EDITORIAL November 17, 1998 VNN2513 See Related VNN Stories Let Us Cooperate! BY GAURIDASA PANDITA DASA
EDITORIAL, Nov 17 (VNN) An Appeal To Jayapataka Swami
Dear Jaypataka Maharaja, Nov.16, 1998 Please accept my respectful obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada!
I was inspired to write you after reading your interesting report on VNN thismorning about your last meeting with Harikesa Prabhu. I want to thank you fortrying to help in this regard. This is the mood that I saw in His DivineGrace. Whenever he heard that a devotee had left the movement he tried to getthem to come back as far as possible. I am sure Srila Prabhupada is pleasedwith your efforts to help Harikesa Prabhu and I hope you maintain his trustand friendship.
I want to respond to a few of the things you wrote in your report on your lastmeeting with Harikesa Prabhu; specifically points 7, 8, 11, 13, 16, 20, & 22.I hope this is acceptable to you.
[Jayapataka Swami Writes:] from [Text 1851416 COM] Harikesa Meeting Report:
[ 7. ABOUT DISCIPLES: I mentioned how Annapurna dd from Sweden had asked mewhether Harikesa Maharaja still really cares about them since they had offeredhim so much devotional service in love and felt there was a relationship, butnow they didn't know whether it means anything to him. Harikesa Maharaja said that off course he cares about them. I mentioned howhis disciples would like him to come back and be with them in ISKCON. He saidhe wouldn't be a member of an organization anymore. He didn't want to becontrolled by an organization. He didn't want to be controlled. When Imentioned how his disciples have been serving him and loved him. He said hedidn't want to be controlled by love either. He didn't want to be controlledany more. Therefore he was out of the institution. He would try to helpindividuals but he didn't want to be part of any institution. I mentioned howhis disciples loved him and cared about him. He said that they had drained himand depleted his ethereal body and that it was too much for him to sustain.]
Harikesa Prabhu doesn't want to belong to ISKCON as it is today. So manyhundreds maybe thousands of devotees have similar experiences and feelings. That is why Jagadish Prabhu left also; to experience feelings, love andemotion etc..that was/is lacking in ISKCON today.
We need to go to the root of the problem. That is the guru issue. He shouldnot have taken on the position of a diksa guru when he was instructed to be anofficiating acharya or ritvik. If we follow the orders of Srila Prabhupadathese problems could be avoided and spiritual life could become a joy again inthe house where we are all supposed to be able to live. We need therapy. Thatstarts with talking.
United we stand; divided we fall!I hope you live up to your name and help in bringing the victory flag to SrilaPrabhupada's mission.
Harikesa Prabhu is revealing his heart. He admits that he cannot 'sustain' hisinitiates. That's because he was never meant to. Srila Prabhupada can and willtake away that burden, if we let him. I hope all of the devotees take completeshelter of Srila Prabhupada by following his instructions in the books andfrom you and the other devotees.
[ 8. CARING ABOUT DEVOTEES: Harikesa Maharaja preached on how he wants to seethe devotees in ISKCON happy and cared for. How he wants to see things improvein "our society". That there needs to be a lot more of caring and lovingamongst devotees. I mentioned that I had been preaching this for a couple ofyears and he admitted that he appreciated that. That was one reason why he wastalking to me. I also explained to him how we could use his help for expandingthe congregational preaching and he could come back and help with that. Heliked congregational preaching and thought it was a brilliant idea.]
The same plea for personalism here. Why are so many of the leaders in ISKCONso impersonal? I had an exchange with Jayadvaita Maharaja the other day at theTemple. I was standing there with my children as Jayadvaita Maharaja wastalking to Ram Parashar Prabhu. He was speaking loud enough for everyone inthe area to hear him and when he mentioned Krsnakant and 'holes in thephilosophy' and rascal a few times I felt I had to defend my GodbrotherKrsnakant Prabhu, compiler of "The Final Order". I asked Jayadvaita Maharajato kindly explain the 'holes' he was referring to. He responded in an angrytone saying that he would not talk to me because I was not humble enough. Isaid all devotees should be humble and treat all devotees respectfully; notjust the Sanyasi's. I thought I was pretty humble.
