August 19, 1999 VNN4539 Related VNN Stories Comment on this story
Answer To Romapada Swami
EDITORIAL, Aug 19 (VNN) Dear Romapada Swami, Hare Krsna. AGTSP
I received the following email from one devotee which I enclose below.
I am enclosing this one because it is without any insult, simple and to the point. (I have received other emails from different devotees with regard to your post on "Chakra", but they were not all so nicely written.)
With the many past unpleasant exchanges that I have had with you, which I feel was resultant from your relating to me on the bodily platform, (and my still being so respectful to you DESPITE your condescending attitude and interactions in relating with me), and seeing your interactions with some other devotees, I don't really want to be bothered to have to take the time to write to you. When asked by other devotees to do so, I just saw it as a useless frustration to have to become involved in replying to you concerning the vague article that you wrote. The devotees who wrote to me asked me to answer you, but I did not want to waste my time. Thus, I have not contacted you sooner.
Because I am still being asked by some devotees to reply to your article, (in which you presented no tangible information and NO evidence), I am writing some response to you now.
Sorry that I deleted my other messages. This is the only one that I have left. In submitting this email to you, I will delete the name and email address of the devotee who sent it because I do not want them to be subjected to any negative GBC reprecussions.
> Pamho. AgtSP! **Please** write something in response > to Romapada Sw's posting on CHAKRA. > YS
Here is YOUR article written below. Just a quick question: Why didn't you submit your article to VNN since that is where my letters were posted? Is it because you know that the readers on VNN might have a lot more intelligence than what your article was worth, and that they would be able to see very clearly through your article? (Incidentally, I have never seen "Chakra" before your posting. I did not even know how to access it until I got these several emails telling me "Answer Romapada's article". I finally asked one devotee where the article was, and they told me how to access "Chakra". I have to admit - sorry - I wasn't too impressed with your article, nor was I impressed with anything else that I saw there. (Pretty obvious where the "Chakra" people are at. I am not too impressed. Is anyone? If I can't be impressed with it, I don't think ANYONE can be. (I'm pretty simple.)
Malati Investigation By Romapada Swami
CHAKRA (Brooklyn, New York) - 9 August, 1999:
Dear Devotees,
Please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
Recently Malati devi dasi has been severely and repeatedly criticized on VNN by Mahavegavati and others for various wrong-doings in the line of her devotional service. This systematic criticism still goes on today.
In an attempt to verify the validity of the charges made against Malati, an independent and responsible Prabhupada disciple mataji was requested to investigate the allegations brought against her, and make a comprehensive report to the NA Executive Committee. Her 5-page report is completed, and it shows no apparent basis for the severe allegations brought against Malati. Like any individual, Malati dd can improve in her devotional service, and some specific recommendations were made.
The assignment was for the mataji to read each and every allegation made against Malati, and to then to interview those who have served under her in Columbus, past and present. The mataji spent several days in Columbus OH, where Malati devi dasi primarily resides. 15 devotees were interviewed. Also interviewed were some congregation members as well as some of the persons who wrote complaints against her. It was discovered that at least one of the "authors" was apparently totally fictitious; another was *NOT* written by the person whose name was used, although the named author does live in the Columbus area.
I hope this helps some of you who may be wondering about the validity of strong allegations currently being made against Malati.
your servant, Romapada Swami
Amazing how impersonal your article was, or is it that you just did NOT want to reveal ANY of the information that was found? (Seems like something was found as you yourself state, "...some specific recommendations were made.") Why couldn't you even say that it was Kusa prabhu who was asked to go to Columbus for the few days that she went there. Why such vagueness in your article?
Did Kusa prabhu contact ANY of the devotees who have left the ashram due to their feelings of distress and ask them why they left? (Did YOU ever ask Padmavati in Towaco why she felt so frustrated in Columbus? I mention her name because she is RIGHT there in YOUR zone and it was under your instruction that she was residing in Columbus.) Did Kusa prabhu ask Vinodevani WHERE the Silas that were given to her came from.
Maybe someone should ask Mani Manjari. She would know EXACTLY where They came from. (No Vinodevani prabhu, if you read this, DON'T get worried. As said before, you keep the Silas. (Vinodevani in her concern over the articles on VNN, emailed me and offered to send me back the Govardhana and Varsana Sila that were sent to her from Yamuna who stole my Silas.) ANY of those ladies in Columbus IF they were being honest, would know where Radha-Raman came from. (I was worshipping Him on the alter everyday for the full time that I was in Columbus, along with my other Silas. I KNOW the ladies HAD to see Him there because He was there for so long, until He was stolen by Yamuna.)
Let's look at your statement below:
"The assignment was for the mataji to read each and every allegation made against Malati, and to then to interview those who have served under her in Columbus, past and present. The mataji spent several days in Columbus OH, where Malati devi dasi primarily resides. 15 devotees were interviewed."
Which 15 devotees were interviewed? Why don't you give the names? Were any of these devotees interviewed, ladies whose names I mentioned in my letters within the time frame that I made my criticisms of Malati prabhu? (If ANYONE reads over my letters, they will see that I commended Malati prabhu for her good management the time during the years before 1997. It was concerning the time frame AFTER 1997 that I made my criticisms concerning Malati prabhu's dealing with devotees under her charge.)
"Also interviewed were some congregation members as well as some of the persons who wrote complaints against her."
