EDITORIAL November 25, 1998 VNN2555 See Related VNN Stories Gurus, Wives And Equal Rights BY JIVAN MUKTA DASA
EDITORIAL, Nov 25 (VNN) I thank "half-wit" Prabhu for this opportunity to present our socialconcerns to the world-wide community of devotees. Though (s)he labelledour GHQ conference a conspiracy in the most pejorative sense, it was notunlike many other private conferences on COM. It remains to be seen whetherour objective is better served by this new format of discussion.
The "Dharma of Men and Women Conference" on COM was originally establishedby myself and my wife, Sita. I encouraged her to start up a forum whichwould provide like-minded devotees, both male and female, a safe andfriendly haven to discuss, and assist each other in understanding thepractical application of Vedic gender ethics presented to us by SrilaPrabhupada.
The conference continues to grow. The discussions are frank, uplifting andenlivening to those seeking encouragement in adhering to dharma. Theconference is a meeting place of like-minded devotees who are eager tounderstand and who seek to apply the eternal cultural principles passeddown to us from time immemorial. Many devotees have witnessed ourdiscussions on COM and many have lent their encouragement, support andinput to the DMW Conference. In the future we hope to produce resourcesfor those interested in applying Prabhupada's teaching in their familylife. In fact, Ameyatma Prabhu has already compiled very helpful bookletsin this regard.
The following is an introduction to our conference:
Dear devotees,
Please accept our humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada and hisfollowers.
The conference "Dharma of Women", a private conference on COM, has recentlybeen renamed to "Dharma of Men and Women" <dmw@com.bbt.se>. The followingtopics are discussed in this conference:
1. The concept and culture of responsibility and duty 2. Responsibilities and duties of men towards women in general 3. Responsibilities and duties of women towards men in general 4. Responsibilities and duties of men within families: as husbands, fathers, sons and brothers. 5. Responsibilities and duties of women as wives, mothers, daughters (and sisters. 6. Care for and support of: a) brahmacharinis b) single mothers c) widows d) single fathers 7. Preparing men and women for marriage 8. Preventing divorces
We welcome all men and women who are interested in the above topics to jointhis conference and share their ideas and practical experience on how toimplement the timeless teachings of the Vedas on these topics in our modernday and age. The discussions shall be conducted on the basis of SrilaPrabhupada, Sadhu and Sastra.
Your humble servants,
Basu Ghosh das Krishna Kirti das Jivan Mukta das (btb@georgian.net) Sita devi dasi (btb@georgian.net) (Conference Organizers)
My opposition to feminism is no secret. That I regard the IWM (ISKCONWomen's Ministry) to be a lightening rod of feminist discontent is also nosecret nor is the fact that I regard the IWM and their goal of equality inleadership an aberration and an embarrassment to Srila Prabhupada and ourentire disciplic succession.
Here are a few of Prabhupada's comments on equal rights:
i. The equal rights movement is a means by which men cheat the women.(SSR 1) ii. Where is the benefit of equal rights? (July 9, 1975, Chicago) iii. Equal rights is claimed by rascal Westerners (Sept 25, 1975, Ahmedabad) iv. By equal rights women are killing their own child (Vrindaban 9 Sept, 1975) v. I am not trying for equal rights. (TV Interview July 9, 1975, Chicago) vi. Rascals give equal rights.(Morning Walk June 27, 1975, Los Angeles) vii. If you want equal rights then stop giving birth to a child.(May 8'75 Perth) viii. Why you are accepting this nonsense philosophy.(May 29, 1974, Rome) ix. Equal rights is rascaldom philosophy (Morning Walk May 29, 1974, Rome) x. This equal rights philosophy is very appealing (to) fools and rascal. xi. There cannot be equality sir. You are talking nonsense.( May 29, 1974, Rome) xii. Regardless of attempts for equality, unequality there must remain. xiii. You cannot make equality (Morning Walk May 29, 1974, Rome) xiv. It is not possible (Morning Walk May 29, 1974, Rome) xv. Equal rights is nonsense. (Morning Walk May 29, 1974, Rome) xvi. Equal rights will not help the human society. (DS - Skinner and Thoreau) xvii. Equal rights is an artificial introduction to human society(DS - Russell) xviii. Equal rights is very grave problems(SB 1.16.7 LA, January 4, 1974) xix. Equal rights is not Vedic idea(SB 1.8.51 LA, May 13, 1973) xx. That is not Vedic civilization (SB 7.9.24 Mayapur, March 2, 1976) xxi. Do not artificially try to become equal with men. xxii. Equal rights is not allowed in the Vedic sastra.(BG 16.7 Hawaii Feb 3, 75) xxiii. How she can be happy? That is not possible.(Ahmedabad, December 8, 1972) xxiv. It will be failure. (Arrival Lecture Philadelphia, July 11, 1975) xxv. Equal rights is impossible. (CC. Adi 17.44) xxvi. It is the demoniac puffed up concept of wonamly life. (BG 16.7)
Now for those who object to the term feminist, I ask one question: Whatexactly is the difference between the occupational freedom and indepedencedemanded by some members in ISKCON and the non-devotee feminist platform ofoccupational equal rights? I have come to the conclusion that there isnone.
