EDITORIAL December 3, 1998 VNN2610 See Related VNN Stories Simultaneously Equal Yet Unequal BY GURU-KRSNA DAS
EDITORIAL, Dec 3 (VNN) I first express my humble gratitude for the kind introductory wordsof Mother Prtha's in my favor ("Women, Equality, & GHQ"--11/23). Although Iam lower than the grime in the street, she is kind enough to find someapparent good qualities in my letter "A Conspirator Speaks."
In response to my statement that the GHQers were in factconspirators (defined as "persons acting in harmony"), Mother Prtha hascommented that "investigating for the purpose of discovering garbage onothers and bringing it forward to disempower them is not harmonious."However, when CPTs collaborate to investigate alleged child abusers todiscover heinous activity and subsequently bring it forward, certainly theconclusion of a factual finding is to disempower the perpetrator. In thesecases the investigators are much appreciated and congratulated by thedevotees--their activity is not considered to have been disharmonious, isit?--even though the perpetrators are practitioners of Krsna consciousness.
Another kind of child abuse is enacted by women who irresponsiblydivorce their God-given spouses for their own selfish purposes. More andmore, amongst intelligent and serious ghrastas, awareness is increasing thatmothers who shamelessly and selfishly break the sacred marriage vowconstitute another class of child abusers.
Actually the GHQ members' harmonious collaborations wereprimarily for addressing such social anomalies as divorce/remarriage,irresponsibility of spouses, and moral integrity of leaders. In thatregard, it was sometimes necessary to note and discuss certain unsavoryfacts. Such discussions have now escalated since the expose and arespecifically featured on "Dharma of Men and Women" (COM) conference and thenew website "Dharma-kshetra" (GHQD.ORG).
Mother Prtha has predicted that an attitude of "Right or wrong, myhusband is always right" would be the undesirable result of a socialconstruction wherein male superiority is the accepted norm. She notes thatwomen have already tried to apply this rule but that it didn't work. Yet oursimple understanding is that so many things have not yet worked in ourattempts to spread and establish Krsna consiousness; but the fault liesnot in the principles, rather in the neglect or misapplication of theprinciples. Failure in the institution of gurukula, in methods ofbook distribution, in the post of guru, or in family life, etc. is caused not by faulty principles, but by our misunderstandings and misbehaviors.
Mother Prtha has kindly reminded us that we must focus not only onSrila Prabhupada's books but also on his lectures, letters, and personalinstructions. Here are a few samples from those sources with regard to thesuperior role of the husband:
1) "That I already explained. Woman's position is subordinate to man."(TV interview, Chicago, 7-9-75) 2) "Chaste woman means she is meant for her husband." (Lecture, SB 2.30.20-1,LA, 6/17/72) 3) "Woman is to follow the husband. That's all. The husband will giveinstruction to the wife. (SB 1.13.13, LA, 9/18/72)
Mother Prtha has stated that devotee women want to follow SrilaPrabhupada. That is wonderful. Therefore they ought to imbibe theinstructions above and below:
1) "There is no question of divorce or separation....there is no question ofseparation or divorce." (Initiation/Wedding Lecture, Boston, 1968) 2) "So there is no question of divorce. There is no question of separation(Initiation/Wedding Lecture, 1969) 3) "Once married, there is no question of divorce or separation....We don'tallow any divorce and separation." (Initiation/Wedding Lecture, 1972)
No doubt, in many cases the issue of woman's role as subordinate ismotivated by male ego and desire for exploitation of the female. But theconverse is equally true, isn't it? Conditioned souls in female bodiessimilarly desire sense gratification and exploitation, albeitmanifest differently from men. Certainly it is both incomplete andunfair to give inordinate stress to the failings of husbands and therebyconclude that "Women have tried, It didn't work." There is no shortage ofcases wherein the opposite has been true: the husband tried, but the womanwas unchaste.
Mother Prtha has also expressed that "If the GHQ sincerely careabout women and child protection, they need to consider the effect of our[negative] preaching on them." I respectfully maintain that preaching basedwholly on Srila Prabhupada's teachings is postive. Don't all of us havepractical experience that medicine is not usually palatable or pleasingto our senses? Similarly, in our diseased social body of ISKCON, it shouldbe no wonder if some of us--men, women, youth, and children--find themedicine to be at all bitter. Let's not decry that very medicine whichwill cure the disease, but let us somehow garner the faith and discipline toregularly take our prescribed doses, even if bitter-tasting.
Regarding the Manu-samhita, Mother Prtha has quoted SrilaPrabhupada: "So if you try to follow the Manu-samhita then you will become amleccha and yavana and your career will be finished." But there need be noconfusion in this regard. How vast are the Manu-samhita and *dharma-sastras*and how detailed? These are the lawbooks for mankind. As the common devoteecannot comprehend and assimilate even the secular laws of his own land, withall its details and intracies, then how much more this is so of Manu-samhita. Nevertheless, Srila Prabhupada has given us the challenge andmission to reintroduce the principles into society:
1) "The Manu-samhita is the standard lawbook for humanity, and every humanbeing is advised to follow this great book of social knowledge." (SB 2.1.36) 2) "The law given by Manu is so perfect that it can be applicable for alltime." (SSR 6) 3) "The conclusion is that if we want real peace and order in the humansociety, we must follow the principles laid down by the Manu-samhit andconfirmed by the Supreme Personality of Godhead, Krsna."
