EDITORIAL December 2, 1998 VNN2604 See Related VNN Stories Drop The Bomb and End The War? BY MAYESVARA DASA
EDITORIAL, Dec 2 (VNN) Dear all the assembled devotees, please accept my humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.
I originally suggested that BOTH systems of initiation be formally adopted within ISKCON at the Alachua meetings because it is the obvious solution to the feud that continues to brew and escalate. Since then I have received both support and challenges from both sides. Those who challenge the proposal tend to be the most committed to their own understanding of what Srila Prabhupada wanted. This is as expected. But what is encouraging is how many of the rank and file devotees from both camps have found the idea of both systems a refreshing relief to what otherwise appears to be a dark and uncertain future for ISKCON as we know it.
There are so many intelligent and competent devotees studying every aspect of initiation and "What Srila Prabhupada wanted", and I offer my full respects to all those who are attempting to find the silver bullet that will resolve the crisis in a civilized and brahminical way. But as of yet there is not agreement and there doesn't appear to be any agreement forthcoming very soon.
As for myself I am not so qualified to speak on the terms diksa, RtVik shiksa etc. I am personally attracted the term "Officiating acarya", because it sounds like a sort of "power of attorney". The question then becomes who is the priest doing the initiation on behalf of? Himself? His immediate Spiritual master. or the whole lineage of spiritual masters back to Krishna Himself? Frankly at this point I find all the arguing, debates, and rebuttals about the formalities of initiation counter productive. Krishna is more attracted to the purity of one's heart and the service one offers freely then all this philosophical badminton.
As far as I am concerned whatever name someone wants to put on the priest who does the initiation is really irrelevant to the bigger issues like what is going on within the heart of the aspiring devotee. Ultimately even Srila Prabhupada's instructions are of no value to me if I can't integrate them into my being and live them. To talk the talk is one thing, to walk the walk is something far more difficult. That is our challenge because we are the ones he entrusted to carry out his work. Each of us have excelled in some respects to his following his instructions and failed miserably in other respects. That is our nature. That is our position.
By the preaching work I have done in Ojai I realized that the bottom line to devotional service is really very simple and is summarized in two basic instructions. There is one each in the category of what one should and one should not do. If one can adhere to these two guidelines progress back to Godhead will continue to move forward. Failure to maintain these two bottom line principals has serious consequences on the development of love between the aspiring devotee and Krishna.
The first principal is One SHOULD always try to do some service to the Spiritual Master. Even if it is as simple as thinking kind thoughts about Krishna Consciousness then that qualifies as a legitimate service. But do something positive. Satswarupa gives a wonderful example of how Srila Prabhupada had a discretionary eye for seeing the service one does in the Lilamrita. In the early days on 2nd avenue a street urchin came into the temple while Srila Prabhupada was lecturing and he placed a roll of toilet paper on the alter and then left. At first the devotees were appalled, but Srila Prabhupada corrected their understanding by acknowledging the gentleman for offering the paper to Krishna. He saw the service.
The Second principal is: One SHOULD NOT commit Vaishnava Aparada! Otherwise known as the mad elephant offense. Srila Prabhupada stressed this point numerous times and repeatedly warned us of the consequences of violating this essential instruction. But despite all the warnings it continues to goes on recklessly. If we look closely we will see that these two things were the bottom line in how Srila Prabhupada dealt with us, especially in the beginning. He was extremely lenient about almost anything and forgave devotees for all sorts of nonsense and stupid things, but he would not tolerate devotees insulting each other. He also would not tolerate sleeping in the ashram. Yes there are so many other rules, guidelines, and standards of behavior extending ultimately to the fully realized platform of Uttama Adhikari and the 64 Qualities of a devotee, but for the majority of us it seems like simply doing these two things well is hard enough.
As for myself I have little to show for my devotional career and because of that there is legitimate reason for many to consider my realizations not very meaningful . But none-the-less I feel compelled to speak out strongly specifically about the issue of Vaishnava Aparada. What I observe all too often are devotees who should know better but literally blast away at the service that has been done by others. This tendency crosses all boundaries from dunda, to pot-washer, back to the vyasasan. Have we lost all sight of the essential most instruction that nobody disputes? Respect for the devotees of the Lord is clearly the corner stone for any advancement in Krishna Consciousness according to ALL the great acaryas and yet we toss it aside as soon as there is some disagreement! We chant "tranad-api-sunichena," and offer dundabats, but how many really live that respect and humiliy so it is evident in all our dealings?