It was also no secret that I felt the IWM's concerns should be dealt withby the Grhastha Ministry and managed by grhastha men. So, although theconspiratorial label lends some drama, suspense and humour to this issue,it still unfortunately tends to generate hysteria amongst some innocent menand women. Ultimately, shastra and not public opinion determines the truth.
I continue to perceive a disturbing inconsistency with GBC policy regardingthe imperatives of sastra and tradition. While insisting upon a rigid anduncompromising application of sastra and tradition with respect to the gurustatus, initiations, guru-disciple etiquette etc., the GBC unhesitatinglyoverhauls and tampers with the sastric principles of male authority overwomen. The regrettable impression this leaves upon us is that while the GBCconsiders the authority of gurus absolute and sacrosanct, they knowingly orunknowingly undermine the authority of men over their wives, mothers anddaughters.
To more clearly illustrate my point, I will use Danavir Maharaja's rebuttalto "The Humble Guru" as a sample of the typical arguments used by the GBCto support the diksha-guru status quo. I mean no disrespect to DanavirMaharaja who has publicly denounced this artificial concept of women'sequal rights. I also understand that he is not a GBC. His statements (inquotation marks) nevertheless represent the gist of the GBC's position.
1."Proponents of "The Humble Guru" place their own ideas at the center,moving His Divine Grace's to the side. More alarming is that this is alldone in the name of Srila Prabhupada just as some politicians who useBhagavad-gita to expound their own imaginative philosophies."
The GBC should be issuing a parallel statement: The feminists are "placingtheir ideas at the center, moving His Divine Grace's to the side. Morealarming is that this is all done in the name of Srila Prabhupada just assome politicians who use Bhagavad-gita to expound their own imaginativephilosophies"?
I have yet to hear an official GBC response against the deviant philosophythe IWM has developed and promoted as an official ISKCON Ministry. In fact,a surprising number of GBC members support their objectives.
2. "In the beginning some devotees liked Srila Prabhupada's teachings butbecause of their strong inclination toward sense gratification and Mayavaditendency, they now reject them in favour of their own imaginative theories,such as ritvik, reiki, three regulative principles, etc, etc."
Why don't out leaders include feminism in this list of deviations? Likewisethough devotees of both genders liked Srila Prabhupada's teachings,"because of their strong inclination toward sense gratification andMayavadi tendency, they now reject them in favour of their own imaginativetheories, such as feminism"
3. "Srila Prabhupada and the disciplic succession have prescribedprinciples meant to guide society perpetually. They do not give us somequick medicine to last twenty years and then be rejected by modern-thinkingdisciples and grand disciples. To the extent to which we follow Vedicteachings, they work and if we reject them then it will create havoc."
I have yet to see a GBC policy which states that, irrespective of all thefaults attributed to men which resulted in direct or indirect abuse, "SrilaPrabhupada and the disciplic succession have prescribed principles meant toguide society perpetually. They do not give us some quick medicine to lasttwenty years to be rejected by modern-thinking" wives, mothers anddaughters. "To the extent to which we follow Vedic teachings, they work andif we reject them then it will create havoc".
