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July 31, 2003   VNN8194  

Polish Woodstock


POLAND, Jul 31 (VNN) — Dear Devotees, please accept my most humble obeisances. All glories to Srila Prabhupada.

As many of you know, each summer our Festival of India participates in the Polish Woodstock Festival, which attracts over 400,000 young people.

We erect a large village with many attractions, including a tent the size of a soccer field in which we stage programs 18 hours a day. We distribute close to 100,000 plates of prasadam during the three-day event - more than 38 tons of foodstuffs!

This year we need the help of at least 300 extra devotees from outside the Polish yatra to perform this great yajna.

The festival begins on July 31. As there are no major Vaisnava celebrations at that period, we are hoping some of you may be inspired to join us. We require devotees to work in the kitchen, serve prasadam, do harinam and bhajans, help with security, cleaning and the setting up and breaking down of our village.

If you are interested, or would like more information, please write to Vara-nayaka das at: Vara-nayaka.BVPS@pamho.net

Alternatively, you can telephone Vara-nayaka at: +48.609.458.220

In order to provide proper accommodation we need your reply by July 25.

Your servant,
Indradyumna Swami

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