One of the woman there said that the Brahmacharies were upset with theMaharaja because they had to do his laundry etc. on demand and even iron hisunderwear. Anyway, he continued to talk saying that in the beginning of themovement we all agreed on the philosophy.
I couldn't help asking him at that point, that if we all agreed on thephilosophy and Prabhupada as our guru, as he said, then why does he need tomake so many changes now? He became very upset and walked away and yelled, OKwe'll just make the changes that Gauridasa says!". I responded by saying, notwhat I say, "what Srila Prabhupada says." A few other comments were yelled byJayadvaita Swami as he walked away about going to Pitri loka. My daughterbecame nervous as the 'Swami' lost control and yelled at me. I had to comfort her. This isone reason why it is so hard to make progress on initiation reform. None ofthe leaders, especially the GBC; will discuss this issue openly and honestly.
[11. ABOUT SRILA PRABHUPADA: ...I had prayed to Srila Prabhupada what could Ido for Harikesa Maharaja which would please Srila Prabhupada. It seemed thatSrila Prabhupada wanted me to get him to admit that Srila Prabhupada had noill intention and everything he did was for Harikesa Maharaja best interests.So I asked Harikesa Maharaja what he though Srila Prabhupada's intentionswere. Harikesa Maharaja said that Srila Prabhupada was a pure devotee and hisintentions were the best: "To spread love of Godhead all over the world." Ithought it was nice that he at least admitted that.]
Yes, I agree that was very nice and fortunate for him that he said this. Ihope he continues in this mood. [ 13. ABOUT SANNYASA: Harikesa Maharaja explained how he never wanted to take Sannyas. He gave a history which I don't know if it is true, but it iswhat he says. That Srila Prabhupada preached for him subtly for a week aboutSannyas. Then Harikesa dasa asked Srila Prabhupada for sannyas thinking it iswhat Srila Prabhupada wanted. Harikesa Maharaja told me that Srila Prabhupadaasked him why he wanted to take sannyas. Harikesa Maharaja feels it was somekind of reverse psychology being used. But then Harikesa Maharaja finally saidhe didn't want to take sannyas at the end of the discussion. Then at 2AM TamalKrishna Goswami woke him up and told him Srila Prabhupada wanted to speak tohim. Harikesa dasa went to see Srila Prabhupada and Srila Prabhupada told himhe would give him sannyas.]
Maybe you or someone can get Tamal KG to comment on this one? [ 16. REGARDING RETURNING TO ISKCON: Last time when I met with HarikesaMaharaja he had told me three times that he might come back to ISKCON ifthings were better. I asked about that and why the changes after our meeting.He said that he liked me and that is why he was giving me an interview. Thathe didn't give interviews to others since they didn't deal with him nicely.That he was totally convinced that he could never have anything to do withISKCON after the way that Naresvara das dealt with him. He said that Naresvaradas and Abhirama Das came to see him after I left and told him that he was notgetting the money he asked for. He said initially he was very angry, but thenafter 20 minutes he became detached and didn't care any more. That actuallyhis threats were just a bluff and he told that to Lochan das or someone (can'tremember for sure who he told). That he couldn't do anything against ISKCON.He told me the German detectives wanted him to make a complaint againstISKCON, but he realized they were demons and he didn't do it. He said hecouldn't do anything that would harm ISKCON. I said that in Russia so muchharm had been done to ISKCON. He said he couldn't do anything about that. Thatpeople left ISKCON because they didn't like it.]
I'm glad he does not want to harm ISKCON's public image. We should doeverything possible to resolve our problems together so they don't fall intothe public.Harikesa Prabhu says that he can't help the situation with the Russian publicrelations but I think he can. If he comes out as an officiating acharya, asSrila Prabhupada said and preaches properly about Srila Prabhupada's positionthings will work out well.