Are certain principles that stem from the disciplic succession, like theprocess of initiation, perpetually relevant while others, like maleauthority, are not? Do we not create havoc in society by rejecting theVedic teachings of male/female relathionships?
4. "'The Humble Guru' accuses ISKCON of 'institutionalizing exploitation'because some diksa gurus may fall from the pure standard of devotionalservice. This is unreasonable. ISKCON cannot insure that a living entity,even one acting in the capacity of a guru, will not misuse his free will.The most important duty of ISKCON is, indeed, to insure that the Vedicteachings, as received through His Divine Grace A.C. Bhaktivedanta SwamiPrabhupada, are preserved intact."
I have yet to hear this argument expanded to included the fallibility ofhusbands and the unrealistic expectations placed upon them by many wives:The IWM accuses ISKCON men of "institutionalizing exploitation" becausesome men may have fallen from the pure and ideal standard of devotionalservice. This is unreasonable. ISKCON cannot insure that a living entity,even one acting in the capacity of a husband, will not misuse his freewill. The most important duty of ISKCON is, indeed, to insure that theVedic teachings, as received through His Divine Grace A.C. BhaktivedantaSwami Prabhupada, are preserved intact.
5. "By minimizing the importance of the guru in the life of the disciple,one demeans Vedic culture."
I have yet to hear the GBC state that "by minimizing the importance of thehusband, father and son in the life of a woman, one demeans Vedic culture".
6. "Thus, the supporters of ritvik philosophy, or something similar, like"The Humble Guru," actually propose the greatest "institutionalexploitation" by urging ISKCON to misrepresent Srila Prabhupada'steachings."
Has anyone heard this protest from the GBC: "Thus, the supporters offeminist philosophy, or something similar, actually propose the greatest"institutional exploitation" by urging ISKCON to misrepresent SrilaPrabhupada's teachings".
7. "The conclusion is that to become a pure devotee requires complete faithin both the guru and Krsna. Sadly, some disciples are unable to accept thisand instead of trying to advance further, they prefer to change the Vedicsystem of guru parampara."
When will we hear the GBC conclude that: "to become a chaste wife requirescomplete faith in both the husband and Krsna. Sadly, some wives are unableto accept this and instead of trying to advance further, they prefer tochange the Vedic system of stri dharma.
8. "Rather than pull down the guru, better we rise up to the standardexpected by our founder-acarya, to become humble disciples."
Who has ever heard any GBC say "Rather than pull down the husbands and men,better we encourage and train them to rise up to the standard expected byour founder-acarya, to become responsible men.
9. "In my opinion, it is time for members of ISKCON to decide, asDrutakarma Prabhu has suggested, which boat they prefer to sit in.Attempting to fashion ISKCON into a hodgepodge shop where everyone canlive-so-called peacefully tolerating scores of nonsense philosophies, isnot what Srila Prabhupada had in mind."
Has such an ultimatum ever been issued to feminists? Have they ever beentold to decide which boat they prefer to sit in?
>From the posting of some of Harikesa dasa's disciples, this type ofimbalanced attitude among the GBC and gurus within ISKCON is a very sadreality that has and continues to destroy many marriages and families. Thepolicies of the IWM, supported by the GBC, ultimately result in subvertinga man's authority over his wife. These policies are profoundly abusive towomen because they encourage women to remove themselves from being underthe divinely-ordained authority of their husbands, fathers and sons. Thesepolicies which ultimately result in divorce are also extremely abusive tothe children because they are forced to endure and live with the life-longscars of a broken family. Any policy which seeks to release a woman fromher authority in the name of independence, freedom, equality or empowermentis socially disruptive. It is an irrelgious symptom of our nasty westernconditioning. In the BG 16.7 and throughout his teachings, Srila Prabhupadadescribes these policies as symptoms of the demoniac "puffed up concept ofwomanly life".