The idea of establishing BOTH systems in ISKCON is the only logical solution we have if we are to follow the prevailing instruction not to commit Vaishnava Aparada. The concept of BOTH systems (INSERT) is based on honoring the realizations of great devotees who are dutifully committed to each of their respective camps as directed to them by paramatma. If we insist on resolving our differences by dividing every time there is a dispute, then what will be left of the core institution? This solution is clearly disapproved of by Srila Prabhupada as indicated by the closing quote to this paper.
So my involvement in the Guru/RtVik crisis issue is to enroll intelligent devotees into campaigning for BOTH systems to be adopted into ISKCON with peaceful co-existence under one institutional umbrella. It's not an absure idea as the extreamist contend. It's possible if enought intelligent devotees stand for it.
Recently the BBT case was settled. After several million dollars of legal threatening, a lot of ugly name calling, and tremendous energy wasted fighting about this issue it is now finally over. Ironically we find in the public statement that was just released regarding the settlement the opening statement says:
BBT Legal Case Ends Devotees settle their differences and pledge cooperation
"Now all my disciples must work combinedly and with cooperation to spread this Sankirtan Movement. If you cannot work together then my work is stopped up. Our Society is like one big family and our relationships should be based on love and trust. We must give up the fighting spirit and use our intelligence to push ahead." (Letter from Srila Prabhupada to Upendra Prabhu, dated 6 August 1970)
This appears to be Krishna's way of giving us a clear model to follow for moving through all these sensitive issues. There is no reason why both systems can not co-exist within ISKCON if enough mature devotees, with genuine leadership skills, stretch their thinking to adopt it. If we "...cannot work together then (Srila Prabhupadas') work is stopped!" In several other places Srila Prabhupada clearly BEGS his disciples to stop the fighting because he knows it WILL DESTROY EVERYTHING! Will we follow that UNDISPUTED instruction or keep growling at each other like two dogs fighting for the same cloth?
So I have been appealing for the obvious solution. BOTH systems! It is not a rewarding task in the sense that those who feel very strongly about either system are not real happy about making any concessions and see me as a sort of nuisance. I consider this to be symptomatic of the fact that adopting BOTH systems will require that everyone must then really give each other the type of respect and honor we have forgotten to practice.
"ALL these devotees are undoubatably Magnamious souls...Bg, 7.18" That includes the various players on ALL sides of the free-for-all court. Priests, Temple Presidents, RtViks, Gurus, Life Members, Pada's, Congregation, Disciples, Prabhupadanugas, even new students etc. Those who truly want to see ISKCON prosper, have nothing to fear because if one of the two systems is more effective, more legitimate, sanctioned, blessed or appropriate then it will automatically rise to the surface in due course of time. If they both prosper then all the better! Why would anyone be upset about anything if ISKCON flourishes as a result of incorporating both systems?
Sadly, it does appear that those who could put an immediate end to the dispute, by accommodating both systems, seem to be adamant about not doing so. That leaves the devotees who are committed to an Alternative Initiation Method (AIM) with only so many choices:
1) Abandon their personal convictions. (Who is ready to do that about any personal conviction?)
2) Go away and abandon IKSCON. (This is not an option for those who feel it is their duty to reform ISKCON so it better represent the desires and mission of Srila Prahbupada as THEY understand it.
3) Keep presenting the RtVik philosophy and infiltrating the ISKCON ranks until enough devotees are persuaded to either integrate (INSERT), both systems into ISKCON or completely REPLACE the existing initiation system with the RtVik alternative.
Mathematically is seems that the RtVik proponents will eventually prevail unless ISKCON can attract more new members faster then the organization burns them out. Once having looked on the face of Govinda, devotees do not just go back to mundane activities. They look for alternatives and there are plenty of RtVik people standing just outside the temple door to attract their attention when they start looking. So change is inevitable. the question is how long will it take and at what cost. The decision makers can step up to the real challenge of leadership and take on the task, or they will be handled by Krishna in the form of his personification as time.
It took 18 months to resolve the BBT case. Krishna only knows just how much money and effort was diverted from preaching as a result of it but it seems evident now that it could have all been avoided if the disputing parties were more Krishna Consciousness right from the get go. Now we have this big press release stating something which is nice to have confirmed in writing, but it begs the question of why we ever lost the cooperative spirit in the first place?
The initiation issue is now the big cannon on the horizon. Here in LA there are forces in action to bring solidarity among devotees who are fed up with being sold a bill of materials in the name of the "Absolute Truth." It is good that we stay accountable to each other, and push for higher levels of integrity among ourselves, but it must be done with great caution. "He who is without sin may cast the first stone". Whoever volunteers is disqualified to lead Vaishnavas. We have no idea who these great souls are that have come to assist Srila Prabhupada change the course of history. Care should be there regarding what is said about ANY devotee who did ANYTHING to help push this great movement forward.
