EDITORIAL December 4, 1998 VNN2615 The "Marginal Plane" Philosophy BY URDHVAGA DAS
EDITORIAL, Dec 4 (VNN) Recently I have come across some papers, speculating on The Origin Of The SoulAnd Other Important Topics, in which the author tries to convince the readerabout the existence of an imaginary "third plane" (marginal plane) from whichthe living entities are supposed to fall down.
As far as I have understood from Srila Prabhupada's books, there are only TWOplanes, namely the material and the spiritual. The third principal, which ischoosing between the two planes, is called the living entity, also known asthe marginal energy of the Lord.
The Srimad Bhagavatam says: "The Supreme Lord has TWO energies, material and spiritual. The livingentities are marginal energy. As marginal energy, a person may be under thecontrol of the material energy (Maha-maya) or the spiritual energy (Yoga-maya). SB 3.23.10 pp.
"Because the living being can appear either in matter or in spirit, the jivais called the marginal potency"CC Adi 5.41 pp.
"The living entity (jiva-atma) takes different positions - sometimes he mergesinto the dark material nature and identifies himself with matter, andsometimes he identifies himself with the superior spiritual nature. THEREFORE,he is called the Lords marginal energy. " BG 8.3 pp.
"The fact is that individual living entities are eternally part and parcel ofthe Supreme Lord, and both of them are very intimately related as friends. Butthe living entity has the tendency to reject the sanctions of the Supreme Lordand act independently in an attempt to dominate the supreme nature, andBECAUSE HE HAS THIS TENDENCY, he is called the marginal energy of the SupremeLord. " BG 13.23 pp.
In the above verses, Srila Prabhupada explains that marginal energy means theTENDENCY of the living entity to reject the sanction of the Lord and actindependently.
So, marginal energy, or tatastha-shakti, is NOT a particular place or area inouter space where souls drop from, but it denotes the NATURE of the jiva-soul.It refers to a living entity with the nature of independently choosing betweenthe Lord's two energies. Therefore, the living entities DO NOT expand from themarginal energy,but their natures are called marginal. This marginal energy (jiva-soul) is anexpansion of Lord Krishna, who is the origin of the living entities.
To summarize it: There is no such thing as a marginal plane. Marginal energy refers to theparticular nature of the jiva-soul, not to any location or place. As marginalenergy, the living entity has an independent nature and free will to choosebetween the Lord's TWO energies. The two energies of the Lord are the externalenergy (material word) and the internal energy (spiritual world), and the viamedium who chooses between these two, is the living entity, who is calledmarginal because of his aptitude to be in contact with both of the energies.In other words, the marginal energy, which is the living entity itself, canchoose only between two energies, namely the external or internal. It CANNOTchoose between three energies because the third, the marginal, which is doingthe choosing, is the living entity itself. One should, therefore, not mistakethe marginal energy, tatastha-shakti, for something like a concocted marginalplane.
If marginal energy (the living entity with its independent nature) chooses tobe in contact with the external energy of the Lord, it still remains marginal.(See CC Adi 2.96)
If the marginal living entity chooses to go back to the internal energy (thespiritual world), it still keeps his marginal independence. It does not changehis nature into internal energy and becomes Vishnu-tattva. Although the livingentities are equal in quality to the internal potency of Krishna (which isspiritual), they nevertheless keep their marginal independence. Jiva-tattva(the marginal energy) does not turn into Vishnu-tattva (the internal energy),otherwise the living entity would turn into God Himself as in Mayavadiphilosophy.
Marginal energy can be situated either in the external or internal energy ofthe Lord and according to the living beings free will and contact with eitherthe material or spiritual energies, the living being is situated inproportionally higher or lower levels of existence. If marginal energy canfreely choose to be situated in either external or internal energy, thenmarginal energy (because of his free will) can also choose to leave eitherexternal or internal energy.
In the Caitanya-caritamrita it is stated: "The marginal energy is ORIGINALLY under the control of the SPIRITUAL energy,but, under the control of the material energy, the living entities have beenwandering in forgetfulness within the material world since time immemorial.The conditioned state is caused BY MISUSE OF THE INDIVIDUAL INDEPENDENCE OFTHE SPIRITUAL PLATFORM, for this separates the living entity from theassociation of the spiritual energy. In the conditioned state, the livingentities of the marginal energy are a mixture of spiritual and materialenergies. The marginal jiva, or living entity, misuses his independence andbecomes averse to the eternal service attitude when he independently thinks heis not energy but the energetic. This misconception of his own existence leadshim to the attitude of lording it over material nature. But when the livingentity is enlightened by the grace of the Supreme or His pure devotee andbecomes inclined to revive his original state of loving service, he is on themost auspicious platform of eternal bliss and knowledge." CC Adi 5.66 pp.
The above verse not only says that falldown is due to misuse of independencebut also clearly says WHERE that misusing is done, namely on the spiritualplatform and not on a concocted marginal plane, i.e. "by misuse of theindividual independence of the spiritual platform". In other words, when theliving entity on the spiritual platform misuses his individual independence,it falls down to the material platform. The above verse does not mention athird plane from where the choosing is done.
Again in the Srimad-Bhagavatam it is stated:"Originally pure Krishna consciousness exists, but because of misuse ofmarginal independence there is a chance of forgetting Krishna. From the stateof pure consciousness, the false ego is born because of misuse ofindependence. We cannot argue about why false ego arises from pureconsciousness. Factually, there is always the chance that this will happen,and therefore one has to be very careful." SB 3.26.23-24 pp.
Srila Prabhupada says in the above verse, that by misuse of independence inthe state of pure consciousness, the material ego takes its birth and that ONECANNOT ARGUE ABOUT why false ego arises from pure consciousness.
To be in pure consciousness means to be with Krishna. There is no such thingas to be in "pure Krishna consciousness" and not to be with Krishna."Originally pure Krishna consciousness exists". So if one is with Krishna inpure Krishna consciousness and misuse his free will, the false ego arises, andthen one will fall down. So the falldown, it seems, starts on the spiritualplane, as described in the above purport of Srila Prabhupada.
It is also absurd to write papers on "The Origin Of The Soul" when the soul assuch is eternal - that means without a beginning - It is foolish to attributeANOTHER ORIGIN than Krishna to the souls manifestation when Krishna says, thateverything emanates from Him, that He is the cause of all causes and theorigin of all.
Srila Prabhupada says that we cannot argue about it. Therefore, as Prabhupada'sdisciples, we have to accept his final words:
"Because he falls down from brahma-sayujya, he thinks that may be his origin;but he does not remember that before that even he was with Krishna. Formerlywe were with Krishna in His lila or sport" (Lecture in Australia)
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