You are, from your above statement, admitting that there were "SOME PERSONS who wrote complaints" with regard to Malati prabhu. Why didn't you specify WHO those devotees were, and WHAT were their complaints?
"It was discovered that at least one of the "authors" was apparently totally fictitious; another was *NOT* written by the person whose name was used, although the named author does live in the Columbus area."
This is also pretty vague. Maybe you can be more definite on this and give the names of the ladies who did and did not write the posts. I PERSONALLY know of TWO ladies who submitted posts on VNN, because they came to visit me and asked me to submit something to the GBC about Malati prabhu. I told them no, and gave my reasons for not wanting to, but I suggested that they might get somewhere if they tried submitting something to VNN. (I laughed at the suggestion that I submit something to the GBC - not a happy laugh, but rather one that had great sadness in it. I "laughed" because I knew how USELESS that would be, to go to the GBC with a legitimate concern). From my own personal experiences and those that I have heard from other devotees, it appears that the GBC PREFERS to push things under the rug, rather than to act responsibly and properly address and correct things.
Srila Prabhupada HIMSELF set up the GBC for the overall management of ISKCON. It is the duty of the GBC to see to the increased preaching and overall management of the society. Part of the GBC's duty is to see to the spiritual welfare of all of the devotees within ISKCON. When it has come to the point of party politics, concern ONLY for maintaining ones' position, (either individually or as a collective body), then ISKCON is in very great trouble. I personallly feel that there is a VERY BIG disease amongst at least some of my GBC Godsiblings.
There is that example of the man with the ball on the roof. He is simply concerned with his game and the action of the ball. When he is going to chase the ball and will possibly fall off the roof, another concerned person seeing what is about to happen calls out to him in concern, "Hey, be careful. You are going to fall off of the roof." The man, intent on his ball playing, not seeing the danger at hand, becomes MOST angry and thus shouts back, derides his well wisher, and feels great offense that this other person should dare to interfere in his concentration on his game.
Whether you or anyone else in ISKCON chooses to accept it or not, I have a VERY GENUINE CONCERN for our Guru Maharaja's movement. It was, and still is, ONLY that concern and faith in Srila Prabhupada that kept me going ALL of the years that I was in the movement. I STILL consider myself part of SRILA PRABHUPADA'S ISKCON. (Your ITS GON, that is another story. I do NOT think that Srila Prabhupada would be pleased AT ALL with the present days GBC MISmanagement and deluded conception of what they THINK ISKCON is. Even in the past there were times when Srila Prabhupada was upset with the GBC, and at one point, Srila Prabhupada temporarily disbanded it due to his concerns.)
I feel that MANY of our Godsiblings who are residing residing "outside" the walls of ISKCON ALSO feel GREAT concern for what is, (or is not), going on in our Guru Maharaja's institution. Many of them have left either out of disgust with the GBC and the GBC's LACK of proper management, (in terms of what Srila Prabhupada wanted), or they were FORCED to leave by some GBC Godsibling for some NONspiritual reason(s).
WHY was Locanananda prabhu told to leave the Brooklyn temple? Was it due to ANY "lack" of Krsna consciousness on his part? Don't you give a damn about your Godbrother who has rendered so many years of service, or were you MORE concerned about your own MATERIAL position? Locanananda prabhu had already sustained a heart attack, and STILL, he wanted to render service and live in the association of devotees. Why should ANY devotee possessed of PROPER consciousness, be concerned that some other devotee might be more "popular" or "better liked" than himself. THAT is material.
yad yad acarati sresthas... ESPECIALLY Gurus, GBC, and sanyasis. THEY - the leaders - SHOULD be setting the examples both by their consciousness, words and action, (which is a reflection of ones' consciousness).
Other than MISuse of GBC or TP position, what reason do ANY of our Godsiblings in management position have for kicking out ANY of Srila Prabhupada's disciples from HIS temples when those disciples are FOLLOWING Srila Prabhupada's instructions? What kind of "party" mentality is this that the GBC and Guru Godbrothers only see to the protection of the Krsna consciousness of their own disciples and that of the disciples of their fellow Guru Godbrothers with whom they have some affiliation? This ALL boils down to bodily platform, the same old story, bodily MISconception.
Some devotees are upset that I am speaking in this way. The word "angry" or "anger" has even been used. ("Oh, Mahavegavati is angry...") I SHOULD be "angry". KRSNA TOLD Arjuna to become "angry". Hanuman became "angry". Anger when used in Guru and Krsna's service is good.
Why shouldn't I be "angry, " when you have USURPED SRILA PRABHUPADA'S temples and are NOT properly representing our Spiritual Father? Any bonfide disciple would become VERY angry.
Srila Prabhupada quoted this Bengali saying:
sach bale tomare latha jhuta jagat mohaye
"If one speaks the truth, he is beaten with sticks, but if someone tells lies, everyone is enchanted."
If one takes note, it was Duryodhana that had the majority of kings and men on his side. Despite the material odds, it was the Pandavas who won the war. Duryodhana was a cheater and he usurped his cousin brothers kingdom. In the end, Krsna returned it to its rightful persons.
"Wherever there is Krsna the Master of all mystics, and Arjuna the supreme archer, there will certainly be victory, morality, opulence and extraordinary power."
I remain your servant,
Mahavegavati Dasi
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