After reading about the BBT settlement I realized that the end result is actually very good because it at least claims to have restored some form of cooperation, albeit perhaps under the Sword of Damocles. Sometimes force is required when persuasion fails. Which raises the question of whether it might not be more expedient for the RtVik proponents to just stop messing around and sue ISKCON for not following Srila Prabhupada's instructions if they feel that strongly about it! Admittedly I am very reluctant to advocate something as radical especially because considering my whole position is based on honor and respect. But Albert Einstein was very reluctant to join the efforts in making the atomic bomb yet he did so after considering the alternative, which was to stand by and watch so many give their lives in a long drawn out war that appeared to have no end. Shortley thereafter, because he assisted, the war came to a quick end and thousands of American lives were spared.
So in that mood I could see some value in this approach to force the issue. If appropriate legal forces can establish adequate cause to do so, perhaps a lawsuit would be the quickest way to put the Guru/RtVik battle to rest and spare the spiritual lives of countless victims that will go down in the battle that continues to unfold with no end? This is really a choice based on the lesser of two evils.
Then, after a lot of expense, effort, offenses, and casualties, we can write up a press release proclaiming what our leadership shold know now but simly wouldn't do. At least then we can get back to the business of spreading Krishna Consciousness cooperatively. The stick is the method of persuasion for the sutra. At the risk of being criticized for commiting the very offence I rally against I will even suggest, (generically) that it also works well on a bunch of snotty arrogant bratty little children- if in fact that is what we are dealing with as so many others have claimed. With apologies I appeal to paramatma within those who think that such a shoe might just fit them and request that they wear it, and all the consequences it brings. Live your convictions until it proves to be true and victorious or until it makes you sick. If you don't like the way it looks, feels, or fits then take it off and try walking in the chapalas of the acaryas.
Srila Prabhupada trained us up to be Brahmins. Real Brahmins are persuaded by philosophical discussion not sticks like the sudras. So if we can not philosophically resolve the initiation minutia regarding the Guru RtVik issue, then let use resolve our differences by focusing on something that is not in dispute. That is to actually start relating to each other as saintly personalities- even if one might have committed an abominable act! (Bg. 9.30) That is Krishna's advice. It is our glory to follow if we do so, and our foolishness if we insist on ignoring this clear instruction.
So seeing each other as saintly personalities begins with honoring the realizations of ALL the sadhus. In light of the fact that neither side appears to be conceeding their positon this will only be achieved when BOTH systems have been integrated harmoniously and equally into ISKCON. Then we can all perform together in this great concert for the benefit of the entire universe! Philosophically there can be no argument because Srila Prabhupada gave so many instructions directing us not to Destroy everything by fighting. Nobody can hair split that type of directive down the drain without going directly against the wishes of His Divind Grace. If that is not enough in itself one should consider the alternative which he also spelled out.
Letter to Kirtanananda, Bombay, October 18, 1973
"Material nature means dissension and disagreement, especially in this Kali yuga. But, for this Krsna consciousness movement its success will depend on agreement, even though there are varieties of engagements. . In the material world there are varieties, but there is no agreement. In the spiritual world there are varieties, but there is agreement. That is the difference. The materialist without being able to adjust the varieties and the disagreements makes everything zero. They cannot come into agreement with varieties, but if we keep Krsna in the center, then there will be agreement in varieties. This is called unity in diversity. I am therefore suggesting that all our men meet in Mayapur every year during the birth anniversary of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu. With all GBC and senior men present we should discuss how to make unity in diversity. But, if we fight on account of diversity, then it is simply the material platform. Please try to maintain the philosophy of unity in diversity. That will make our movement successful. One section of men have already gone out, therefore we must be very careful to maintain unity in diversity, and remember the story in Aesop's Fables of the father of many children with the bundle of sticks. When the father asked his children to break the bundle of sticks wrapped in a bag, none of them could do it. But, when they removed the sticks from the bag, and tried one by one, the sticks were easily broken. So this is the strength in unity. If we are bunched up, we can never be broken, but when divided, then we can become broken very easily.
Requesting forgiveness for any offenses I may have committed, and begging for the ongoing association of Krishnas devotees I remain your servant,
Mayesvara dasa AKA: William G. Roberts MBA/IS, CDP 686 Villanova Road Ojai, California 93023 United States Of America (805) 640-0405 Home (805) 228-0736 Office e-mail: Roberts_Bill@phdnswc.nswses.navy.mil
Author of: Guru ISKCON Crisis.
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