And further, Srila Prabhupada repeatedly cites Manu-samhita aspramana for his statements on woman's position:
1) "Now, in the Manu-samhita it is clearly stated that a woman should not begiven freedom." (Bg 16.7, purport) 2) "Just like in Manu-samhita it is said that nasyam svatantryamarhati--woman should not be given independence. Once said, that is fact."(Conversation, New Delhi, 11/14/75) 3) "In Manu-samhita it is clearly said, na stri svantantryam arhati. Womancannot be given independence." (SB Lecture, LA 5/19/72)
With regard to polygamy, Mother Prtha wrote: "It did not work. Heended it. That's that." But not exactly. Anyone interested to read acomprehensive compilation of Srila Prabhupada's words on this topic canvisit: kgrafx> It may be that today nary a man isqualified to maintain more than one wife, but Srila Prabhhupada hasrepeatedly explained that polygamy is necessary for complete and thoroughprotection of the women of any society.
Mother Prtha also stated: "When Srila Prabhupada speaks of the loweror inferior position of women, he is speaking of varnasrama-dharma socialorder in a Vedic system, not transcendental Krsna consciousness, which hasentirely different instructions." But below is a sample of how SrilaPrabhupada equates Vedic culture with transcendental Krsna consciousness:
1)"Another name of Vedic culture is sanatana-dharma." (Lecture, Bombay,11-2-70) 2)"So this culture, Krsna consciousness, Vedic culture....It istherefore called sanatana, eternal." (Conversation, Moscow, 6-22-71)
And in "My Glorious Master," Bhurijana Prabhu recounts an incidentwherein his good wife, Mother Jagattarini, after hearing Srila Prabhupadaglorify the womanly role in Vedic culture, had replied, "But I've not beenbrought up in that culture." To which Srila Prabhupada explained," But if something is good youshould accept it. I know in your Western countries the ideas are different,but we have to pick up the best." (MGM, 336)
"Srila Prabhupada did not come here to teach us to be Vedic, but toteach us to be Krsna conscious," said Mother Prtha. But Srila Prabhupada hassaid:
1) "So our Krishna consciousness movement is meant to revive the Vedicculture. (Lecture, Bombay, 11-2-70) 2) "Therefore the Krsna consciousness movement...has been inaugurated torevive brahminical culture..." Why did Srila Prabhupada give women brahman initiation? He himselfhas explained:
"So rajas, tamas, generally that is the quality of woman. And man can become[sic] to the platform of goodness. Therefore, initiation, brahminicalsymbolic representation is given to the man, not to the woman....Man can beelevated to the platform of goodness. Woman cannot be. Woman cannot be.Therefore, if the husband is nice and the woman follows, woman becomesfaithful and chaste to the husband, then their both life becomessuccessful." (Lecture, SB 1.3.17, LA, 9-22-72)
Apparently, women are not allowed to wear the sacred thread becauseit is the symbolic representation of the *dvija*, one who has come to theplatform of goodness. Since woman cannot come to this platformindependently, even though engaged in sadhana-bhakti, she is not allowedto don the sacred thread. Not wanting to disturb the sensibilites of hisearly neophyte female disciples--products of this perverted, godless,American anti-culture--Srila Prabhupada charmingly explained his not givingwomen the sacred thread thus:
1) If their husband is a brahamana, she automatically becomes brahmana,because wife is considered to be the half, better half....(laughter) Sobetter brahamana does not require thread. (ref. above)
Mother Prtha rightly asserts that a man does not lose his manhoodby accepting women as equal, nor is it necessary for a woman to become likea man in order to actually be equal ("You are the same in Krsna's eyes."). She says "They are different, yes, but still equal." This of course is thetranscendental, absolute truth. Souls within all material bodies are equalin quality. Still, we must be careful not to extrapolate and propagatematerial equality in the name of spiritual equality. As I have proferred inmy "Defense of Danavir Goswami" on CHAKRA, even considering materially,woman is not inferior to man ("inferior" meaning: of lesser importance,value, or merit); but also considering materially, woman is indeed inferiorto man ("inferior" meaning: lesser in rank; subordinate). In the course ofcultivating the proper sense of value and respect for our woman class--whichis of prime necessity for civilized society--if we try to artificiallycreate equality of man and woman, the result will be disruption:
"Then there is disruption. There is disruption, social disruption. If thewoman does not become subordinate to man, then there is social disruption.Therefore in the Western countries there are so many divorce cases becausethe woman does not agree to become subordinate to man. That is the cause."(TV interview, Chicago, 7-9-75)
Mother Prtha concludes by saying: "It will be hard for those whohave spent one-half a lifetime believing they are superior to admit theymade a mistake."
But not so difficult for those who properly study and apply theteachings of Srila Prabhupada. For while cultivating the mood of servitorto all, hence inferior, still a Krsna conscious man will not artificiallyrelinquish his God-given superior position as maintainer and guide fordependent wives, children, and other subordinates. That would be a foolishmistake. Neither though, need he make the opposite mistake: falselythinking that his material position of superiority is tantamount to asuperiority of essential worth, value, or merit.
Right discrimination is certainly a product of self-realization. Thank you very much. I remain endeavoring to become
your servant in service to ISKCON, Guru-Krsna das (HDG)
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