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February 23, 1999   VNN3136   See Related VNN Stories

Poem - From The Garbage Can



To Sri Visnupada
(with hope these few words will reach him)
Not claiming for return of anything
not being regretful for giving you anything
just want you
to listen for a while
a thousand heart's pitiful sob
coming from the garbage-can
in your back yard
and one thing more
if you become a father of a boy
please give him the name
so that calling of his name
can save you
and us (your disciples)
your humble servant,
still sticking to our
eternal loving agreement,
D. H. das


"This is not a very good poem. Further, I did not throw my disciples in the garbage can in my back yard. Because I resigned as a guru in ISKCON does not mean that I have resigned as a person who has spiritual knowledge and can give it to others. I did not resign from relationships based on love. If there is no relationship, or it was artificial, then certainly it is not worth keeping.

If you think that I need to name a son Narayan so I can chant the holy name, then you are doubly foolish as I am chanting all the time in my mind and many hours out loud. I think you do not know what you are writing, which is not unusual nowadays. One should understand things properly by deep consideration, and not take things on the surface as they appear to those who wish to take things cheaply.

"Perhaps I am making you think? Anyway, good luck to you and all the others as well. I cannot give up my love for you, but I can give up the impossible manner in which I had to relate to thousands of people. Let us see in the future, no? No agreement with anyone in the material world is eternal. That which did not exist before cannot be called eternal if it has a creation.

Think about it."


I don't care if you, or anyone for that matter, will read this text. I am writing it and sending it for myself.

"This is not a very good poem. Further, I did not throw my disciples in the garbage can in my back yard. Because I resigned as a guru in ISKCON does not mean that I have resigned as a person who has spiritual knowledge and can give it to others."

You are so boring. I think you have been writing this in every single letter so far. It is just like in the good old days, isn't it? You have a collection of drawers which you can take an answer from when you think that it could fit approximately. Just that you exchanged the answers a bit. Not the attitude though. Think about it!

"does not mean that I have resigned as a person who has spiritual knowledge and can give it to others."

Humility seems to be a foreign word to you. But that it always has. Nothing new.

"I did not resign from relationships based on love. If there is no relationship, or it was artificial, then certainly it is not worth keeping."

Relationships based on love... Let's all close our eyes, fix the mind on a little candle and be quiet for a minute. Let's think about the deeper meaning of this.

Mmmmmmmmmmmmm, oops, over, thank you!

Why do I only feel cheated by you? And not only by the fact that you have been posing as the paramahamsa who will save the whole world, AND letting people worship you in that way. But also the whole thing that you are making out of it now. I mean do you actually write these letters when you are completely awake? Look at them! They are such a joke, it is difficult to be sarcastic about them.

You have a serious screw loose, my dear. And before you get this fastened I think you should just be quiet.

Take this advice from an old well-wisher, before you run out of all your credits.

"If you think that I need to name a son Narayan so I can chant the holy name, then you are doubly foolish as I am chanting all the time in my mind and many hours out loud."

I really don't want to be unfair. But you don't seem to have the qualities of a person who can chant the holy name constantly?! What was that again? Yeah, more humble than a blade of grass?

"You fool! Can't you see that I am chanting the holy name constantly?!"

This could be a joke from an old Indian movie (Tulsi das?). Perhaps the pandit who thinks that he is better then the simple devotee...

"I think you do not know what you are writing, which is not unusual nowadays."

Here I have to agree with you. But you probably didn't include yourself in that statement.

"One should understand things properly by deep consideration, and not take things on the surface as they appear to those who wish to take things cheaply."

When will you finally realize that the guru-thing is over? You keep teaching and instructing and healing all the time. If you don't want to be a guru than you have to stop going around and telling people what to do and how to think. You don't want to be known as a guru, because it has many limitations for you, on the sense enjoyment part. But you do want to go around and have all the privileges of a guru after all, it seems to me.

"Perhaps I am making you think? Anyway, good luck to you and all the others as well. I cannot give up my love for you, but I can give up the impossible manner in which I had to relate to thousands of people. Let us see in the future, no?"

Okay, let's see in the future maybe even I will come back to you for spiritual guidance and some biology courses.

And I am very sorry for all this years where you HAD TO except all our worship and respect and surrender. I am sure it was hellish for you.

You say you want to heal people, but you don't even listen to them. I met you. And you where just speaking and speaking the whole time. You never listen. You never have.

And so many silly and insincere excuses. "I am a company man". That was your excuse for the whole thing! Man, you are getting better than Danurdara.

Did you learn this in the ISKCON guru-school? How to talk yourself out of it, in the case of emergency. Maybe I should take some classes in that.

"No agreement with anyone in the material world is eternal. That which did not exist before cannot be called eternal if it has a creation.

Think about it."

Yes sir! I will think about it. What would I do if you wouldn't make me think sometimes? I think my brain would be rotting. You can not deny that I am eternally indebted to you for that. So maybe it is eternal after all? Please enlighten me, great master!

Did you hear about the gurukuli who beat up Danurdar with a stick in Mayapur? He said that he feels free now from the abuse he suffered by DN. That actually inspired me to write this letter. I hope it will do the trick. And I will be finally free from you. Somehow you are still clogging up some parts of my mind, like white flour clogs up the intestines.

Nice comparison, he? It took me all night to think of that one. I think it fits.

You want to fight the abusers. That in it self is a honorable course. But you have to realize that there are different kinds of abuse. And cheating honest people, who are searching for the truth and spiritual life, is definitely one of them.

In my opinion you are guilty, directly or indirectly, for the following things:

- child abuse (was it not your preaching that made parents send their children with five to Vrindavan? Was it not the Mayapur where you where in charge where little Indian boys, not older than 12, where working hard carrying stones the whole day? Wasn't it you who made constant fun of marriage and attachment to children? Saying that it is not service to take care of them.)

- women abuse (no comment, since it is to obvious)
- bhakta abuse
- grihasta abuse
- new devotee abuse
- east European devotee abuse ( was it not your temples where Russians were shipped in for three month to do all the slave work?)
- simple minded devotee abuse
- sankirtan devotee abuse
- last but not least, spiritual abuse

I know that I am not so smart, but nor are you. I always thought that you were very intelligent. But actually I find you quite limited lately.

I don't say that you haven't also done good things. You have! But the sad thing is that you are sorry for them now. That you twist them around now. And make people believe that they were wrong.

All the best!

Your well wisher,
Arjuna sakhi

P.S. I hope you can understand one day that I actually do wish you well.

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