[20. LEAVING GERMANY: He told me he was leaving Germany. Eventually he wasstill planning to have a Healing Centre. That he wanted to train devotees todo healing. That devotees had less false ego so they were natural healers.That before someone could come up to Krishna consciousness they first neededto reach the mode of goodness. That all the GBC Rules were of no use. ThatLaws like not to steal and lie were needed to guide people in mode ofgoodness. Once they reached goodness then they could only go higher. Thatdevotees were not even on the platform of goodness so how they could gohigher. He wanted to provide free or as inexpensive as possible training fordevotees to do healing. He would have professionals also to do psychiatricchecks. He said he was able to do healing now but that Monika was morepowerful than he was.]
Harikesa Prahbu's idea to open a healing center is very good. If he comes toLA I can take him to a healing center in the mountains near here and would beglad to work with him or you if you become humble officiating priests forPrabhupada. You will become healthy and happy and have more cooperation fromus your God-brothers and sisters. Together we can do so much more for SrilaPrabhupada and Krsna! I am ready to cooperate with and serve even Tamal K.G.if he tells the truth about Srila Prabhupada's last instructions on theinitiation issue for ISKCON again as he did in Topanga talks of 1980. [22. ADDITIONAL POINTS: Harikesa Maharaj didn't want to take the cake since hethought it might have some drugs in it, but when Nanda Kumar das, mytravelling secretary, told him how good it was he ended up eating one and ahalf pieces of cake with relish. We talked for many hours, maybe four hours intotal. So many things were said. I can't write down everything. I wrote someof the highlights. He said he prayed to Radha Madhava when he was collapsing.He said he wouldn't go back to Mayapur until it was cleaned of all childabuse. He said he wanted to maintain personal relations with devotees, but notto be part of the institution. At the end of the day he seemed happier thanwhen I came. Although I didn't have any breakthroughs or big changes toreport. Many things were confirming the continuing problem and route that hehas been on. Still I felt somewhat happier that I had spent the day with him.It seemed good that he could talk with someone openly in confidence. He said Iwas welcome to come again after he gets settled down wherever he moves to.]
It's too bad devotees are concerned about being poisoned. To not be able toenjoy Prasadam because of a threat of poison is very unfortunate. I hope wecan deal with these matters quickly to avoid future problems.Harikesa's concern for ending any child abuse in Mayapur or anywhere iscommendable. I am on his side here! Our schools are lacking to say the least.What about high school and college level? Our future is with the kids so weneed to improve our schools so even karmis will want to join.
[ He didn't want to say where that was at since he wanted some time in peacebefore he reveals where he is newly situated. Yours in service, Jayapataka Swami]
This report is a 'breakthrough'. I hope you continue to engage in theseactivities.You said it seemed good that he could talk with someone openly in confidence.I would feel the same way. Although I am a 'little' devotee will you grant mea favor. I know you are influential at the highest level of our movement and I want youto sponsor or allow an open meeting on the initiation issue with the GBC assoon as possible. Maybe at the Mayapur 1999 Meeting? Please allow me this onebenediction before I die.
I ask you to allow a GBC meeting on the guru issue in the same format as theone we attended in San Diego in Jan. 1990. Or any format of your choice wouldbe better than nothing as has been the case since 1990. The unanimous decisionof that North American GBC meeting was to have another meeting in Mayapur.That was canceled in 1990 and we really need to address this most importantissue.
This 'Maha-istagosthi' on the ISKCON Guru, is the solution to anymisunderstandings on the issue which is the source of ISKCON's disunity today. The meetings are happening more and more around the world and it's time toanswer the questions of the devotees.
The GBC really need to act positively on this soon. Since Srila Prabhupada asked us from the transcendental core of his heart tocooperate, I ask you to cooperate to communicate nicely and please put ameeting on the 1999 Mayapur GBC Meeting Agenda. Let us cooperate! Devotees all over the world are all concerned and want us to meet and unifythe mission for our ultimate good and the good of the fallen souls. This willplease Sri Sri Guru and Gouranga and all of us. We will all advance if we cansacrifice our egos for Srila Prabhupada. Then we will be truly glorious andcommand the respect we now demand. Please forgive me if I've been too'preachy'. It is not my position as your junior God-brother. I only takeconcern because it is my duty to our spiritual master and you can make adifference. I hope you get this message and kindly respond.
Hoping this meets you well, Your servant, Gauridasa Pandita Dasa
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