just cannot tolerate too much truth from Mahavegavati. Why is she just so verbal?
"Now she has gone with the other angry, embittered devotees, and of course, none of it is our fault."
Of course Umapati Prabhu. How could anything incorrect in ISKCON be the fault of anyone in charge? What an impossible suggestion. It must just be her karma prabhu.
"She is justified in feeling angry but we are not to blame." Then who is to blame?
Your servant, Puru Das Adhikari
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