About The Author
Puru Das AdhikariSpiritual Master(s): His Divine Grace A.C. Bhkativedanta Swami Prabhupada
Year Initiated: l971 Age: 49
Current Residense: Queens Count, New York City
Occupation/Service: Curator of The Bhaktivedanta Memorial Email: purudas@aol.com Affiliations: Gaudiya Vedanta Samhiti Interests: Vaisnava association, siddhanta and seva About the Author:
I first came in contact with devotees, in this life, in l969 and was fortunate to
take harinama and second initiation directly from His Dvine Grace
Srila Prabhupada at the ISKCON temple,formerly located at 439 Henry St
Brooklyn, New York.
I served in ISKCON full time until the 340 West 55th St. building was sold in
l981. I pursed several jobs as a taxi driver and driving instructor for some
15 years as circumstances forced us to seek a seperate living quarter outside
the temple. I am in the grihasta ashram and have three lovely daughters,
Janaki (17), Sudamani (14) and Mallika (7). My wife of 23 years, Jambavati devi
dasi is known to many devotees as "Sita" in the ISKCON version of the
Ramayana, which was filmed on location at the New Vrndavan Community.
I am the siksa disciple of His Divine Grace Srila B.V. Narayan Maharaj.
I was blessed to have His divine associaton on the Vraja Mandala Parikrama,
this year,l998, and also the association of his wonderful disciples at their
temples in Birmingham, and Bristol, UK.
I left ISKCON in April of l998 due tophilosophical differences with its GBC
and other god brothers over 1)guru tattva, 2)jiva tattva and 3)vaisnava aparadha.
I founded the Bhaktivedanta Memorial in l977. The exhibit still is in tact in
the Brooklyn ISKCON temple, but was turned over to a disciple of one of my
god brothers, as I found it impossible to continue my service there. I still
maintain the document archives and safe guard much of His Divine Grace's
personal paraphernalia placed in my hands by the will of Providence.
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