All the devotees on the GHQ conference share one very grave concern. Weare concerned that those who should be spearheading and leading us on thisvedic cultural revolution and revival are instead succumbing to thedarkness of western, immoral, social expressions. The GHQ members share acommon objective. We seek to implore the GBC and all ISKCON devotees totake up their responsibilities in establishing eternal vedic morality byunderstanding and accepting it as an essential component of the preachingmission of the Hare Krsna Movement. Prabhupada was uncompromising in hisdetermination to establish eternal vedic ideals. Prabhupada said "Wecannot be forced to follow the standards of the mlecchas and yavanas". Weimplore the GBC to adopt this same uncompromising committment to uphold andprotect sanatana-dharma. Otherwise, as Prabhupada says, we will "waterdown the process until it becomes unrecognizable and useless".(Letter toJayatirtha on January 20, 1976)
Prabhupada appealed to Madhukara (Bombay 4 January, 1973 ) that he not makea mockery of the varnasrama system by whimsically disrupting its order. Hewas concerned about that which continues to plague our society to this veryday: divorce and remarriage. A serious examination must be conducted todetermine the short term and long term effects of current and proposedsocial policies within ISKCON. We cannot become more religious byintroducing irrelgious policies. We cannot reach the highest moral andspiritual standards when we adopt the standards of those who are on thehighway to hell. It goes without saying that the GBC's raison d'etre is touphold the highest spiritual and moral standards. Those highest standardsare those ideals expressed through the eternal Vedic culture.
There are now two groups of devotees; those recruited from westernnon-vedic culture and those conceived within this reflection of vedicculture (Iskcon or India). How we deal with these two groups of individualscan be very different indeed. Prabhupada introduced policies thatconsidered those from the first group. Those are all the exceptionalmodifications and so-called compromises we always throw out to show howPrabhupada was not interested in reviving Vedic culture. Yet we forget tostudy the directions he gave us for those devotees that now comprise thesecond group; our children. When you review all the references regardinghow he wanted us to educate, train, marry, occupy and guide our childrenthroughout their lives, you will see how both systems are necessary andeasily reconcilable.
A young girl raised in a strict devotee family is so much more culturallyadvanced than the other group of recruits. Such a chaste young lady feelscompletely comfortable, satisfied and safe in her vedic social role. Why?Because she carries no emotional, social and intellectual baggage. She isthat much closer to living that ideal vedic cultural life. This of coursedepends upon the training she received. The same applies to our young men.If they have not turned out this way, then there is no one to blame butourselves. We have failed them by denying them that cultural training.
Our daughters aren't like the first wave of women who joined ISKCON. Thesedaughters, unlike these first women, don't have multiple boyfriends, hangout with the guys or become contaminated by feminist ideology. Theyhaven't been bewildered by deviant religious, philosohphical concepts andspeculations. They haven't been intoxicated etc. etc. The cultural rawmaterial they represent is very different from the survivors of the westernslaughterhouse. Therefore, Prabhupada's example of how he dealt with theculturally handicapped sometimes seems to conflict with his instructions onhow he wanted us to train our youth. Both are relevant and both must beimplemented. In minimizing ISKCON's cultural objective, we betray amisunderstanding of our childrens' role in expanding and reviving theeternal culture of India.
Regarding the use of the word prostitute, I cite a purport from SB 7.11.28wherein Srila Prabhupada states:
"If her husband is fallen, it is recommended that she give up hisassociation. Giving up the association of her husband does not mean,however, that a woman should marry again and thus indulge in prostitution.If a chaste woman unfortunately marries a husband who is fallen, she shouldlive separately from him."
Based on this purport, shall we adopt the position that a vaisnavi thatremarries is not a prostitute? Shall we adopt a policy that states thatonly after 2 or 3 or 4 remarriages a vaisnavi shall be considered aprostitute? Is a vaisnavi who is not yet divorced but already has aboyfriend in waiting a prostitute? Can a vaisnavi do anything and remainfree of ever being considered a prostitute? Is being a vaisnavi such acheap thing?
We must remember that Prabhupada considered the west spiritually andculturally blind. Vision was the asset of the East or India. The onlyvalue of western civilization was in the material facility it provided forthe spreading Krsna consciousness. Other than that, to accept anydirection from such a blind society can only lead to chaos. To recommendthat devotees model their social policies on the basis of UN Law or anyother ungodly source is at the very least profoundly misguided. Let us baseall our policies on the eternal teachings and ideals of the Vedicliterature. This is what Srila Prabhupada wanted. This the social andspiritual objective of the Krsna consciousness movement.
Ys. JMd
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